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 May 2016 endlessspace
i saw her lips moving,
the music was loud, but her voice was louder.
and even though i couldnt hear it,
i could feel every syllable.
and even if i couldnt understand a word she was saying, it was enough to just be there.
because she's taught me
it's not always about what's going on in the moment, but the moment itself.
 May 2016 endlessspace
there's some people you can't live without, i get it. some people you can't stand not figuring out what it is about them that makes them who they are. people you sometimes just have to be a part of their life, to say you were, even if it's only for a short period of time. but, i wish to you she wouldn't have been one of those people.
These organs in my body have never seen the light of day
I want to set them free
It makes me sad
That they have never seen the sun
Never seen the stars
I want to set them free
I want to let them
See the sun
sept. 28 2014
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
Some doors should stay closed.
Certain things are best left alone.
Curiosity killed the cat,
and took its soul into the great unknown.
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
I grew up watching my parents reduce themselves to their bassist.
Oops, that's a typo:
They are not musicians.
Debasement, so crass.
Humiliation on full blast.
But I guess it's a fairly common thing to dread family vacations.

My mom can't take the hint.
She can't tell when we're disinterested.
My dad talks a bunch of crazy **** despite who might be listening.

There's an unspoken comraderie amongst us siblings.
We're all in this together.
We fight our inherited,
self-destructive tendencies.
When I lose a battle I can always count on them to make me feel better.

Two have found ther wings.
They flew away from this place.
One soars high,
but I fear the other found himself another cage.

It's okay, I think.
I mean, I think he'll be okay.
As for us remaining two,
we're slowly making our way.
Our way out, is what I mean.
It's what I meant to say.

This nest hasn't been kept very warm,
but I guess it's still a home.
With two featherless,
flightless birds to deal with;
I'm glad I didn't have to go it alone.
Jocular tone, serious subject. I shudder to think where I'd be without them.
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
Your number is
the one most often deleted,
usually after some late night greeting.
Please don't reply.
I don't want this misery to keep on repeating.

It'd be easier if I never had to see you again.
I've never had so much trouble with keeping a friend.
When burning a bridge is no longer an option,
I tend to lose my ****.

You're so ******* lovely -
I can hardly deal with it.

If you're not the saint that I paint you out to be,
then do me the favor of not telling me.

You represent pristine purity.
Don't give me a reason to doubt.
When I looked into your eyes that evening,
I knew what you were about.

I dread the loss of your innocence,
but I know it's bound to be.
They say that if you love something completely then you should set it free.

But *******, I admit, you're the most lovely thing I've ever seen.
I'll always resent the fact that I wasn't the one to give you wings.
Christian girls will be the death of me
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
Keep it safe
in familiar territory.
Nothing non sequitur.
Nothing out of place.
Don't go sailing off into outer space.
Stick to topics that relate.
(Ignore how everything is connected to everything else -
not everyone thinks that way.)

Nothing out of left field.
You've got to save some face.
There's a reputation (somewhere, somehow) to maintain.
Be polite, pleasant, and plain.
Leave the madness in your brain.
Hide your heart;
keep it tucked away,
and above all else,
don't go digging up those corpses from their grave.

"Wonderful weather we're having.
Isn't it a lovely day?"

There's so much more to life.
That can't be all there is to say . . .
It's so boring to be sane.
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
"This is the last one."
Famous last words.
Caveat emptor;
I think it means consumer beware.

Just one more,
I swear.
He's doing it again.
I promise to buy more beer
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
when i hear your delicate words,
and read the ones you've
also constructed on paper,
i want to smash them to bits,
because i know then i will find
the truth inside the broken pieces
 Oct 2014 endlessspace
Best in show,
a pomeranian;
You know it.
Bet you thought that glossy fur would fade before the time to grow it.

I'm annoyed by your showy words and non sequitur phrases.
I've had it up to here with toy dogs and indistinguishable faces.

I've a proposition to make -
not one to be taken lightly -
What if we switched places tonight then held our lovers tightly?

Would we feel like strangers in their embrace,
or would we finally understand:
What it takes to calm me down,
and what it means to be your man?
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