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Arke Aug 2019
You were three blocks away
Going to the same destination
But you wouldn't stop
In the cold and rain
Never asked if I needed help
Didn't offer a ride which would've
Saved me 40 minutes of time
And an awkward conversation
With a man who invited me back to his
I considered his offer
Partly out of spite
Partly out of hope
That he would slash my throat
And I wouldn't have to return home
I rubbed my cheeks, suddenly grateful
No one can tell when you've cried in the rain
I guess we've always been three blocks
Apart from one another, you and I
Too depressed to get out of bed. Guess I'll write poetry.
Arke Aug 2019
I like to write everything in erasable pen
Because someday it'll disappear like me
Arke Aug 2019
In last night's dream I met the 3 fates
They said, in unison, I could go back in time
Just for 24 hours, to any day I wanted

I picked the day you died.

I ran to your house and explained
What would happen to you, soon
Thinking, in my hubris, I could stop it

At first, you thought I was joking
Or playing some sort of cruel trick
Until you saw the tears form
I hugged you, in a way I hadn't
In over twenty years and said I was sorry

We stayed up all night watching bad tv
Eating sweet snacks from the pantry
I read to you, my favourite poetry
I told you everything, and I lied
That I was happy, that I'm okay

And for a moment I thought that maybe
It wouldn't happen. That you wouldn't go.

Soon after, a gasp for air.
The death rattle. I held your hand.
I watched you die and was helpless to stop it.
But I was there with you, in my dream
To the very end, you were never alone

I wish I could've been there with you
Traumatizing as it would have been for me
I'm so sorry I wasn't there
  Aug 2019 Arke
you are the raindrops
that patters through my rooftop,
gently sliding on my window
creating a short-lived ripple
that slowly goes away

if only I can make you stay.

I, on my window
watching the pale sky,
with winds and clouds so dreary
and a soul starting to get weary

It's been a dark, lonely day,
and I've been waiting
for the sun to come out and stay

you are the raindrops
that gone away
no words or sound as you
fall to the ground

I, on my window
watching you vanish
without saying goodbye.
Arke Jul 2019
You told me once, life isn't aimless
We are all aimed directly at death
Arke Jul 2019
I'll never make it to heaven now
But at least I've seen it once with you
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