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601 · Oct 2016
queen of hearts
NvrMnd Oct 2016
I’d scream for death
With this pain inside

So take this broken heart,
Oh my remaining card

I’d rather lose all the love
And trade it for a cold rock

Beg for your enchanted hand
That’s fond of collecting hearts

Seize the grief is my only demand,
Oh Queen of Hearts of Wonderland.
592 · Jan 2017
NvrMnd Jan 2017
Every day
is another gap,
another broken line to trace
divided by your footsteps
while fading away.
NvrMnd May 2016
*Suddenly love blooms
and like the scent of summer
it won’t fade


Even it’s one-sided like the sun
infinitely kissing the meadow
The feeling won’t stop shining
and even in night sky it will find a way
Hoping in one of your lonely nights
you’ll gaze with my universe
and rest with my gentle love
that keeps the stars and the moon
shine for you.
564 · Dec 2016
The kind of love
NvrMnd Dec 2016
*Be very careful of foolish love
That came like an angel in the sky
So pure and delightful to see
But listen to what he might speak

Oh how good it is to hear
The sound that seems so clear
To the man that utters love to mine
I just can’t take everything to dine

Be very careful of foolish love
That landed like a lovely dove,
Calm and peaceful as a stream
But lookover to its deepest seam

Oh how melodious the waves of feelings
That we could put countless meanings
My mind now is full of thoughts
With the kind of love I would be caught

Be very careful of foolish love
The kind of love we often have
The one that abruptly electrifies
But soon will make us paralyze

Oh how cautious I need to be
To the man speaking love to me
I don't want to be the fool in love losing hope
To find the love that will make me feel home.
559 · Nov 2015
NvrMnd Nov 2015
As I look at the faces of other people
Struggling to survive the whirling winds of life
I knew I wasn't special
I'm just a cliche seeking attention
And I'm no special to be treated like one
I am just a little piece of humanity
Significantly living on my own but
Insignificantly existing to the world.
546 · Sep 2015
Short Battle
NvrMnd Sep 2015
*You would never
taste victory


You'll turn back
Being coward is stupid and I hate being one. I have all the chance but I lose it the moment I stop moving forward.

The time I give up is the moment I failed.

And i failed because I fear to fail.

~So don't be~
524 · Oct 2015
That Miracle is An Angel
NvrMnd Oct 2015
It's not what the book describes
That winged human-like flying above the sky playing a harp
That silvery immortal being shining so bright
That hero protecting you from any evil situations and suddenly show up to save you wherever part on earth you are
Or... or that angelic face that by looking, makes you feel heaven is so near
Cause literally I've never seen one that'll make me believe that heaven is for real.

No, I've never seen one, none when I was in the hospital twice
None even when my brother died
That angel the book describes never appeared to say I'll be fine
That angel I hope to show up in front of me and literally sing an angelic song and make the whole scene bright
Literally I've never seen one, none in those darkest days of mine
Nothing like the book says come.

But I've known Angels! They save me million times, a miracle in disguise!
Angels that are not human-like but humans like me, breathing and living
Though they can’t fly, they always come and sing with me to brighten those darkest days of mine
Angels that somebody God delivers when I'm in trouble with myself, trouble finding my way
Strangers I've met in those moments whose voice were so angelic that I can't refuse to listen, that everything they might say will matter
And likewise Angels that are burning in space twinkling shining so bright that by staring, makes me dream and smile in those lonely nights of mine.

An Angel could be that anyone or anything that touches our hearts in those moments we need most
An Angel is a family, a friend, a stranger, could be a star for what I believe!, or anyone, anything that'll make you feel that life is worth living
An Angel is the one that inspires us to do something good and to be good for the people we care, who care for us, or just for all the people
An Angel is the one that saves us in those desperate  moments, held us and whispers to keep on going despite the pain this world brings, we’ll be fine
An Angel is the one that helps us find our way in those strangest places we’ve been and makes us believe that there's a dreamland waiting to be our sweetest home
An Angel is the one that shows kindness, and make you feel that heaven is for real.

"An Angel is a Miracle, or... that Miracle is An Angel".
506 · Mar 2016
Next to You
NvrMnd Mar 2016

I wanna’ be next to you
In the darkest of the night
Warmth by your body,
Dancing with the embers
Till fire breaks by the sunrise
But now it's just a dream
For I’m just a speck of dust
And you’re a diamond
One’s spun into ash
Whilst the other's undying
Oh, now is not the time
Cause I’m hardly breathing
Trapped between Heaven and Hell's narrow lines
Wandering till I find a home,
A safe place to hide the fears eating my soul
And nurture what’s been left good of me
To become the strongest gem
That grows vines in Heaven's kingdom
Wealthy of Love
And capable of sharing
With you, with myself, with everyone
And together
We sway
In the midst
Of fieriest
499 · Jan 2016
Music and Hue
NvrMnd Jan 2016

I see Neon lights flashing in the City at night
I feel the rush tugging my heart to beat fast
There’s a noise of Yellow, the invincible sound of growth
I feel the pressure of growing old and be exactly in time
And a flaming Red struck my weak senses
I feel the lust of having more than I need

For a while beauty leaves me
And gone with the wind are the colors that glow freely
Suddenly it was grey that’s left of me, and it drowned me

And I swear I don't want to feel envious
But I do, cause I see more than thirty six colors in Silver and Gold
Glowing loudly in places I thought love would go
And I feel left behind with mud and stones
Crawling and breathing heavily
Chasing colors that supposed to be free to all

I know there's something wrong
It’s Black, the thin air that slowly killing every living organism
And surely the absence of hue will take the life I was fighting to live

I shut the windows and listen to the Rhythm of Colors
I let the rush go, take slow and feel the softness of Blue
Turned the sounds into music and hear the sweet whisper of Indigo
The fiery lights into hope and see the brushed of Orange horizon
Everything is beautiful in slow motion stroke
I got the chance to capture the subtle hues

Because I closed my eyes for a moment
And silently listen to the Music of Colors, now I see more
Hundred, thousand, million hues, vivid and beautiful

There's nothing to be jealous of
Beauty was never be in one place, it’s everywhere
We’re not color coded, we are infinite more than Silver and Gold
Oh, I know we're not the same but we’re equally pigmented
Often travelled the odd road where colors are screaming
But Colors are Music, we have to see it without an eye to deceive.
493 · Jul 2017
Driving in Boredom
NvrMnd Jul 2017
Disappointments got me to this misty road
Sluggishly cycling a creaking bicycle in a drizzle
While poisoning my bushed lungs with cigarettes

A replacement to my sweet medicinal marijuana
That I skipped for months, trying to be clean, to be good
But in my head there’s still a noise saying I need it so much
To feel powerful, for a day of greatness in nirvana
To forget that I needed someone to feel worthy,
Or so to create an apparition of a friend to whom
I can share my disappointments and success
While in reality I’m alone in boredom
Killing time and whatever I have,

Oh Gaaad, sorry I feel weak

My insecurities got me to this misty road
Sluggishly cycling a creaking bicycle in a drizzle
While poisoning my bushed lungs with cigarettes.
488 · Oct 2017
9th Day
NvrMnd Oct 2017
truth is i'm not certain
do i want this or not?
or i'm just afraid
of missing then connecting
too reserved to communicate
too silent to talk
too small in this big world
do i want this?
it doesn't matter anymore
cause i'm already at the ground of my fear
its been 9 days since i got in my fearful dream
oddly, it wasn't  scary
as i thought it would be
do i like it now?
truth is, i still don't know
but i'm here
i'm already here.
482 · May 2016
NvrMnd May 2016
I’m happy kind of lost
In the Realm
of physique and emotion,
of strength and weakness
of happiness and sadness,
and of how could it be both
at the same time, sometimes..

I feel like I’m traveling
in the world of living and dead
And spinning on both domains,
I am acquainted with absurdity
of sensible truth of it all,
*Where in life there is death
And in death there is life.
466 · Aug 2015
NvrMnd Aug 2015
Lights have shadows just like your smile with sorrow.
420 · Dec 2015
It's Love, for Sure
NvrMnd Dec 2015

I don't know if I hate the Rain

I closed my eyes for a while

Listen to the sound as it hit the ground

Feel the cold wind touches my skin

and I know Love Weighs

more than anything
418 · Jan 2016
Essence of Living
NvrMnd Jan 2016
To Love

to feel the joy
and the pain.
417 · Jan 2017
NvrMnd Jan 2017
You’re the moon I will forever adore
Always distant yet the apple of my eye
Wanting to hold your hands
Before I lay in peace...

Stand near you,

Look into your eyes

And see closely….

*The magnificent light

You confidently carry

Even in bluest of time.
certainly, only you
386 · Jul 2021
l o n e l i n e s s
NvrMnd Jul 2021
h e a r t b r e a k i n g
In a soundproof room
No one hears it but you
Sending electricity beneath your jaw
running up to your eyes
You feel the electrifying current
turning into water of agony
Flowing to your face down to your pillow
Until you fall asleep alone with your emotions
Having no one else,
n o  o n e  e l s e.
381 · May 2016
State of Mind
NvrMnd May 2016
and i think....
I enjoy being depressed
*and write about it.
369 · Sep 2017
NvrMnd Sep 2017
If only death is temporary
A break, a vacation
I would take it for a month, or a year
To rest, to be free from all anguish
And return when I'm ready
To feel something again.
5 months being home is getting me worse
it made me realize so many things
about family, about myself
about how I couldn't comprehend life
and death, maybe death
could be my only friend
362 · Jan 2017
The Space Between
NvrMnd Jan 2017
There’s always an impenetrable space between knowing and not knowing what to think, what to feel and what to do at troubling times.
I just want to disappear
350 · Aug 2015
NvrMnd Aug 2015
Lonely is the road without a friend to walk
But here I am alone and want a talk
Hope to see an old folk
A companion that my heart knows

Long hour had past, still nothing old I knew
My eyes are weary of an endless view
My feet keep moving forward though
Hope to see an old folk

I lost them all a long time ago
Because my silence hurt them so
Now I feel the deafening muteness
That I enjoy so much, so I vanish

Silence seems innocent but lethal
Speak your love to a friend is vital
Words in poem or a song are avenues
Of love and friendship to keep new
#friends, #love
345 · Aug 2015
NvrMnd Aug 2015
Love is a polaroid
Better in picture
Never could fill the void
_polaroid_imagine dragons
274 · Jun 2021
Cutting edges
NvrMnd Jun 2021
Hidden in the corners
are multiplied feelings
painfully shattering the edges
pleading for freedom
wishful thinking to be rounded
suitably, infinitely flowing
and bravely growing in circles.
255 · Jul 2021
'Endure' is my lullaby
NvrMnd Jul 2021
Most nights
Are so painful
that I have to keep
Telling my self
To endure
250 · Mar 2019
NvrMnd Mar 2019
your absence
distracts me..
i miss you so much,
too much, i'm losing focus.
203 · Mar 2019
NvrMnd Mar 2019
i envy the winds who still witness you*

-rupi kaur, the sun and her flowers
and even you're far away the caffeine are still in my veins making my heart flutter, and i truly envy the winds who still witness you.

-liking someone so much is like drinking a mcdonald's coffee float.
192 · Aug 2019
NvrMnd Aug 2019
Memories last but friendship not
your pen in this place begins to blot
the story of you will end in a dot
thank you for giving me one spot

In another pen your story begins to plot
new chapter of your life must grow a lot
achieving your dreams that once trap in a ***
i wish some of our ways meet again even in one shot.*

- a poem written by a friend
To be a part of someone's story is the best part of your own story
To share without even knowing you’re actually giving something
And to exist without even knowing that you meant to someone
Is a magic that will continue to awe
And inspire me to open doors for possibilities without judgement
To look for nothing, to give more and love more

And though it is true that our stories have series of chapters
It begins and ends but each chapter is as significant as each other
Bad ending is the sweetest while a good ending is a bittersweet
But no matter how it ends, what we’ve gained is the greatest
And I will endlessly thanking the universe for letting me collide
To another soul holding a piece of kindness hoping for love and friendship

Parting ways is hard but it is just temporary
And friendship, like life, like love
Is a river that will continue to flow even in the absence of our bodies
As long as we care for it, we let it live
And while it lives it gives us hopes and dreams
To see each other soon and share one moment again.
185 · Jul 2021
NvrMnd Jul 2021
Nights are better with you aşkım
Your love is comfortable and warm
Like a noon sun embracing the clouds
Wandering in the vast blue sky
151 · Jul 2021
NvrMnd Jul 2021
It feels good
To be taken care of
As well as to do the same
143 · Aug 2019
Familiar Farewell
NvrMnd Aug 2019
Seeing figures slowly drifting away
Revealing a plain blue sky
Resonate a familiar farewell
And though you know
How to romanticize the clouds
You don’t want to imprison such love
So you let it swept by the wind.
118 · Apr 2020
NvrMnd Apr 2020
Death is inevitably painful no matter how much you verse yourself into it, knowing it is awaiting from the very beginning of one's life.
101 · Jun 2021
NvrMnd Jun 2021
Dilated heart
Clouded mind
Losing appetite
Body sways
To sweetest sound
Nevermind the
The thorns around.
Love Drug
80 · Jun 2021
Dogs in Europe
NvrMnd Jun 2021
Be one of the strays in İstanbul
Have our pack wandering like masters of the street
Have their eyes witness our unity
We will not think of home or hunger
Because every corner is ours
The sky, the wind, the water and the earth
Will not selfishly enshroud their glory
They will let us behold the Bosphorus' sunset
My love, I will be an outlander in places you knew
But we will drift together, I will run with you.
17 · Apr 10
NvrMnd Apr 10
You are the meaning of love
and yearning
The sun theat brings warmth
and sets with exquisite echoes
of longing.
The kind love that i know i would never feel again, once in a lifetime that changes my life forever.

— The End —