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F    I'm a little part of God's handiwork.I like to escape from reality ....make use of my mind factory.....& make others happy;even with no paycheck attached...
Charity Warren
Lehlogonolo Charity
South Africa, Midrand    Love flowers but hate their smell. Likes to sing in the rain, hate her voice. Loves Jesus. often fantasizes about getting lost in a good ...


Alexander Klein  Aug 2013
Alexander Klein Aug 2013
The elderly psychopomp speaks his gullet words
Preparing me as charity for birds

I smelled snow and sweat when I drew breath
Though now I must give charity to birds

Juniper and fire become alms for the air
As I now must give charity to birds

The vultures are first, their beaks are the strongest,
They take the meat of my charity for birds

My friends come next, dearest to my heart,
Laughing as they grind a further charity for birds

What once I was is mixed with milk and bread
To fatten my gift of charity to birds

The speckled hawks and midnight rooks arrive
Hoarding their share of my charity for birds

I might be a wisp of smoke or softly chanted prayer
As I watch myself give charity to birds

Destitute and zephyrous I find my elsewheres
Having given everything in charity to birds.
moemoe  Jan 2015
moemoe Jan 2015
Poverty's everywhere
I don't like charity
You don't like charity
He doesn't like charity
She doesn't like charity
They don't like charity
Congratulation we've created poverty