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Tatiana Mar 2019
Show me...
There are so many thing about you that people don't see
They try to show you their issues
Compared to what some people go through, their "issue" isn't really an issue at all

You want to scream, shout, rant, rave
Anything you can do to make them listen

They don't care
You try to be open
To be honest
...They Shrug it off

I guess what you have to say isn't that important to them

That's it
That's the breaking point
You let it all out

Show me!
Show me how this isn't so bad
Show me a time when you wanted to slit your wrists and make your suffering end

Show me!

Show me a time when you were stripped away from your family
Show me a time when you were placed in the foster system at, not even, two years old

Show me!

Show me a time when you felt unloved......unwanted
Show me a time when you found out two of your closest friends are suicidal
Show me the scars on your wrist from each time you tried something

You can't!
You don't have any

Show me a time when you were ripped apart
Unable to figure out who you really are
Show me a time when your parents tried to kick you out at 16
Show me a time when you felt so lost all you could see was the darkness

Show me!
**** it!
Show me already!

Show me a time when you woke up crying from a nightmare
Where one of the people you love the most was the person who caused your death

Show me a time when you would just sit in your room, alone, and cry until you felt sick
Show me a time when your closest friend stabbed you in the back...multiple times

Show me!
I'm begging you
Show me!

But you can't
You haven't experienced it

Show me you know what this type of pain feels like
Show me you know how it feels to cry yourself to sleep for weeks on end
Show me a time when you almost lost who you were
Show me a time when you almost gave up everything you believed in

You can't
You don't know what I'm talking about

Beneath the surface of my harsh exterior, there is a girl
And she is struggling

She is fighting a war the only way she knows how
She is breaking apart
Trying so hard to put herself back together...only to be broken again

See how she feels through her eyes
See things the way she does

For her
It's dark

That's how she feels
She struggles to find a silver lining

But if you don't look past the surface, you will never know

You will never know she's breaking
You will never know she's falling apart
You will never know the battles she fights daily

You won't know unless you look beneath the surface
When you finally do, let me know what you find
Most of what is talked about in the poem has happened in my lifetime, as well as to some of my friends.

"Don't judge my story by the chapter you walked in on."-Unknown
Tatiana Mar 2019
The heart
The power house of our bodies
Keeping us alive
Night and day

The heart keeps us alive
Even if we feel broken
But what if the heart is what’s broken?

A broken heart will hurt for what feels like eons
A broken heart is a result of loving someone, then realizing they don’t feel the same
Then they decide to leave you

Picking up the pieces of your heart by yourself

You start to think
What happened?
Did I do something wrong?
Were we even a good match to start with?
When did it all go wrong?

You just sit there
With your heart breaking
Tears streaming down your eyes, pooling at your feet

A broken heart never lets you forget
The good
The bad
The happy
The sad
Because the person that broke your heart, will always be IN your heart

You want to hate them
You want to find anyone you can to make them feel the way you feel
To hurt the way you hurt

But the heart is a tricky thing to understand

You want to hurt the idiot who hurt you
But you also want what’s best for them
You want them to feel the pain that you feel
But you don’t want them to hurt the way you’re hurting

Our heart is a thing of irony

The heart makes us feel things we don’t want to feel
It makes us do things we would never do
It makes us fall for people we know are bad for us
We fall for them anyway

But eventually, with time, the broken heart will heal

The broken heart will never really be the same though
It is hard to put something back together once it has been broken

But a broken heart can help you as well
It can help you be more cautious when you start to fall for someone
It can make you stronger because it broke, but it healed
It can teach you about who you are still need to know that

But the broken heart did heal
It doesn’t look the same
It still works the same
It was sewn back together crookedly
But it still beats

Just because the heart breaks, it doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, or unworthy of love
It just means you’re getting stronger
For when you find that person who can successfully mend your heart
You’ll love them much more than you thought possible

After all, hearts (and people) get broken
But the broken live on

So tell me
What will you do

Will your heart break, and then will you become broken?


Will your heart break, and then you put it back together the best you can
And wait until you find that one person who will make it completely whole again?

That’s a choice I’ve already made
But what about you?
What choice will you make about your heart if it gets broken?
Tatiana Mar 2019
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies
You may tres me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I am waking like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room

Just like moons and like stars
With the certainty of tides
Just like hopes springing high
Still I rise

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling like teardrops
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness upset you?
Don’t take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my backyard

You may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
You may **** me with your hatefulness
But still, like air, I rise

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I Rise
Out from a past that’s rooted in pain
I Rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide
Welling and swelling I bear the tide

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I Rise
Into daybreak that’s wonderfully clear
I Rise
Bringing the gifts my ancestors gave
I am the dream and the hope of the slave

I Rise
I Rise
I Rise
I did not pen this poem. It is one I’m studying I my advanced literature class, and it touched me deeply because so many people in my life, myself included, can relate to it one way or another.
Tatiana Mar 2019
Words cannot define who we are
Only we can

People tell us things to bring us down
They will also tell us thing to build us up

Either way, words will do both to us

Words can help you find who you are
They can also make you lose yourself in their confusion

Whose words will you listen to?

Will you listen to what people tell you, when they say you are not enough
When they say you will fail
When they say you will never amount to anything


Will you listen to what YOU tell yourself?
That you are enough
That you will succeed
That you will do things no one has ever imagined

Those are the words we need to hear
Those are the words that will build people up
Words that will make them stronger

So, now you decide

Whose words will you listen to?
Tatiana Mar 2019
They are the wounds that will always be attached to us
Some of us have scars on our hearts
Where we loved someone, only to find out they didn't feel the same
Scars from where the heart was broken, but never fully healed

Scars on our brains from bad memories
From things we remember, but so desperately wish we could forget

Scars on our back from where people have stabbed us too many times
From where you let someone into your life, held them close, only to find out they were using, and had no intention to stay

Scars on your shoulders from when you were forced to choose
From when two people you loved got in a fight, and threw you in the middle of it all
From they pulled on your arms, forcing you to pick one or the other
Then they desert you for following your heart and trusting your instincts
Either way, in the end, they both left
That was always going to be the end result

Scars from your closest friends when they said "All is forgotten and in the past", yet they never truly forget
Somehow, whatever happened, will always be relevant

Then there are the scars that life gives you
All the bad experiences that you try so hard to bury, yet are still so close to the surface
Constantly reminding you that you are never enough
Even though you try so hard to convince yourself otherwise
You are always trying to convince yourself that you ARE enough

Then there are the scars that you have given yourself
The ones you so desperately try to hide
The ones you don't want anyone to see because you're so scared of what they'll say
The scars you hide because you want to do this on your own
You want to show people that you are stronger than they think you are...even though it doesn't feel like it
The scars that are on your wrists from when you wanted everything to end...and still do

Everyone of us has scars
Sometimes it just takes a while for people to notice them

But scars aren't all bad
They are proof

Proof that you struggled
Proof that you wanted to end everything the only way that you knew how
Proof that you've fought countless battles
Proof that you are, and always will be, victorious
Proof that you are broken, and that the broken live on
Proof that you've survived
Proof that you're still fighting for everything to get better...even when you think it won't
Proof that you won't give up or give in
Proof that no matter what happens, you will fight harder than you ever have before

And when the war is won, you will be able to say, "I am stronger than I have ever been, and NO ONE will ever tear me down"

That's what a scar is

All of us have them
We just need people to look deeper than the surface to find them, and help us heal
Tatiana Mar 2019
You know my name
Not my story
You see my smile
Not my pain
You notice my cuts
Not my scars
You can read my lips
Not my mind
I do not know who wrote this, but it means so much to me. The title is what I think it describes
Tatiana Mar 2019
I have been knocked down and passed over so many times
It's hard to figure out if I should keep fighting, or ignore it all and move on
People have told me that I'm not good enough
That I will NEVER be enough
That I will fail
That I will never achieve my dreams

But they are WRONG

I'm not going to give up
I'm not going to give in
I'm not going to let them win
I'm not going to let them tell me that I'm not good enough

I'm going to decide that
NOT them

I'm not going to let them tell me my dreams will fail
Maybe they feel that way because they aren't dreaming big enough

This is MY life
I will live by MY rules
And with every breath I take, I will fight

I will fight for a better tomorrow
I will fight for a better today
I will fight for who I am
I will fight for my dreams
I will fight to keep going

Just because I have been knocked down countless times
Does not mean that I have given up
It just means I will have the strength to get up and keep going

My failures do not define me
My past does not define me
Only one person can define who I am
And that is me

Only I can make the choices that I make
Only I can learn from my past so I can make a better future for myself
Only I can decide whether or not I'm worthy
Only I can decide whether or not my dreams will fail
Only I can decide whether or not this is all worth it

After all
It is MY life
And I refuse to let other people live it for me

— The End —