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  Feb 2019 Javanne
Pablo Neruda
Don't go far off, not even for a day, because --
because -- I don't know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.

Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.

Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,

because in that moment you'll have gone so far
I'll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,
Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?
Javanne Feb 2019
Tousled silk sheets
My hands meld
In to yours

You wished for roses
And so it was granted
A dozen or so

You pleaded for our tongues
To tango in unison
but our hips had other plans

You straddled my temptation
kept an

For us, it is never night
Just the inverse
Of a universe
That was made
For us and our delights

So for our ******
I thank
The Valentines of the past
For allowing
A true Goddess
To find their equal
On earth!
A/N: I hope you're not lactose intolerant because I've serving you cheese this valentines.
Javanne Feb 2019
You aren't a rose
Roses decay after a week
But you-
You are something that
Takes death and
Crushes it in your hand
How you do that is magic-
Magic that only you wield

You do not flounder
But rather
You transfix me
I see nothing but you
A/N: In the spirit of valentines~  also it was from a prompt to write what you saw on twitter which was a rose.
Javanne Feb 2019
Me and a friend were talking
They asked me
“Is there anything as radiant as the moon?”
I paused
Felt the muscles around my lips spasm and answered
“There is”

We continued walking
They asked me
“Is there anything more blinding than that blistering sun above us?”
I stopped
Felt my pores open their floodgates and answered
“There is, and just as fiery too”

We stopped by a pier and watched as the waves rolled in
They asked me
“Is there anything as gentle as the rocking of those ocean waves?”
I closed my eyes
Felt the sea breeze scent mark me and answered
“There is, and it’s a sight to see”

We said our goodbyes for the evening
But before they left, they asked me
“Are you sure that there is something that is even more radiant, blinding and gentle as mother Gaia?”
I took their hand, clasped it with my own and answered
“There is, and when it grips your soul with its feathered touch, Only then will you understand.”
A/N: Love poems are my weakness and I enjoy writing them so much.
Javanne Feb 2019
My chest…
Is on fire
I feel these flames
Gradually make their way
Through my fluctuating state of
Pure joy and **** near dread

I feel these flames
Transform themselves into a
Unstoppable sweltering inferno that
Soldiers through
Burning tunnels and chars’ arteries that
Lead only to
Pure ecstasy and **** near ruin

How my chest, with such a
Enraging inferno that
Threatens to engulf me,
Each intake of breath fanning its heat,
Turning me into my own wicker man
Is able to withstand
Such intensity
Is a mystery that only those
Who have been handed back roses
Will understand.
Javanne Jan 2019
I’ve written death many letters
But their assistant reads them
And sends them back to me with
Sunflower seeds

I’ve called death many times
But their voicemail tells me
To try again later and
Tells me to eat
Those ******* sunflower seeds

I’ve tried to meet death on many occasions
But their bodyguard always grabs me and
Forces me back in line
But not before shovelling sunflower seeds
Down my windpipe

I will not give up on confronting death
Because they will have to see me
With no assistant or bodyguard or voicemails
And I’ll hand back
Every last one
Of these sickening
Sunflower seeds
Javanne Jan 2019
I sit on my bed
And across from me
Peering back
Was Cupid

He giggled
And wigged his bow
While I
Had one hand on my phone
And another on his shot arrow
That pierced
My side
Many moons ago

He looked on
As my bed began
To soak red
And stared in awe
While I continued to
Tug on this
****** arrow

It doesn't move
I can feel it's
Spearhead inch
Even further
Pulling sinew and flesh
With it

I beg and plead with him
To take it out
And that I should've heeded his warnings
That longing for the impossible
Was going to lead to my
Downward spiral of wanting
Love from Aphrodite in corporeal form
But the longing was much to great
Surely he too understood this

But he
Bites his thumb at me
And continues to giggle
And fiddle with
Another of his arrows

I grow dizzy
And cold
But this arrow burns hot
Like the Caribbean sun
With an inferno scorching my lungs

A scream escapes me
And Cupid claps
Before he takes aim
And pretends to
another of his arrows
Through my phone

I feel another pang in my chest
Knowing this gesture
all to well
For I deserve this torture
Because I
Can't let go
Of Aphrodite in corporeal form
A/N: If you wanna hear me read it:
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