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197 · Dec 2020
Life in scientific way.
Benzene Dec 2020
It is amazing, how we are in every way but a microcosm of the universe. Just stop and observe how we travel through the world;
like leptons racing through the stars.

And like a molecule;
we spend most of our hurried lives looking to form atomic bonds;
Hoping to collect along the way enough to fill our orbital shelves. Some might shed electron shells to become stable and their better self;
By sharing pieces of themselves with other people.

There are many catalyst  
that making our life fast and quick.
We are living in unprecedented times.

We are riders of the solar winds;
and we each must play our part;
But will we leave behind a legacy brighter than great Sirius A?
Or will we be lost by our own dark energy and accelerate towards the end?
I know it's about science and chemistry.
Is it seeming  boring?
Hope you all enjoy it.
185 · Oct 2023
Benzene Oct 2023
Within our souls , we carry love's greatest stories, unspoken but forever true.
181 · Mar 2023
Benzene Mar 2023
Stars died in the ephemeral bliss,
The moon bathed in crimson,
As I looked last on her face,
Those hairs coming undone..

She looked the same as in life,
Her eyes still the sparkling blue,
But that glassiness spreading on her cheeks,
As my dream came untrue..

She laid there, laced in mourning..
As everybody came and go..
And i was supposed to say something..
But the words got caught in my throat..

I faltered and ran..
Her figure following me everywhere..
Than i squared and turned back..
But never made it back there..

She departed this place..
In the mesmerizing twilight..
And I blinked my tears in..
Drowning them in that pure sight..
A piece from draft , A piece from heart .
171 · Mar 2023
Love is like !
Benzene Mar 2023
Love is like a long walk with someone.
Or just feel the rain from the window with just one hand out.
Maybe like the long mysterious pause in the rain with someone.
The sunrise in the winter mornings!
Or the first conversations, all night long.
Love is like a sudden crazy wind against your face.
Or staring at the night sky full of bright stars
A magical forehead kiss or even a sudden warm hug.
Seeing your children do silly things,
seeing your mom & dad grow old,
Even when leaving with so many happy memories to cherish for.
Love is what you cannot count on your fingertip.
So give love & take love whenever, wherever & whoever you get! Embrace it even if you don't get it all at once
Love is not about just two people , it's an emotion that we carry in our heart .
164 · Apr 2023
Fading love...
Benzene Apr 2023
A heart once full of love and light,
Now broken, shattered in the night.
The love that once was pure and true,
Now lost, and gone from me and you.

We walked together, hand in hand,
Through fields of flowers and golden sand.
We laughed and loved, without a care,
Our hearts so full, our love so rare.

But time and distance took their toll,
And slowly, we lost our loving soul.
Our hearts grew distant, cold and dark,
And now we're left with just the stark

Reminder of what once we had,
A love that made us both so glad.
But now it's gone, and we must face,
The pain and sorrow in its place.

We'll look back on what we shared,
And know that once we truly cared.
But now it's time to say goodbye,
And let our love fade with a sigh.

For though our love is lost and gone,
We'll cherish it as we move on.
And maybe someday, in some way,
Our love will find its place to stay.
Sometimes It's OKAY to say Goodbyes..
164 · Jul 2023
Benzene Jul 2023
meeting her and falling in love with her was destiny indeed . however getting chosen by her was the miracle that never happened
156 · Oct 2023
Benzene Oct 2023
Some people are broken .
Some of them know who to love , but not how to .
Some of them know how to love ,but not who to love .
And they usually end up together .
141 · Apr 13
In Her Radiance
Benzene Apr 13
In the cascade of light, she flows like a stream,
While I, with an old thirst, in her beauty gleam.
I've quenched my longing, with a gaze so deep,
Capturing her essence, in my heart, I keep.
With every passing moment, l linger in her sight,
Banishing thoughts of others, swiftly, out of sight.
For in her radiance, I find my endless quest,
To dwell in her presence, is where I find my rest.
Benzene Mar 26
I want to leave this boisterous town of sadness and hate,
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
A place where I can hear the cascading waterfall
and see the serene green view of the evergreen forest.
The place which makes my heart flutter with the sound of the silent seashore.
A place where the morning begins with the soothing call of a peacock, and ends with the resplendent reflection of the moon in the lake.
The lake, in which I can see fishes breathing and witness nature healing.
A place where I can find my solace and peace.
I want to leave this boisterous town of violence and rage,
where symphony of honks and shouts fill the air.
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
126 · Dec 2020
It's too late
Benzene Dec 2020
After losing touch with you;
I awakened  from a dream.
The tears lingering at the corner
of my eyes are traces of your absence.

That was also a time;
When I had Galaxy inside me ;
Which used to form constellations whenever you hold me.

I realised that love already expired.
I was too slow and now it's too late.
Why are you hesitate if you already made up the mind to leave.

Why did we holds hand;
if we don't aim towards forever.
In end you are Only passing by me.  
I mistook you as a heaven sent rainbow;
Which would filled my life with its color.
Once you borrowed my heart from me but you forgot to give it back.
Now it's too late.
122 · Nov 2020
Broken heart
Benzene Nov 2020
For some
It look like an ancient castle
With rumours of ghost
Of those dead traitors.

For some it look like an
Empty playground
Where once were cherished  memories
Now turned to a barren land

For some it look like the carnival
With no functioning and broken
Rollar coster is frozen with cold snow.

For some it look like a old school
With broken rooms
That were once filled with children
Selfless smile.
Recently I Met a person with a broken heart. Who doesn't believe in humanity
And I want to help him.
But don't know how...?
117 · Nov 2020
Benzene Nov 2020
Let your heartbeat be the music
And dance between the void of your thoughts.
117 · Feb 2023
Benzene Feb 2023
There is always a 3rd person crying all alone in the mid night behind every successful love story .
Holla Guys....Hope you all are doing good .
117 · Nov 2020
What is beauty?
Benzene Nov 2020
The beauty is not how you look but
How you treat yourself
how you carry yourself
how your personality is
how your vibe is
the energy you give off

Beauty is who you are as a person
Beauty is what you make it
Beauty is how you treat others.

Beauty is what’s in your soul
Beauty is in your heart
Beauty isn’t what meets the eye
Beauty has layers
You are beautiful no matter how you look

you are beautiful because you are completely and utterly your self
Because you are confident in who you are
Because when people bring you down
you get back up

You are strong and that is beautiful
You are different
You are unique
You are kind
You are like no other
You are you
And that is beauty
That is beautiful
116 · Dec 2020
Never give up
Benzene Dec 2020
Those who are tired of their life
And going to end that.
Can you please
Just think about your parents.
Remember when they teach us dramatic rules of life.
When they used to hold our hands
To cross those pathetic paths.
Parents who stress themselves and taught us how to live the life.
Please live life for those stress takers
Who always want to see you
S m i l i n g.
Don't release those hands from theirs
To just show that you have given
Just think about your parents before taking some worst decision of your life. May be it release you from all pain but what about them.

I don't want to write that negative word.
I'm **** sure you know about what I'm taking.
104 · May 29
fallen leaves
Benzene May 29
Trees never cry for the fallen leaves,
they always welcome the new one .
100 · Oct 2023
Benzene Oct 2023
Love and I are like two parallel individuals who aren't supposed to cross each other's path however I'm willing to risk my fate just to stare in the eyes of love and try to know if it is worth the hype or not .
Benzene Mar 19
Eternity , like a sandcastle by the shore ,
built with care , but destined to be no more.
It stands tall, a fleeting masterpiece ,
but the waves of time will surely cease .
For just as the tides wash away the stand ,
time slips through our grasp , like grains in our hand .
Yet in the act of building , we find delight ,
creating moment that shimmer , ever so bright .
Though our castle may crumble, their beauty remains,
in memories cherished , where love sustain .
For the fleeting moments, we find out worth,
leaving footprints on the shores of this vast earth .
So let build our castles with all our might ,
knowing eternity lies in moments ,not in sight .
88 · Oct 2023
any things
Benzene Oct 2023
Even in the monsoon , the sun never fails to express his beauty .
Even if it's  raining , see how the birds find comfort in the golden ray.
Even in the cold weather ,here I'm still narrating the untold , unshared , unexpressed story to the seagulls & terns .
Looking towards the never-ending waves and understanding that the most beautiful things in life are not just "any things " , it's places & photographs , people & smiles , moments & memories
88 · Mar 13
Benzene Mar 13
In the dance of hearts , a bittersweet tune,
I've loved in shadows , under the crescent moon .
Whispers of affection , lost in the night ,
yearning of love , yet out of sight .
A tapestry woven with threads of despair ,
loving those who didn't reciprocate , a burden to bear.
In the mirror of reflections ,a poignant art ,
To love without return , an ache at the heart .
not good with titles nowadays , hope you all are okay .
74 · Mar 7
Benzene Mar 7
In a weird way ,all those who write , write to find themselves .

— The End —