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They look at me and smile
My lips respond without thought
But it does not reach my soul
My meaning is not clear
Why do I smile back?
I don't understand

A sunny day outside
People out and about
Running, walking, playing
Happy as can be
But I don't feel it
How can they be happy
Why can't I feel it too?
I don't understand

A wedding so beautiful and charming
Bride and her maids crying
I sit there bored waiting for it to be over
Everyone else is cheering for them
Ready to celebrate their new life together
How are they crying with happiness?
I don't understand

Why can't I be happy like that?
To not have to make an effort
To be able to feel emotions like them
I don't understand
Hannah f Jul 2014
This life can be so unbearable.
What is the point?
I ask myself that question more than any other.
Ask most this question, you recieve the same response
"To live."
Well, ****.
Maybe I don't want to anymore.
I was never asked, just pulled into this warped reality.
What is the point...

— The End —