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May 2016 · 152
Creepstar May 2016
When you decide to give your all to just one person
Make sure they're in it too or you'll worsen
If they backhand you with lies and decipt
Take 'em back to the store with receipt
Cos they're faulty, they're broken not you
Don't except less just because they can't show they love you
May 2016 · 625
21st century lifestyle
Creepstar May 2016
Check yourself and get educated
I don't mean a school,that's indoctrinated
Misinformation and truth,separate it
Always stand firm even if you're getting hated

Don't believe the hype
When you can see with your eyes
Them trails in the skies
The corruption and lies

Doing dark **** to children
Kidnapping them outta homes
Before they **** them

Convince ya'll
That you're fighting for peace
Its an oxymoron
All those that fight,end up deceased

And all you
That're slinging grams on the streets
Is prison time worth
A a shoebox full of sheets?

You could try and live clean
Or so you think
Air and food poisoned
Even what you drink

The more you dig
The more you find
Mass conspiracy
To poison your mind

From sociopathic
To gang mentality
To social media
And what its tellin me
May 2016 · 166
Creepstar May 2016
Get inspired or intimidated
Metal outlook is reciprocated
You don't wanna lose when you could have made it
You know the game and played it
Sucesess that you coulda tasted
If you move on from getting extra faded
Dreams and actions should be amalgamated
Through all the doubt and fear to be waded
May 2016 · 287
Creepstar May 2016
I got my eye these golems
As they weasle and breed
See the lust in their eyes
As they watch eachother bleed
The sad sorry truth
They don't wanna be freed
Each wanting to be on top
Some heavy inhuman greed

No empathy or kindness
No truth heard audibly
I wish I didn't see it
Speaking honestly
But it is how it is
And its what they wanna be
So as my act of selfish want
I'll vent through rhyme odyssey
Seems the final goal
Gain wealth, lose your soul
May 2016 · 209
My body,My poison
Creepstar May 2016
A little bit of beer,
A little bit of liquor.
The former to get drunk,
The latter a little quicker.

More units,
Than one kidney can digest.
But I enjoy the buzz,
Its the worries I detest.

Its my decision,
To do what I do.
I see what you ingest,
So who the **** are you?!

My body,
My choice,my mistakes.
Ain't got time for the holier than thous,
Fakes and snakes.
May 2016 · 171
I guess...
Creepstar May 2016
My method of existence is somewhere between drunken rambling & existential crisis
The later obvious to most has lower cash value but heavier mental prices
Id very much like to have the average mediocre view
Then again I like to reflect on the deep thoughts I've been through
So I'll guess this life suits me and makes me what I am
Not a vane numb shell, but the kind of being that give a ****
May 2016 · 266
disposable lover
Creepstar May 2016
I hear that some have disposable income
Well it turns out my love is disposable
So where is the staple for them
I ask?
May 2016 · 346
cheap coffee & burnt toast
Creepstar May 2016
Instead of the fresh pressed,
Fresh press with my girl in a sundress

I awake to find just a hangover in mind
And I pined for my baby she shined

Aw well i'll see her in a little while
I only got a little style,taste in mouth reminds of the taste of bile

On days like today i know exactly who i am
But it doesnt for a second mean that i cant be a better man

Put on some dope tunes and jam
Roll up,smoke up another gram

My girl and my kid are the ones I love the most
Even on mornings with cheap coffee & burnt toast
Morning ritual
May 2016 · 194
Afternoon walk
Creepstar May 2016
I walked many miles
Through fields,in sun
Taking it slowly
I never run

I stopped to appreciate
The beauty around
Miles of fields and trees
Nothing could abound

No civilization
Wild and free
It may not be for all
But it suits me
Walking home from my partners house,a town away,through the wild rather than getting a bus.
Its good to take a break from inner city hussle and bussle and enjoy the serenity of nature.
Seven miles of pure bliss.
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
The customer
Creepstar Apr 2016
Mail order T's & C's
Describe perfectly how I feel
The parameters have been breached
But I still value you as a customer
Please come in
We want your service
Even though you steal moments from our shop
Like cheap sweets and magazines
But we are real,we are here
So hear,our call to you
We love you,oh valid and wounderous custom of love
And we wouldn't trade you
For anyone
So,please please please
Love me enough that this isn't real
So much,that my eyes lie and my brain is numb
That I'm living in the shadow of hope and now fear
So much,that you could be honest and take the stolen golds out your clothes place them on the side and say sorry
I didn't want to watch the CCTV back just to see you steal what I've worked so hard for
Just for you to say "*******" and walk out the door
Like so many that came and went before
Because I'll sit and wait
Forgive,self hate
Because we love you in our store
Even if you steal
Apr 2016 · 361
Creepstar Apr 2016
When the song of your heart
Is a carbon carbon copy whistled tune
And the thought of your mind more a meddow
Than a dune
The soul you have to give
Raised up but treated as a goon
You're very being
Treated as a loon


I just know
I broke the rule I made,
And looked
Apr 2016 · 197
Sadsacks and romance
Creepstar Apr 2016
Stitch by stitch I built a sacdsack replica of you
So that little creepy has someone to hold on to
And baby I can't stand to lose you its true
Because each day together I feel brand new
While in the deepest depression id ever had (about six years ago) I was living on a friends sofa and being heavily self destructive.
I would drink from wake to sleep,it lasted for two years.
During this time I made many friends and I also built a sadsack and named him little creepy,since then he's gone everywhere with me,my constant and silent companion.
My partner asked me to make her a little Daisy and of course I said yes.
Now for the first time little creepy will have a girlfriend and I can't wait for them to meet. (As childish as that sounds,but I don't mind,I am a big kid.)
Apr 2016 · 504
The loyal dog
Creepstar Apr 2016
She leads her loyal dog up the path
She tells him "I love you"
She makes him so happy
He would never betray her
He only sees love
He wants all his remaining days with her
But she is made unhappy by him
Even though happiness comes from within
He does everything he can to make her happy
He doesn't ask for anything but to be held and spoken to like he matters
He stays away as much as possible
He takes himself for walks
He refuses to show heartbreak when she tells him she doesn't want him
He brings her gifts and trys his best every day
But it wasn't enough
She assures him,"its for the best"
She loads two bullets into her gun
And shoots him
Once in the head
So he cannot think
And again in the heart
So he cannot feel
He isn't dead
But she leaves him for dead
Blood pouring from the wounds
Tears falling from his eyes
All he wanted was love and happiness
Instead he was discarded like an unwanted toy
His love was his downfall
His trust now destroyed
He howls but she won't come back

He dies alone
"She should have put me down"
Creepstar Apr 2016
That's right in what I feel
And its a deal
That you get to walk away with my heart
While I stand back and have to start..
...every day brand new
Heart got a bruise just a few
But its you
That lit me up,burnt me out
I had faith and no doubt

You still chose
To appose
All i had to give
Like water through a shiv
Stabbed clean into my heart
what is art
When covered in blood
That pours over your soul
But youre scotchgarded against me
You see
You are free
I wouldnt wish any other way to be but me

Feeel my pain
Feel my sorrow
Long to not wake up

Try to digest pain and fear
And you know you,baby
Will stand clear

Of what i am
Im a creep
And i hope for one second
You might reap
The feelings ive felt
A sorrow so deep
That you my dear
Lost wool for the sheep
Freestyle spoken word to the air around me
Apr 2016 · 269
Creepstar Apr 2016
Of all the words I could describe right now
Only one comes to mind
And you might find
That these feelings haven't defined
Quite what I want to say
"Oh hey'
"Stay away"
I'm slack take me back
Just for a second
I becond
I want you here and near
And dear


**** does it hurt
To see you in pain
And I've Slane
In vane
Its insane


Its not just an action
But a feeling
Like the guy that's dealing
Ripped off
Torn short
For sport of your own game
And I'm to blame
****!,I'm sorry I get upset
Apr 2016 · 311
Creepstar Apr 2016
Action is worth more than word
The absence of both leads to distance
Relying on only what you've heard
And finally ending in resistance

Falling away
Please let me stay
Colours turn gray
I don't want to play
Apr 2016 · 372
Creepstar Apr 2016
I sit and wait
For very little in return
So tonight,I'll set myself alight
And watch myself burn

I plan to party so **** hard
That my memories will turn to ash
I can drift further from this
And closer to the ****
Apr 2016 · 226
Creepstar Apr 2016
Second day without a drink
Mind is heavy so much to think
Its so hard to abstain
But for my son I could not remain
In a state of perpetual drunk
So I'm dragging my sorry *** out this funk
I could really use the comfort of my partner
But she is dry without choice and finds it much harder
So I'll sit and I'll shake
I'll cry and I'll brake

But I won't give up,not this time.
It's rehab time
Apr 2016 · 202
Creepstar Apr 2016
Light breeze
Blue sky
White trees
No one knows
What no one sees
Never showing

First word
Fist kiss
One shot
Don't miss
Become bliss
Described as

A moment
A held hand
From there
Wedding band
Soon time
Grains of sand
Then old
Last stand
Apr 2016 · 168
Leaves in the breeze
Creepstar Apr 2016
A single tear,
Rolls down the contour of his cheek.
Not knowing its origin ,
Other than that it had slipped from the duct.
Was this sadness?was it the beginning or an end?
He didn't know,nor did he want to dwell on it.
Attempting to fix the mind firmly on nothingness,
Assimilating thought processes to the black hole that stole his joy,his heart,his everything.
Focusing on the breeze rustling leaves,
Imagining the sound of a shaken soul.
Stolen by the thoughts he wished to escape,
Truely he was his own worst tormentor.
This was to be another day abscent of being free,
Trapped in a vessel that only serves to bring itself pain.
Apr 2016 · 309
In the sunlight
Creepstar Apr 2016
Went to a field secluded enough
With my Daisy spent time in the buff
Made love slow but also rough
Multiple sqirts she soaked me with the stuff

She moaned and groaned like never before
Breath slow and heavy left dents in the floor
I wish I could explain with more than lore
After that ecstasy I'm craving more
Happy smoking copious amounts of **** day
Apr 2016 · 176
Creepstar Apr 2016
I am going to hack a wound so deep it could end me
I'll do it in a place where none can see
Just incase it doesn't cease me to be
But I'll try **** hard to be set free
Apr 2016 · 687
ode to my feline companions
Creepstar Apr 2016
Wade you are so handsome
A love that's strong and true
Penny is my baby
She comes to me when I'm feeling blue
Logan is my little bear
Chipping, soft to touch
Sally is so close to me
I love her oh so much
Felix is the trouble
He is the one that knocks
To tell the truth I love all my cats
Even if they do steal my socks
Apr 2016 · 417
Creepstar Apr 2016
No ocean refuses a river
No grave walked on,a shiver
No autumn tree,leaves whither
Or I you when you come hither

No day refuses light
Nor the moon in the night
The **** fresh for a fight
But the left opposes the right
I was right when I left
Clarity baby,clarity
Apr 2016 · 414
Wake up
Creepstar Apr 2016
Why don't you blow those words out the back of your head?!
Just like the lies that you've been fed.
Do you remember what they said?
Or are you just another of the waking dead?
Apr 2016 · 157
Rough lyric
Creepstar Apr 2016
When my life turned to darkness
Hell is leaving the light on
When sweet love fades to black
Know that I didn't choose to be gone
And baby if you hear me
Know that you're my one
Oh,baby please hear me
Because you aren't second to anyone

even though I'm feeling rough
I can't ever have enough
And its pretty tough
Loving you
I can walk away
I need you're loving every day
This ain't a game to play
I know you move in a different way.

But I'll still be loving you
loving you
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
Creepstar Apr 2016
She asks
Eat my *****
And I dive in like its a free meal

She asks
You wanna ****?
Like its a business deal

She makes out
Like its just me
In the moment but I feel...

Kind of useless
Because I get shot down
Whenever I'm forward and take the wheel
Apr 2016 · 183
Creepstar Apr 2016
Hello brain,I see you're having trouble,how can I help?
I see,you'd like me to drink enough white cider to dull off that intolerable pain in the chest.
Will that help you work through all these thoughts?
Oh,it will still you also.
Well in that case I'd be happy to feel numb for a while.
No,no,don't thank me,its my pleasure.
Apr 2016 · 182
Creepstar Apr 2016
I don't really know what to do anymore
I'm not sure I was right when I walked out her door
I just couldn't take that look she wore
So I walked,head slumped,stared at the floor

Got on my bus and rubbed print off my ticket
If there was a moment to feel it I would not have picked it
Heart broke in the midst of this ****
All talking did was make her want to quit

There's only so long I could give my all
And I'll tell you now it took all of my Gaul
Spending so much time staring at a wall
So now I'll wait instead for her to call

I gave her everything she asked of me
Would she do the same? Let's wait and see
I want this to work,perfect as can be
But I think she may quit,delete,and then flee
Apr 2016 · 185
Creepstar Apr 2016
Pretty perfect
Can't stand to hurt it
Urge,to blurt it
But I won't say ****
A million reasons why I'm so lucky
But she's the only one I want to hear them
Apr 2016 · 155
Creepstar Apr 2016
The answer was there all along
But the urge to keep looking was too great
I cannot settle while there is adventure to be had
Take my hand,let's find a new tomorrow
Apr 2016 · 198
Creepstar Apr 2016
A single phalange bringing her to greater moments in a lesser time than she as a solo could achieve.
Ego swells,"I'm doing it",as I work out the the correct rhythms to the perfect woman.
I define this as intimate success.
Apr 2016 · 283
the man and the lake
Creepstar Apr 2016
The man stands staring at his reflection atop a body of water,
Picking,poking trying to change what he thinks he aught't.
He leans in closer and closer still,
Vanity desperate to get its fill.
For a moment time stops and he falls in,
Drowning in vanity he cannot win.
Masses of proverbial fluid fill each lung,
At this moment he realises what he's done.
He thought more about self and less about others,
Learn from him,take the time to be with sisters and brothers.
When you have gone to where you cannot return,
Know it didn't matter how you saw yourself but how others saw you & it'll burn.
Apr 2016 · 692
Creepstar Apr 2016
Life is much like a pebble beach.
Its a long journey and often painful to walk on.
On this journey we will encounter many beautiful pebbles and out of sheer want we will pick them up and carry them with us.
To often we will end up carrying so many that we hold ourselves down.
Herein lies the answer,sometimes we have to let go to keep moving forward.allowing those we let go to be washed and moulded by the tides of change.
The best advice my father ever gave me while he was alive.
Apr 2016 · 241
Creepstar Apr 2016
I'll just sit and wait
Self hate
But mostly sit and wait
Am i antiquate?
I estimate
But mostly sit and wait
I hesitate
And instigate
But mostly I sit and wait
Self isolate
And moderate
But mostly sit and wait
Apr 2016 · 151
Creepstar Apr 2016
Diving so deep into the meaning of anything
Because I can't for the life of me remember who I am
Apr 2016 · 264
Creepstar Apr 2016
Black eyes
Lose ties
I dispise
My demise

Its high time
That I mime
That I'm fine
While I'm dying

I won't leave you there
Pulling out hair
With a cold stare

So I'll say
For today I'll stay
I'll play
You can have it your way
Apr 2016 · 167
Creepstar Apr 2016
To put it chemically
Sodium hydrobromide
I hide
What I can't confide
Apr 2016 · 292
Creepstar Apr 2016
A good ship doesn't sink
And bailing water only lasts so long
Fix the hole rather than bailing water
Apr 2016 · 301
Creepstar Apr 2016
Woke up the beast
It needs to feast
But at least
There is no shortage
For the maniacal
And its viable
That I'll regress
To a state since did pass
I wonder how long normality will last
Do I care?
Can I now?
If so how?
Let out the feeling
'Til I'm numb
**** son
What have I done?!
Less depressive
More manic
Apr 2016 · 167
Creepstar Apr 2016
Wasted on cheap ***** alcohol
I wanna say a skinful but its got my soul
In the words of ***** ****
"I'm just a **** getting bladdered to embaress myself"
Apr 2016 · 272
Let me clear you off a seat
Creepstar Apr 2016
Sometimes I wonder why its so nice to have a chick sit on my face
Then again it maybe because my ever moving tounge has found its rightful place
I don't have to say a word but I'm still granted grace
And for your information,yes,I do like lace
Talking isn't the best thing to do with a tounge
Apr 2016 · 383
ignorance is not bliss
Creepstar Apr 2016
They say ignorance is bliss
But how about this
Like minus touch its to be cursed
In a way that's much worse

If you are robbed do you not become waery
Stolen trust can be scary
Broken minds can be lairy
Broken hearts but you dare,see

Forgiving is a gift
But ignorance isn't
You can notice fact
Or pretend that you didn't

You can walk away
Or ignore it and stay
A dangerous game that you play
I just need to say if I may

Ignorance is to be cursed
In a way that's much wosre
Ignorance is not bliss
Something more you might miss
Careful you don't mistake forgiveness for ignorance
Apr 2016 · 525
Drop dead gorgeous
Creepstar Apr 2016
When copulating with a cadaver
Warm in a bath,with moisturiser slather
Its fine to cut a few new holes in
Providing once done you sew where you've been
They're better fresh unless you wish to gump
While they still have blood they give a better pump
To preserve like biscuits you'll need a cool dry place
And bodies dehydrate so you'll need botox for the face
Apr 2016 · 387
Creepstar Apr 2016
I can barely contain the excitement
Of holding the one I adore
Love deep and unrequited
Her form what my arms were made for
Her smile brighter than the sun
Her voice a chorus of beauty
Her eyes deeper than the ocean
And ******* she's got one fine *****
Apr 2016 · 258
Words from my blackout poem
Creepstar Apr 2016
Undoubtedly confusions offer a knack for drawing out character flaws.
The world pushes the unfaithful,even today,through a revival of confusions.
Utterly drunken,haplessly amused,but not an easy ride.
I felt both uncomfortable and comedic,one dimensional clowns.
The poor souls,in no small part.
Each interconnected.
Apr 2016 · 185
picture this
Creepstar Apr 2016
Paint a picture so dark that it resembles the night sky without deep if you fell it would be ***** the oxygen from your lungs and breaks your bones with pressure.scared with nowhere to hide it feeds on you,you make no sound but only because there is no cannot fight with a picture but it can fight with you,terrify you,break you.anyone else can see its just a picture but they aren't consumed by it,they haven't tasted its venom or felt its bite.the wanting to cut out your own heart or bash your own skull in with a hammer just to make it stop but yeah,they're right its just a picture.
Picturing depression is so much simpler than living with it.
Apr 2016 · 191
Creepstar Apr 2016
Got drunk
Drank bleech
Passed out
Death breached

Woke up
Stomach pain
Still alive
Its insane

Small cuts
Pass time
Shop opens
Drink wine

Body is
A ******* tank
I should
Have a...long hard think
Creepstar Apr 2016
One sheep
Two sheep
Black and blue sheep
And a new sheep

Won't hop the gate
Its to late
To evaluate
They tell me to "******* mate"

Even the imaginations seem upset
And I get
That I'm keeping them awake too
But I don't know what else to do
Apr 2016 · 255
Creepstar Apr 2016
Five past five
Still awake
Still alive
Mind like a busy hive

Buzzing thought
Still,I ought
Not to get caught

...of this
"Please miss?"
"A kiss?"
Snakes hiss

Slither away
Another day
Or should I say
I just don't want to play
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