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An echo in forever,
Illusions shattered on the ground,
And I will wait for never,
Somewhere nowhere to be found,
A mirror reflecting backwards,
There’s a smile that will not fade,
A clock that don’t move forward,
Blinding sunshine in the shade,
True freedom is in losing,
Laughing at both wants and needs,
Accepting in the choosing,
If I’m planting graves or seeds,
You should follow me and lead me,
In the lies you find what’s true,
The darkness is where we can see,
All the light of me and you.

I catch a break
from the clattering chatter
of complaints
To melt into this cozy chair
and rediscover my own thoughts,
who I have lost
somewhere in the noise

I catch my breath
and slowing its pace, I embrace
the silence
This temporary peace I seldom
catch hold of these days

And just as I finally start to see

It's taken

Shattered and scattered
like a cars side mirror
by the haphazardly cluelessness
of another

My reflection

My inner self


Once more
You sneak up on me
Grab my waist tightly
Hold me in your arms;
Crush me.

This isn't beautiful
Or romantic
It's broken, it's faulty;
A slippery *****
And I'm falling

This time though
I know.
I see the signs
I paved the way
I'll just keep pushing
Toward another day;
For you will not stay.
Winter blues I suppose
i just met a depressed woman
she just pretends sickly strong like a man
never to realise she's human
and she got a lifespan

she smiled at walking dogs
giggled at swirling cars
her mind was not her's
she was living for tomorrow

At 20
she was all alone
she was lone
she wolf they say
random laughs and love
never to let in someone in

now she met me
am too sad to say
i wish i met 2 year old her when she was in mud
making her mom mad
she was to hard for me now
Bomber shadow overhead
   to shelters rue the day
   we forgot our lost dead,
   fear black bird of prey.

   Pregnant with fire death
   steal your air and laugh
   as you die seeking breath
   think of that photograph.
The Ice Queen seated on a throne of iron
Surveys her vast frozen world
The ashes and bones of lost loves
Strewn beneath her ****** feet
Her hands are still her heart stiller
Pierced by the shards of her pain

The bleak wasteland of her now
Dotted with glittering icebergs
That stand blocking her way
Too slippery to climb over
Too big to skirt the edges
Escape becomes a distant dream

The nightmare is unravelling
Her only path is pitted with tiny fissures
Down which her self esteem
Gradually vanishes dissolving into mist
The mist spews silently upward
Cloaking all hope in despair

She sees through eyes of granite
Cold hard devoid of emotion
Tears if she had any left
Form tiny silvered droplets of fear
Unmoving on her pale cheeks
Reminding her of her past

Alone she sits splendidly isolated
Walled off from all the others
Each heavy brick in that wall
Crafted from every hurt experienced
Cemented together with her agony
The burden of her years of mistakes
Mistakes made honestly without malice

The price of trusting too easily
Of the urge to rescue others
Of the urge to please and to be loved
Of bending herself out of shape
To become the square peg
In the empty round hole

Her passion for love and living
Sacrificed long ago at the altar of betrayal
She pays for her passion every day
With the coins of regret and self loathing
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