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 May 2017 Cheniece
Slur pee
I sleep hoping to find that when I wake this is a dream,
That my veins are seams to some other human being.
That one day my words won’t cling to my teeth,
And my tongue won’t be a platform for broken speech.

Let this skin not be a larva bound to grow from ****,
But to form into a pupa of beautiful metamorphosis;
I want to shed from a cocoon and emerge a butterfly
And for once be held in the beholder’s elusive eye.

Strip from me this visage, this form, this sin;
All the ugliness that penetrates my surface, and writhes within.
Purge me from my own skewed expectations,
And I shall be renewed, a fetus cleansed- born again.

There's a hole in my chest,
doesn't let me pray, bother or rest,
takes away my rhythm, wonder and zest;
makes me feel the worst, but makes me do the best.

There's a hole where my heart used to be.
I sacrificed bliss so I could set it free.
I gave away trust for truth I wanted to see,
died away in uncertainty so truth I could be.

There's a hole in my soul where love should be found
'cause I traded all my secrets so I could go underground,
sacrificed my words so I could master speaking in sounds;
hoping that my purpose would soon come around.

There's a hole in my gaze wherever I go,
I gave away my ignorance because I wanted to grow,
gave away my innocence so I could be bold,
surrendered to life but left without a hand to hold.
 Apr 2017 Cheniece
The friendships will be the sunshine
Whether they are the ones just for fun
Or the ones that stick around when you need them most
All of these are forms of love, and they will nurture you

The hurt is the rain
It pours and pours and it seems like it’ll never end
And oh how it’s cold
But I promise it’s good for you
It won’t be until you’ve blossomed that you realize you needed it

Your family is your soil
Your mother who loves you with every breath she takes
Those connected to you through blood and soul
Loving you unconditionally, the only way they know how

And you my love, you were the seed
Through pain and love you have grown and will grow
You are the most stunning of flowers
And everything with eyes will stop to admire you
For if they don’t, they are simply fools

— The End —