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  Feb 2016 Red
“I want to buy a pack of Marlboro reds and smoke them one by one.
Twenty little friends to calm my nerves.
Twenty times I’ll count which memories I’m burning away.
I’m dizzy from the nicotine, but thinking more clearly now.
There’s a sick satisfaction
in killing yourself slowly.
I want to understand the songs
about needing a smoke.”
1:34 p.m, Monday, March 9, 2015
- j.d
Red Oct 2015
You were supposed to be a stranger.
We were...
Strangers with a shared kiss.
My brain was washed with alcohol,
With the snippets of memories left.
I forgot your  name...
and how we met.
That one fateful night...
You were supposed to stay a stranger
Instead you traced my step
The world is too small for us.
Who would have thought that
you would find me?
You even got my name wrong.
Your description was spot on.
The friend of your friend knew me.
You should have just left it as it is...
A beautiful memory by the beach -
with a stranger.
Red Apr 2015
Let me kiss your scars.
I'm here for you now.
I will act as a bandage to your wounds.
Let me take away your pain.
Put down the razor my love.
Give it to me so I can toss it out the window.
Let my love overwhelm you.
Enlace my fingers where you would normally put that razor blade.
Focus on my eyes and my kiss instead.
Allow me to heal your pain.
Don't push me away.
I won't give up on you, I won't run.
I'm here now.
Everything is going to be OK my love

— The End —