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Jun 2014
Someone will love you the way you deserve to be loved.
Someone will see your rough hands and love that you have the tenacity and determination to overcome everything you've faced.
Someone will love you enough to ***** their own hands and help you carry your burdens and hardships.
Someone will love you enough to see that you have monsters but not press you to share them until you're ready,
And then they will love them as they love you,
Or they will help you vanquish them.
Someone will love you and all your quirks.
Someone will look at you and see a strong man or woman who can overcome anything he or she sets his or her mind to.
Someone will love your intellect and look upon you with the awe you deserve.
Someone will love your laugh and the way it lights you up from the inside
And they will take it upon themselves to help you laugh,
Even if they have to wait a bit because it's difficult for you.
Someone will love you night after night after night,
And they will love you enough to wait.
Someone will hold your hand even when it's sweaty and it's okay because theirs are sweaty too.
Someone will love your face even when it’s completely natural.
Someone will accept your body as your body, no matter its fitness level or smell.
Someone will understand that your stomach growls because you're hungry and that's only human.
Someone will be concerned whenever you cough or sneeze.
Someone will be patient for you and reassure you over and over again about the insecurities you harbour in your heart.
Someone will place a calming hand on your knee when it's bouncing, and remove it if it makes you uncomfortable.
Someone will find it touching that you remember everything you say to each other.
Someone will protect you when you're scared and understand when to encourage you and when to let you do what you want at the pace you want.
Someone will look forward to gazing into your eyes and seeing all the emotions that lurk there,
But they will know when not to say anything.
Someone will love the ink or music notes or movement leaking from your fingers because that is your soul coming out and it's beautiful.
You are beautiful.
Someone will love your sense of humour and look forward to your jokes.
Someone will love your teeth because they're yours,
And your eyes because of the secrets they hold within.
Someone will be able to tell when you're forcing a smile on your face and wait patiently for the real ones.
Someone won't care about how fast or slow you talk because it's still your voice.
Someone will love your lips and anticipate the time they can next kiss them.
Someone will see you for you and love you regardless.
Someone will wait for you to outwardly show your emotions,
Even if it's only with them.
Someone will love you, someday.
Written in response to
Kate Deter
Written by
Kate Deter
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