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 Sep 2014 Jacqui
SG Holter
Getting jealous?*
I nudge her jokingly.

She shrugs and smiles.
I'm not bothered by the

Tattoo on your chest that
Says Tina,

Am I?

God, I love confidence.

No eggshells under my feet,
No worry that she'll pry

Or spy. She's her own woman.
Claims to be mine, but

I know better. Even heavy
Clouds don't own the rain.

All I can do is get
Soaked, open

My mouth if I'm thirsty.
Take in the washing.

Hope that the deluge
Never ends.

It's getting covered up, I
Assure her.

Hoping she
 May 2014 Jacqui
Melissa E Pike
It’s a tug of war between what you think and what you want her to think
Because in reality, I know that she could rip me in two
She could tear me into a million pieces and light me on fire
And while I’m lying there, smoking and whirling in the wind
I would crawl back to her
And slowly shrivel away inside,
While I wait for her to give me another chance
But the battle of it is that she can’t know the power she holds!
She can know that I love her,
Of course
But what would she do if she knew that I’m a puppet
And she’s holding the strings?
Who am I kidding?
She already knows
 May 2014 Jacqui
Melissa E Pike
I remember when I first met you and your curly hair
Your eyes met mine and I…

Parked my Jeep as crooked as my nervous smile
Dropped my keys
I probably tripped over my own words but I can’t quite remember
Cause I had never seen such a beautiful human being
You were different
So different that I was scared to make a move by the end of the night
Shakin in my boots, cause I didn’t want to ruin anything we had already created
I could have gone my whole life with just that feeling
That giggly-butterfly-in-your stomach type of feeling

Cause it’s never been about the kissing
Or the talking
It’s your smell –
It’s the energy that radiates off of you and makes me feel whole
Your presence is the ingredient that I didn’t know I was missing
My life wouldn’t taste the same without you
 May 2014 Jacqui
Melissa E Pike
Baby, I must have found you on Pinterest because you’re the best idea I’ve ever had
And if I could remember to tweet every cute thing you do, I would, believe me-
You have the face everybody wishes they had the privilege to post on Instagram  
And yeah, I really like you
You’re my favorite
I swear
Please never be afraid to direct message me
Because, I don’t care if I can only see your face for 10 seconds-
Your Snapchats would make me want to change my relationship status any day
 May 2014 Jacqui
Melissa E Pike
March 6th- we start talking
9th- we meet
Fast forward to the 17th and we are dating
I love yous every second
5 months later we're getting our own apartment and we've been talking about marriage for a while, at a year

Two years together now- I watch her tear up as she says her vows

The future holds a baby
A house
More children
Retirement vacations

Laughs, tears, screams in between and I know that
In the end I'll be able to rewind
A month
A year
A lifetime
And know that
Your hand was the one I held through it all
Your kiss on my lips every night
Your smile every morning
 May 2014 Jacqui
Alexandra Emmett
You yell beneath the floorboards.
Pounding fists, cracked promises lie in
Casual bricks dropping like tears that
Never mattered.

You cry beneath the floorboards
Of little red schoolhouses, tired tire marks that show
They’re not coming back and
You’re not going home.

You riot beneath the floorboards!
You shout and scream and rant but they
Cannot hear you anymore.
The stores are closing like a trap door.

You die beneath the floorboards
A death that was not peaceful but panicked
Like an elevator that has stopped moving
Briefly and indefinitely, you are gone.

Now we crawl beneath the floorboards
Searching for pieces of you like receipts
Stashed away in a pocket of an old coat.
You remind us of whispers and walruses and things.

And someday when we find ourselves, fierce
And fleeting, underneath the floorboards,
You will remind us of our fading voices forever
Silenced, but never ignored.
 May 2014 Jacqui
Alexandra Emmett
Oh look what I’ve grown up to be
a sad little girl with ***** feet.
too young in her mind, too old in her hands
like a merry-go-round that turns where it stands.
Her tears are too heavy, and like acid they burn
a streak down her cheek and her stomach churns
as she thinks, I think, we think, you think,
but do not know when you drown, just how deep you will sink.
Oh look what I’ve grown up to be
nothing at all, nothing like me
 May 2014 Jacqui
Alexandra Emmett
"We’ll only be here for a while" She said, "three years," she said, "til we settle down."
"We’ll move away," she said, "a nicer place," she said, "a place to turn around."
"We’ll walk the beach," she said, "dream big," she said, "build castles in the sand."
"I don’t want to be alone!" She cried, "I want to be loved!" She sighed, as I held her hand.
Three years have passed, alas, she’s long gone.
"I’m sorry." she said, "I can’t handle my head."
And now my hand rests alone.
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