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Mon amie, ma muse
Nue et sincère
Tu cherches l'oiseau rare,
L'âme effervescente aux yeux d'eau noire,
Aux yeux sans visage
De sel, de cendre, de vin
Qui te ressemble
Et qui profusément te rassemble
Entre tumescences et détumescences.

Tu l'appelles Décébale, géant guerrier de pierre,
Tu le pries Gilgamesh, immortel héros mythique,
Tu le couves des yeux Lucifer,
Ange déchu, doux démon
Entre tumescences et détumescences
Tu les synthétises, tu les allaites
Tu les baptises et débaptises
Tu les tatoues
En femelle animale virginale
En chatonne de lynx captive
Un jour Regina, le lendemain Jao, le surlendemain Zoé.

Je l'appelle sublime élan vital,
Entre zénith et nadir, incandescence.
Il se manifeste entre boursouflures,
Dilatations, bascules,
Turgescences, érections, éruptions, bandaisons,
Flux et reflux de sang et de sève,
Marées basses, dégorgements,
Enflures, dégonflements, coulées de lave.

Alors dans cet entre-deux parfait où les eaux
Animales, humaines et divines
Se déversent en impossible amour
Ton masque entre en transe
Et tu nages jusqu'au delta lustral
Des colombes aux abois.
Tu es Dyonissia, tu es Aura, Gradiva,
Annabel Lee, Princesse Brambilla,
Tu es immortelle, tu es Tout-Monde
Entre tumescences et détumescences
Tu renais immortelle.
Cat Fiske Jun 2015
Let this trend please, like it, share it, send it to collections, its Edgar allen poe.

Please watch the more views I get the better chance I have to win the 1500$ prize, or audience choice, I hope I can at least be a finalist and walk away with 200$ because this is one of my favorite poems, and Its Edgar allen poe so this is related enough to share, also If I am the winner audience choice or finalist I will get featured on larger poetry sites, for my video but that can also help with my poems and soon to come movement. So please do me a favor!  

if your into making videos check out because winning prizes are 1000$ or more, and finalist get 200$ so why not even try if you're just getting into the video making thing, you could earn money for equipment and other stuff you may need. its also all about getting people to read again, so they do have poetry challenges for more money because for the obvious reason those are more important than books.
Edgar allen Poe Annabel lee video made for project ed contests
Cat Fiske May 2015
hey so I make videos, and look, you all are smart people so who else should try and make a video for this and maybe win $1500! so I am going to do it, you should to, and if you're a finalist you get 200$ they care more bout the audio. visual is not as important, but I feel all poets should be available to this challenge! again AUDIO IS KEY! read the rules! I am planning on entering so even if you're not going to enter, please comment and give me some ideas bc I got equipment (cameras, mics, video crap) and days to film, and it's a class project/ final for me, and I GOT TO PICK IT, I sometimes like my film class x.x but link below!
Annabel Lee
It was only days ago
In a time of a better me
The strangers lived here, sometime ago
They dwelled inside of me

I was young, and lived rather grand
In the skin that was me
Oh what times we had, them and I, I and them

I and the people inside of me
With our thoughts ever conflicting,
None were covetous of we

Maybe it's been years, not days ago
These people inside of me
Had only first appeared
Without my sanity
So they bound me with ropes,
Those people inside of me
My own body and mind my sepulchre
No longer are we who I used to be.
This was an english project. I tried to do one of my favorite poems justice!
-Instead of a story about a love lost, I put a twist to the famous "Annabel Lee". The story is of a man, who goes through a trauma and because of it, develops multiple personality disorder, who slowly recognizes what's happening and gives in, letting himself be entombed.

— The End —