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Gatwiri Karen Jun 2019
And then I met you and I knew I had missed that bad reputation
  Jun 2019 Gatwiri Karen
Jon York
She real,
          she's deep, she's
  mystical, and she believes
           in kindness and
     oneness  and  romance
              and magic.

            She's  a  warrior,
                 and a lover.

               She believes in
        road trips to the moon
                     and stars
           and  dancing  with
                the universe.

            She's  fearless and
                      gentle, and
               brave. She lives in
                  sunsets,  an­d

                    She's  the
                     the poet,
                 the poem, and
                    the dream.

                    She's LOVE
                                                            ­               Jon York   2019
Gatwiri Karen Jun 2019
Still wondering why you were wrong when you felt so right
  Jun 2019 Gatwiri Karen
Nimrod kiptoo
If it were real,  it'd never be over
Gatwiri Karen Jun 2019
I hoped that your soul was also vintage..and I still do
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