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There's a person inside me, he's screaming,
He just really wants to break free.
But he's locked up inside, you can't hear him,
And he should never ever be free.

There's a person inside me he's crying,
He keeps saying there's just too much pain.
But I promise to you that he's lying.
He wants to trick everybody again.

There's a person inside me he's dying,
And it's me, who made him this way.
I couldn save him, if I would just try it,
But I lack the courage to do it today.
I feel like I lost you forever,
Or maybe just for a day,
But all I can feel now is sorrow
While I'm watching you walking away

I feel like it's all of my fault,
It's just a big mess that I made.
I wish I'd done everything different
And now I'm just watching you fade.

But maybe that's how it all should be?
Maybe it's better this way?
I feel like I lost you forever,
Or maybe just for a day.
I want to talk, but I won't.
Why? Because I'm scared.
Of what? I don't know.
Yeah, it's pretty weird.

I want to call you, but I won't
Why? I don't want to bother you.
Yes, I'm sure I will, that I know.
I'd rather be lonely that annoy you.

I want to be friends, but I won't.
Why? There's no point.
You want to be friends? Don't.
Why? All I do is disappoint.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts
All I have is happy thoughts
Look at me, there's nothing wrong
While I keep singing this song

But when I stop and look around
My house is burning to the ground
It can't be stoped, I've lost control
I've dug myself a deep deep hole

Oh did you say you have a task
Just wait while I put on my mask
I'll do it gladly, it's not hard
I definitely won't get scarred

I stop to think, I have no time
I'm stressed, this hole I cannot climb
I'll fail again, that's all I do
I am ashamed to talk to You...

Great people say "if you believe
There's nothing you cannot achieve"
So I believe, I will go on
I will not stop singing this song!

So that's the problem, you're the one
Who brought upon me all that's done
It's you, who put on me this mask
Of joy of which I did not ask

What do you mean, it's all my fault?
Within my life you are the salt!
Everything's wrong, that's all you say
I want to be happy, ok?

You want to be happy? That's great
I want that happiness too, mate!
But we can't lie and hide the pain
Through this there's nothing we will gain.

Wait, are you saying if we take off
This mask, the pain will just run off?
But we'll be weak without our mask
It's dangerous, we'll fail this task.

It's risky, yes, I do agree
But it's the only way, you see
We have to open up our heart
That's how the happiness will start.
Pain, pain, pain
I see it everywhere again.
Pain, pain, pain
It ties you up just like a chain.

It hurts so much, but can't be stoped,
It starts to push, until you've popped.
And then you think "it can't get worse,
I've stopped to sink, I've stopped the curse."

And o my God were you so wrong,
It comes back sounding like a gong.
But something's off, it's not the same,
It went right past, no scars, no maim.

So then you stop and look around,
That's when you pop, you just brake down.
The reasons that it's not the same
Is that you never were it's aim.

It'***** the ones you love the most,
The ones that are to you so close.
You want to help, but it's too late,
There is no stopping it, it's fate.

And now you realize, what it means,
What feeling pain really is.
Look left, look right everything's new,
Everyone's hurt except for you.

You start to shout "this isn't fair!
It should be mine this curse to bear!
Dear God, please take away their pain
They have nothing from this to gain!

Give it to me, I will defeat
All that lies beneath my feet.
Take care of those I love so much
So they could feel your loving touch."

You say these words again, again,
But there just seems to be no end.
You try to comfort, love and care,
But it becomes to much to bear

The pain of seeing those you love
Be hurt in ways unspoken of,
It's worse than all the pain you've ever felt,
You can't escape this painful belt.

— The End —