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 May 2016
Sean Hunt

No matter what it is I see
If I really want to be free
I've got to remember
It's all about me

It's all about me,
It's nothing you do
it's all about me
I'm telling you who
It's not about you

I used to think it was all about you
The things you would say and do
Now I know it’s all about me
And not about you

If my sky is grey
Or if my sky is blue
My sky's about me
And not about you

Sean Hunt   2011
Other people do not cause our suffering and our problems, it comes from our own minds.  This is very good news because we have complete freedom and responsibility.  The belief that others ARE the causes of our happiness, unhappiness is actually the most painful mistake we make.  It took me many years to learn this truth.
 May 2016
julie patten
On your marks
TO run your best
StOrm ahead to keep abreast
ThrOugh the pain within your chest
AnxiOus now to pass the rest
LifelOng fame could be made
DeliciOus win of this decade
ScenariO will never fade
LimitatiOns not obeyed
A dynamic/experimental poem. Not only do the athletes race but the 'O' moves one space along on each line
(from my book, Hotchpotch)
go to my website@
 May 2016
tzvi lindeman
I stand and speak
And then I walk
Are you happy
With what I squawk
I'm a storyteller, and go to the spoken word evening at the mortal man pub. The poets are telling stories and they said I should try my hand at poetry, this is my first attempt...
 May 2016
julie patten
My hood protects me from the wind
So sharp it jabs just like a pin.
I bow my head and ***** my eyes
And tie the cord beneath my chin.

I wear my boots to keep me warm
Against the wind along the bay.
They keep me dry in muddy pools,
In sticky sands and salty spray.

I watch the tide, tossed by the breeze,
Shivering from its frisky chill,
Pushed along by nature's force,
Washed up the bay against its will.

I see  stout branches wave and sway,
And trembling twigs alive with fear,
Bending, blowing every way,
Wrestling with the atmosphere.

Clouds change their shade as they float past
From fluffy white to sombre grey,
Like kites up high without  their strings,
They swirl about then drift away.

Flapping hard against the wind
Gulls screech and scream their piercing cry.
They swoop and soar above the sands
With feathers ruffled as they fly.

My nose is red, my cheeks are pink.
I sniff the salt of grey green sea.
My breath is deep, my body leans.
I'm ready for a cup of tea.
wrote this after a cold windy walk along  Arnside beach.
More poems in my poetry books, Hotchpotch and Word Pie and on my blog page.
Also novels and short stories.
 May 2016
Sean Hunt
My me
And your me
Are destined for

The me that I see
And the me that you see
Are simply not
The same me


The you that you see
And the you that I see
Are as different
As a toe and a tree

Now the me that I am
Is not the me I wanted to be
I had to be this me
For mummy and daddy

And the you that you are
Is not the you, you wanted to be
You too needed to please
Mummy and daddy

You are unknowable
I am unknowable
No wonder our relationships
Are so unbearable

Sean Hunt  April 30 2016
 May 2016
Sean Hunt
You are hidden from view
You don’t see me
I don’t see you
This makes me nervous,
You see
I know what you have done
Through history

The wars you’ve caused
The blood you’ve shed
Down so many streets
Rolling heads
Armies and power
Rows of stones
Crosses and flowers

Court jesters
And child molesters
Clowning around
Bishops and criers
Lingering liars
Towers and trials
All of the arrogant
Baying and praying
For a male child

****** horsemen
Hunting with hounds
We no longer want you

Sean Hunt  May 5  2016
An anti aristocrat rant
 May 2016
Sean Hunt
I’m as old as you
You’re as old as me
We should not be
By everything
That we see

Sean Hunt
Twenty Word Poem
 May 2016
Sean Hunt
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I never know if, out of sight
Another stands by in delight
Listening to my melody
Intended  just for me

If I sing in the open air
And only birds can hear me there
I wonder what response they have
I know they cannot clap

‘Tis very well they hear
Though we can see no ears
I could be wrong but
I doubt they enjoy our song

We think we are alone a lot
When we are not
Assumptions made are wrong
About who listens to our songs

Sean Hunt  May 11th 2016
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I visited Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere this morning.  They have established a poetry blog and are inviting poems from the public for consideration.  They are selecting some for publication on their website.  They are specifically asking people to read 'The Solitary Reaper' by Wordsworth and write a poem inspired by his poem.  So this is my effort.  If anyone wishes to do the same you could publish the poem here and then contact Simon Davies at Wordsworth Trust by email or send a link to your poem on Hello Poetry.  I think I will try the latter.   Simon's email address is:

My idea worked well;  I copied the Hello Poetry url link and pasted it in my comment on the Wordsworth comments page.........i.e
thoughts on “Another Solitary Reaper”

Sean Hunt
11TH MAY 2016 AT 5:31 PM
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I wrote a poem inspired by this Wordsworth poem and I uploaded it to a web poetry site (link above). What struck me about the poem was not the actual imagined idyllic experience of a surprised eavesdropping walker, listening to a well-sung song, it was for me, the non-awareness of the singer that she was being listened to and enjoyed; I found this to be the most interesting aspect of the described scene. Thank you for the encouragement to read this poem and be inspired by it Simon _/\_
 May 2016
Sean Hunt
She has proven
She's a poet
Now she knows it
 May 2016
Kate Barkes
Sickly and rich
laying in ditch
Rupert shouts
"that *****!"
 May 2016
Kate Barkes
Behind a tattered hessian curtain there is a flickering light,
but this isn't what should be on her bedside right.
My first 20 worder (as instructed) - I may continue this one at a later date.
 May 2016
Kate Barkes
Shattered glass
Shattered bone
amid twisted metal
rings the phone
 May 2016
Kate Barkes
Wretched continuous pain
now life will never be the same
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