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Hilary Thorpe Feb 2015
Do not hurt me
This is not a game
I gave you something
That can be hard to tame.
I gave you my heart
In blind faith that maybe
All I needed was your love
To come along and save me.
I trust it in your hands
And I hope you do not squeeze
Just cradle it gently
And put my soul at ease.
Give me a kiss
And look me in the eye
As you tell me you love me
And you’ll never say goodbye.
Hilary Thorpe Jun 2014
It’s hard to say
Whether you’ll be okay,
Or if you’ll be crushed
While your heart collects dust.
You can’t really know
When the pain will go.
Perhaps it will stay
Each and every day,
And try as you might
You’ll never feel right.
You’ll reach for thin air,
Enhancing the tear
That’s deep in your chest
Though you hide it with all your best.
The indefinite is what’s worst,
As it’s what truly hurts.
And so it’s very hard to say
Whether you’ll be okay.
Hilary Thorpe Jan 2014
Let me go gently
Drifting over seas.
Swaying over open fields
Catching in the breeze.
Don’t hold me in defiance;
I cannot be caught down here.
I am too young to die
The thought is wrapping me in fear.
There is so much to live for,
And I have only just begun.
I wish for someone to join me,
And I think you’re the one.
Hilary Thorpe Jan 2014
Your fingers are like twigs
So delicate and frail.
I fear they may snap
If I grasp your hand too hard.
Your lips are like pink petals
That may tear if I kiss too roughly.
Your eyes resonate a sorrow,
Deep pools that are ready to overflow.
I cannot look too long,
For fear I may cause them to well up
And release more pain than necessary.
Your breath is like a whisper
Trying to call out in the dark.
My clouded senses cannot hear you,
Your calls are too faint.
But your voice is pure
And full of good intentions.
I fear I may destroy these intentions
With my muddled mind
That works in deep waves
Crashing over you.
You are precious
And fragile.
I fear I will break your tender soul
Into small pieces that will drift away with the wind.
But I am also certain
That your sweet fragility
Will ease my hard demeanor
And cradle my rugged body
Until I can hold your hand
Without snapping the twigs.
This poem is about being afraid of hurting someone you care for, but also knowing that they can help you.
Hilary Thorpe Jan 2014
There was a glowing, a burning
Coming from your chest.
At first I worried you were dying
But then I realized at last
That you were coming to life,
Your cavity filling with love.
The burn was passion
Growing large
It encased your soul and being.
Your eyes had gone from empty
To brimming with a new understanding.
You could see the world
And what it could give
If you opened your arms wide enough.
Even in your smile
Was a new warmth emanating your calling
To give love
And feel the reverberations of life
That pulsed in your veins
And beat against my skin as you held me close.
I'm not sure what inspired this poem, but I guess it sort of has to do with gaining a new understanding or purpose for life. That love can change someone.
Hilary Thorpe Jul 2013
You want so desperately for someone to find you,
But you are too good at hiding.
You wear a mask so closely to your skin
That it cannot be removed without peeling some off.
Your falsity is poisonous.
It stretches out in wisps of black smoke,
Reaching at those who go by
In the hopes that someone will take notice
And give you what you want.
But you have yet to realize,
Hiding behind false flesh and deceitful dimples
Will not gain you the sanctity you seek in others.
Your lurking in shadows
Will only cast away those who walk by,
For the purest of hearts
Do not dance among the presence of apathetic souls.
So you will continue hiding in the shadows,
Hoping someone will bring awareness to your true being,
While you slowly pick at your false flesh
Piece by piece.
Hilary Thorpe Jul 2013
With my eyes wide shut
I will take the plunge.
Not knowing where I will land,
I will lift off the ground
And fall freely into the uncertain.
I will show no fear
And hesitate not
As I glide down, down,
Feeling a rush of emotion soar around me
I will call out to the ground
Hoping for a soft landing.
But since it is not known
What will happen when I stop falling,
I brace myself for the worst,
While wishing for the best.
just about the feeling of the unknown.
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