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Mind Drifter Aug 2015
Ever since you walked away
The sky has become clouds of gray
You left me lying broken on the floor
Months passed and you were at my door
Begged at my feet for forgiveness
I've turned a blind eye to your tears

You were my sweet dream came true
I was your life's sweet surprise
How did we ever lose such prize?
I've been wasting time in vain
Blinded by the pourin rain
Now you're at my door again

The more I try to build walls between us
The more undone we both become
I can see that clear now
For so long pride took over
This time it will surrender

I'm coming back in your arms
Let's make things right
Draw the curtain over the wrongs
Coz love forgives
Love forgets
I almost cursed your name
But I remembered who you were
The treasured memories in my heart
It's great that love remembers
Wrote this for no one in particular but for that someone who I'm gonna love one day. When I love you, I can forgive and forget mistakes because I know that the love we share is so much greater than all of those.

— The End —