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To love you is to watch my tone
To love you is to charge my phone
To love you is to quell each maybe
To love you is to FaceTime the baby
To love you is to laugh off fights
To love you is to prolong goodnights
To love you is to praise each quirk
To love you is to hide at work
To love you is to get the gist
To love you goes beyond a list
  Apr 2019 AMF Ardena
enid jerzt looper
“I dont know”
was my response
when you asked me if
I still love you

the world stopped
for the both of us
as I wondered on the thought
of me, being selfish
or being true
and yours upon the
realization that
maybe, just maybe
my love for you
is fleeting

neither of us was speaking
and the silence echoed
through the depths of my head
and you uttered

that moment, I knew
that you gave up
on me, and my inner

I crumbled upon
the guilt of telling you
those words, so instead
I let my tongue do
the talking and said

cause it was never hard to say

but it is always hard to face

the reality of being responsible
to someone

as if I have to breathe
through somebody’s pair of lungs
and scratch the loneliness
with someone else’s fingers

we parted
I changed numbers

cause I had to stay afloat
on the clouds of solitude
free from attachments.
  Apr 2019 AMF Ardena
it was about a year ago
that i first saw your face
the talk was small
i had to go and you asked if we could stay
it was about a year ago
that we talked and laughed and cried
it was about a year ago
that you never said goodbye
so i beg of you to let me go
for my heart cannot do
it was about a year ago
that i felt what it means to lose
AMF Ardena Apr 2019
Try to hold the pain
until prisoned tears escape
emotion runs free
AMF Ardena Apr 2019
I did not expect you to come
yet you did

I did not want you to leave
yet you did
AMF Ardena Mar 2019
Alone at the vastness of black sky
Not even a star on its side
Look how the moon can smile
Theres always pain on the other side
  Feb 2019 AMF Ardena
Narukami no sukoshi toyomite
     (A faint clap of thunder)
sashi kumori
     (Clouded skies)
Ame mo furanu ka?
     (Perhaps rain comes)
Kimi wo todomemu
     (If so, will you stay here with me?)

Narukami no sukoshi toyomite
     (A faint clap of thunder)
furazu to mo
     (Even if rain comes not)
warewa tomaramu
     (I will stay here)
imoshi todomeba*
     (Together with you)
here's a tanka which i got from the japanese animated movie, Kotohana no Niwa (The Garden of Words). I just love the question and response written in the text.
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