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And I wore a sweater yesterday
But today I bled through my skin,
And in the street today
Shedding of the hearts
Did flood my eyes
And I sniffed back the tears
While unscrewing the dull red bulb.
But I could no longer hold
When you went
And I guess this is it
This is where I end.
Survival is hard after a taste of love,

I always knew but I was cheated by hope.
In the moment
Of regrets
In the perils
Of my plea
Time stuttered
And stalled  
And she was rid of me...
Traveler Tim
Moments that change more then our course..
I want a right path
I want a new path
I need a great book
I need a guidebook
I'd know the Almighty God.

I should find a king
who is the King of kings
I'd follow a messenger
who's the Leader of messengers
Then I won't be sad.

I'd make a perfect life
I'd make a bright life
I need a skylight
I need a den of light
I'd know the Merciful Lord.

I would go to Heaven
I'd better go to Heaven
I need to find my Creator
I'd know my best lover
Then I'd believe in only One God.
I have forgotten how to breathe.

For something so natural,
I’m finding it so hard.

I catch myself talking
through the process.
Much alike coaching
a child to walk.

Each breath is a step
- slow, calculated and clumsy.
And with each successful step
comes the exhilaration
and the confidence.

The next following steps
executed in haste causes
the body to lurch forward.

Losing balance.
Losing composure.

Unready feet caught unawares...
Haphazard footfalls.

I have fallen.
I have forgotten how to breathe.
I’m out of sync...
And I’m at a loss...
The impatient soul awaits.
As crowds push towards the train.
He rushes to pass, can’t be late.
He looked at others, the insane.

He squeezed against and did shove.
They looked at him, silent grunts.
His angry mood, bared no love.
He was used to his way and wants.

One more push and catapults.
Into the air and did not fall.
He laughs at them, at their faults.
As he flies pass human walls.

Surprised, he got no attention.
He roared at them, till the last door.
His super power, that strengthened.
No longer waiting, he could soar.

Everyone looked to the left.
Train now expected delays.
Some tears were dropped as they wept.
A red end to someone’s day.

He flew back in that direction.
A sudden feeling, temptation.
There caught in the intersection.
His body, the impatient.
I don’t mean to alarm you
But I am dying
I’ve been dying for awhile
And I hope that when I go
I join the ranks of the greats

Robin Williams
Audrey Hepburn
Robert Frost
George Washington

Names everyone knows
Names I grew up admiring

Everything tries to be them
And falls flat
Probably because I’m dying
And when you’re dying
You aren’t as great
As you once thought

My jokes will never crack a smile
On the wrinkled
Cavernous face
Of Mr. Robin Williams

My beauty lies inside
Since I lack the seraphic
Beauty of Audrey Hepburn

My words are mere letters
Where they could be scars
And stars
Like Robert Frost

I lack courage
I lack leadership
Greatness finds victims aside me
Leaving me
Always one step behind
George Washington and his armies

Bet he keeps those armies in his sleevies

I’m dying up here
Just like these sucky jokes

I’m dying here
From school
From work
And all the like

And I’m dying in here
From loneliness
Failure to complete
Lack of motivation

I’m dying here
Can’t you see
Is it perfect, did I get it right?
Missing pieces, relatable feels.
Sweaty palms, panic, fright.
Heart jumps back, chest reels.

Incomplete, forever it will be,
blinded by the daunting fear.
No one’s work, is mastery,
others judge it, don’t you see?

Self improvement guide’s,
our next steps towards,
the best self versions,
as we move forward.

Waiting for approval,
justified by the few,
who never truly,
understand you.

They say less is more,
but there is more in less,
so how do you choose your words?
To not be left with regret!

My words are for the amateurs,
critics step aside,
together our words will flourish,
together we realize.

Get it out the door, they
say you only live once.
Continue writing more,
go on inspire on!
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