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Dec 2019
Teary eyes, it’s only me who try’s,
I love those eyes but hate your lies,
But even more, I hate goodbyes,

And cutting ties, Cutting loose,
From your tight noose, closing
My windpipe, I think it’s alright
Because you are my life light,

The singular light in my cold life,
Relieving pressure on this cold knife,
Wresting on my wrist, wrestling this,
Dark feeling from all my **** dealings,

Dealing with my pain,
It won’t go away,
I just can’t stay,
Another day.
Darkness is a lonely person best friend, but it’s the worst person to have and that’s why a lonely person would prefer a good person’s company if they could, reach out to people you know and people you don’t, be a light in their darkness, sometimes it helps more than you realise
Written by
Josh  17/M/England
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