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Jessica Leigh Mar 2015
I have a complex
A condition as it may
To call nothing mine
For what is mine
Tends to want to fly away.
They dream of knives
And perhaps a little blood
Beating senseless
What I call nonsense
Like no one else ever would.
I call them dreams
As simple as it may look
Because they prosecute
And search for all it seems
That I have once took
To the cages and the burrows
They whisper of home and
I hear a little shouting of lies
Falling down and down here
Once more.
Nothing is mine.
Nothing is all of yours.
Jessica Leigh Feb 2015
I have the overwhelming
Desire to scream your name
Down empty hallways
In hopes that your ghost
Will hear me and at least
Take to haunting something
Other than my mind.
Jessica Leigh Feb 2015
Jessica Leigh Jan 2015
Did anyone ever notice
That you only started to get
Really bad
When you didn't have me
To talk to every night?
And when you were forced
To not speak to me?
Did no one make that connection?
You were crushed and beaten
And taught to hate me
Because it was all my fault...
But when you broke,
I wasn't even around to pick
Up the pieces.
Jessica Leigh Jan 2015
A coward, if only I could change it
To create the letters given to you
By a shrew and the punching bag he hit.
You called it worthless, yet I had no clue.
They came to you with slight hesitation
Yet no amount of love or light had power
To stop your fear of the situation,
And to keep you safe locked in their towers.
I watched you hang in their arms, no fighting
Glare in your eyes, but an "I love you" spilled
Silently behind closed doors, more hiding
Even when we had been exposed and killed.
I will see you soon, but where could I start?
You've forgotten how much you stole my heart.
I still can't find the right collection
Of syllables and schemes to capture
Who you were to me. I'm sorry.
  Jan 2015 Jessica Leigh
My world has faded
to the color gray.
I shouldn't have
to feel this way.
My heart is broken
and I begin to cry.
These tears just
don't seem to dry.
My life seems to be
going down the drain,
and you obviously
don't see my pain.
My hopes and dreams
are long and gone,
what have I ever
done so wrong?
My world is fading
to the color of gray,
why must I
feel this way?

  Jan 2015 Jessica Leigh
The smell of you
drifts through the air,
fooling my lips
and my heart
into thinking
that you're
still here.

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