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  Jan 2016 Morgan Fiedler
Why did you stay
I never asked you to stay
I wish you would leave
It would be easier
My mind distorts reality
Though I'll never tell how much
But when you're here I can't
Go and get the hell out
I can't do this with you here
Leave, leave, I'm begging dear
I need to get away, as do you
You just leave me
And I'll leave you
Walk down the stairs and
Don't come back
I'll just stay here with shards of glass
Then when I turn and see
You've gone down the street
I'll slit my throat
With no one left
                              to hold on to me
I hope it's goodbye this time.
Leave me alone
to wait and to wander
Leave me alone
to wish my life away
Leave me to go
where I dared not before you
Leave me to grow
in a way you never could.
  Jan 2016 Morgan Fiedler
People eventually leave
Previously, I used to grieve
Wonder how people just
Enter and exist
Like they never cherish
The time we spent

Now I realize
It's the way of life
The moment that comes
and goes
And nothing stays
the same
  Jan 2016 Morgan Fiedler
Why not to think of people better?
Even if that might be a lie,
But if you think then soon or later
They may become a little better.
  Jan 2016 Morgan Fiedler
You think you know someone until they implode...

You think you know someone until they don't show...

You think you know someone day by day...

You think you know someone in every single way...

...Do you really know them?
Really just think of how well you know someone.... Then realize you don't actually know a lot.
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