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HerrAichach Nov 2014
I turn to approach anywhere for a person who could be my friend. A close friend.
I am surrounded by acquaintances. I am blind. I cannot feel the presence of a friend, no-one to lend.
I plead with a tender sense of hope in my eye, I crave to change myself for others to accept me. I want someone to scream with me.
Scream,scream and scream until I feel their presence.
Scream, scream and scream until I feel of some value.
Repost if you can relate
HerrAichach Nov 2014
The spirit feels enlightened with a given opportunity of free will to express how a person wishes to feel.
Restrictions  lead to so many negative possibilities  of life and future; drugs, bad education, becoming antisocial  and it would take longer for these processes to heal.
Life itself is about taking each opportunity to use at your best ability, so why do we have people or things clutching us from the outside, from different experiences and from life itself.
Criminals! Thieves and thugs would be the terms I would use myself.
HerrAichach May 2014
She surrounds my terrain, and I feel as if I am her centre.
She speaks to me like no-one else, and we have our own type of banter;
Her friends say, you two should confess for how you are made for each other,
Whilst my friends are on mainstream to agree with reference to being a chanter

She speaks in a manner so delicate, it would be fatally fragile to oppose.
I speak in a manner to appear without a thought to her, but it still flows;
We always walk home together to discuss our highs and lows,
We are two different types of people, she is full of hellos and I stand froze
We spoke of interracial relationships with our races used for examples,
and she asks would you ever be with me (knowing how our race never have mixed- brown and black with specific religions)
Was this a joke or a serious question?

I had no answer, but what I did say to conclude was, *"You must taste the core/centre of a person to realize, but never jump to conclusions with the flesh or the skin."
HerrAichach May 2014
The Paranoia, paranoia seemed as if we were experiencing an ecstasy.
Righteous truth developed from our own  blossomed *fantasy.
Unknowing our world of fantasies had begun alluring exaggerations
The affectionate effects of  love left us the misery of hoping;
Honest in her opinion she replies 'thanks' for *my
Yeah its short, but there is a reason for it. Italics signifies a meaning and the bold.

— The End —