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Rajinder Mar 2020
'Love is the only antidote', he said
'I am also on antibiotics', she wrote
on a paper napkin.
'I wanna kiss you love', he whispered.
Looking in his eyes, adjusting her maskĀ 
she slid the Off shoulder, a little more.
Leah Anne Aug 2015
Slam your head on a piece of white paper
Until blank ink spills out of your forehead.
Until the ink forms words, phrases, sentences, prose,
Something that will perfectly justify how it feels like to have swallowed
a rock, a planet, a universe.

Find a friend who tells the truth.
Tell her everything and listen to her as she rips out your soul and crush your heart into grains
While she speak of things you already know but you were too stupid not to believe.
Truth heals another truth,
Let it devour you.

Get a rich old man to like you and spend most of your time thinking of the smartest way to stay away from him.
Channel all your energy to your new found fear and disgust.
New problems patch another problem.
Distraction is the key to stop the living from haunting you.

Force yourself to get out of your bed
the moment you first lift your eyelids to check the time on your phone.
Do not nail yourself in there.
Your bed is one of the most dangerous places at this stage,
It is a VCR for mental flashbacks.
Get yourself out of the dark.
July 29, 2015. 9 pm. Inside a bus on the way home.
Inspired by Audrey Hepburn's movie 'Sabrina'

— The End —