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Shiv Pratap Pal Jun 2020
When a neck is crushed by someone's knee
He may not be able to breathe
He may even die

It's not always a matter between two
It’s a matter of Justice and Injustice
The Injustice crushes the neck of justice

Crooks say Blacks and Whites always fight
But they are not at all right
It’s a myth created by the haters

Haters injects racism, casteism, religionism
In the breath, mind and blood of everyone
But not everyone are that much fools

When haters are supported by the throne
Then the peoples who are not the fools
They shake the throne with much force

They convey the message in a nice way
They have the power to invert the throne
They have the power to break the throne

Because Blacks and Whites never fight
They recognize each others right
And always support what is right
Will You Support?? Are you ready to support??
It is not in your beauty that I found love;
It is in your love that I see beauty.

And if you care as much,
I would care more.

If you care more,
I would care most.

For this path of ours is not blind,
But truth from love's perspective.

If hate ponders this path of ours,
It shall find nothing of its kind,

But evolve,
Just as we have, in love

Beyond all barriers –the isms:
Racism; tribalism; religionism,

To become one –WE:
You, me and love.

©Abdulmalik Jibril

— The End —