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Emilia Apr 2018
I want to run away
Abandon everything that I've built up

I want to tear down my own creations
The products of my pain

I want to let go of everything
Throw myself into loss williningly

I want to start again from scratch
Or not start again at all

I want to blow through the sky as a cloud

I want to wander with my feet damp from the dew of the grass

I want to feel the cool night air
The glow of the moon bright on my skin
Illuminate those stars in my eyes again

I want to burn down my house
So I can leave no traces

I want to vanish back to where I came

I want to become life itself
One with all once more

I want the sun on my back
the rain on my skin
the breeze in my hair
the chill in my fingertips

I want to be no more than a spirit
A wandering soul
Seeking nothing and losing all

I want to leave this place
break loose from all my bonds
and start again as if I never had a 'before'
Don't worry I'm not suicidal I just don't like having responsibilities or possessions or anything other than emotions really
Emilia Apr 2018
I always tell myself
I am comfortable in the Birdcage
Where it is safe

Until the howling wind hits my cheek
And I yearn to fly again
I've been thinking a lot about the idea of a 'gilded cage' and how I've always seen myself as someone satisfied with living within one in theory...but never in practice

— The End —