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Dec 2015 · 308
bury yourself
Zoë Dec 2015
i live in the sea.
full of hundreds of monsters.
there is one that hides in the reef.
he smiles sometimes,
but the sharks and the octopi
threaten to ****.
he hides, scared of the world.
so scared that he won't come out.
even when i tell him it's alright.
then he left for good.
i barely see that fish anymore,
he doesn't swim about like he used to.
found a spot deep in that reef to bury his soul.
so deep that nobody can find him,
so deep nobody can hears his silent calls for help.
he's drowning in life,
and soon he'll disappear from this deep blue sea.
Dec 2015 · 306
Zoë Dec 2015
nothing but a fairly tale.
i live through half my life in denial,
and the other half hopelessly dreaming.
half my life is this crystal clear reality,
hits me like a freight train,
every morning that i wake.
and the other floats above me,
like something that could be,
or should've been.
you were a fairytale,
you ran from my arms.
but it's alright darling,
i hear you laugh once in a while,
i see you smile.
i see you're doing well,
and that's all i want.
you're doing well,
without me.
Dec 2015 · 365
Zoë Dec 2015
i miss my golden retriever,
and my great grandfather.
i miss cinnamon biscuits,
and my old house.
i miss mattress sliding,
and learning to ride my bike.
but i don't miss you anymore.
i don't miss what we had,
or our conversations.
i don't miss who you used to be,
or your shaggy hair.
i don't miss how miserable you make me felt,
or how you saw me as someone i am not.
i just don't miss you anymore.
Dec 2015 · 338
the waiting game
Zoë Dec 2015
i'm always waiting for something,
waiting for the next thing,
or the next big moment.
and the space in between,
all of these "glorious" moments,
is waiting.
i don't cherish waking up in the morning,
or hugging my brother.
i don't pay attention to late night walks,
or kissing my old black lab.
my head is just thinking ahead,
waiting for something incredible to happen,
except one day,
i'll look back,
at the times that don't feel so important now,
and want a regular moment back,
more than anything.
i won't wish to go back to my 9th birthday,
or my first concert.
i'll wish to wake up young,
and hug my brother again.
all this space in-between the best moments,
is full of waiting,
when it should be full of more moments.
maybe not glorious,
and incredible.
but moments nonetheless.
Dec 2015 · 989
peanut butter pie
Zoë Dec 2015
life should be like making peanut butter pie.

fairly easy,
a five ingredient sorta thing,
where you have most of it in your cupboards already.

a little messy,
like when you turn the mixer on high,
instead of medium,
and peanut butter dances across you chin.

super sweet,
a cup of powdered sugar,
could make the whole day a little easier.

like when mom smiles at the creation you've made,
and dad laughs at the peanut butter on your chin.

and it won't last too long,
and you might feel like it disappears too quick,
and be bummed when the last piece is gone,
but remember, that pie was good.
Dec 2015 · 338
caves and tongues
Zoë Dec 2015
this silence is eating me alive,
like i'd do anything just to fill it.
this black, darkness
filled with nothing but empty words.
this darkness,
craves the light of speech.
any words to light it up.
i creep towards the mouth
listening for any sign of stirring inside.
i sigh softly once again,
at the never ending silence,
that pours from the dark, hole in the Earth.
Dec 2015 · 267
Zoë Dec 2015
i want to live this crazy life
where i love so much that it hurts
but it doesn't have to.
i want to dance
and laugh
and live,
somewhere that isn't here.
i'm shaking inside trying to rip out of this skin.
i want to be a poet,
and an athlete,
and a baker
and silly,
and serious,
and crazy
all in the same me.
i want to laugh so hard that i cry,
on the daily.
i want to cry so hard that i laugh,
only once or twice, though.
i want to live,
and look back knowing that
i was me.
i'm living now,
breathing and being,
but i'm stuck in my skin.
desperately trying to escape,
trying to really live.
Oct 2015 · 368
Zoë Oct 2015
I hate that you're an *******.
And that you understood.
I shared with you,
The pieces of my life that I was too scared to face on my own.
I filled your soul to the top,
And sometimes you knew more about me than I knew about myself.
It was our little secret, to know eachother how we did.
But your soul, spilled down the drain
And only your stupidity remained.
I hated you for listening.
I hated you for understanding.
I hated you for being there when nobody else was.
You washed all the trust away,
but I only cried once.
Delusional and scared as hell,
I stumbled to my bed,
where you sent messages through my dreams.
You tripped over my strings of stories,
And dropped all my thoughts before your two feet.
You muttered some sort of curse,
And decided that you'd rather make me forget, than tell me you were scared.
The day I found out you were an *******, I cried for a while.
I cried because the one who knew me better than my own self, didn't know anything anymore.
I don't remember how you talked, or the face you made when you were thinking.
I remember what you look like, only from pictures but forget all that you said.
I'd rather forget about you than try to understand.
I hate that you understood me and I hate that you're an *******.
Oct 2015 · 385
Zoë Oct 2015
i hate it when you talk with her
i love it when you smile
i hate it when you're hurting
but I haven't seen you in while

i hate it when you think you're smart
i love it when you stayed
i hate it when you hurt my heart
and when you went away

i hate it when you pretend to love
i love it when you're happy
i hate it when you smell bad
but it's hate or grossly sappy

i hate that i can't help you
i hate that you're away
i hate that I don't matter
but what I can no longer say,

is that you all are in my heart
because you're surely not
but i still think about you all
sometimes quite a lot
Sep 2015 · 323
Zoë Sep 2015
it scares me that i'm falling
and that i tell you things
it scares me that you understand
and notice when i'm pulling away
i'm scared to trust you
and scared to be here so soon
you want me to let you in but i can't find that **** key
it's locked deep inside me,
where my memories go
it's going to be tough to find it in those layers of broken times,
but i'm working to find it for you
Aug 2015 · 265
Zoë Aug 2015
it's not hard to say that breaking a heart,
is easier than having yours broken.
but to rebreak a heart,
over and over,
takes a lot
Aug 2015 · 375
life's lemon tree
Zoë Aug 2015
there are moments,
that when life hands you lemons,
you have to hand them back,
because sometimes giving them back,
is much better than enduring their sour sour taste
Aug 2015 · 269
Zoë Aug 2015
i'm happy
i promise
look at this smile on my face
i can laugh and run and smile
without your face appearing in my head
but at night,
it's not too easy
the light keeps it all clear and the sun that beats hot on my back
draws the pain and heartache from my body
but once the moon's light is all to be seen
i lay,
waiting to stop loving you
Aug 2015 · 883
over you
Zoë Aug 2015
this whole "getting over you" thing
might sound easy.
just be happy, they say.
but it's a bit hard when everything reminds me of you.
from bumper stickers, to whole cities
you're linked to most everything i know
so this would be easy if you weren't so important
but you were,
well are.
****, it's hard
Aug 2015 · 426
the last hit
Zoë Aug 2015
you swim in my thoughts
and even after weeks
i can't stop thinking
did i say the wrong things,
did i love you too much,
did i not love you enough?
i guess i will never know,
because you never answered my hello
but my stubborn heart still loves you with all it has
maybe this was your plan,
to love me,
to lie,
to break me,
to tease me,
and then when i had nothing left,
take one last hit,
to destroy me
Aug 2015 · 376
2 the
Zoë Aug 2015
while trying to pick up the pieces of my heart,
i reach out to the one my broken heart still loves,
but lies settle among new conversations
and you dismiss my message
almost as quickly as you curve balled my heart right back at me
shattering it
now it just lays in a puddle of broken promises laced with forgotten love
Jul 2015 · 824
10 things i hate about you
Zoë Jul 2015
i hate the way you smirked at me,
and how you know everything.
i hate the way you made me laugh.
i hate it when you sing.
i hate your extra small t-shirts
and how i never said goodbye.
i hate you a lot,
so much it makes me cry.
i hate it when you don't answer,
i hate it when you're sweet to me.
i hate it when you make me blush,
even more when you can't see.
i hate it that you're far away
and that you harshly lied.
but most of all i hate the way i can't seem to hate you.
not even at all,
not even a tiny bit,
not even if i tried.
inspired by the movie obviously
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
kashi poet quotes
Zoë Jul 2015
i once heard a quote
it went something like
"one of the cruelest things you can do to someone is to pretend you care about them, more than you do"
that's actually exactly how it goes
might sound nice off some kashi poet's lips
but the feeling is what really makes this string of words strong
one's feelings
real or not
can completely ruin another
and when you finally see
that they don't care for you as much as they used to
or care for you at all, even though they said they did
it hurts like hell.
feels like bullets to your already ****** chest, from your heart being previously ripped out viciously by good ol' reality's unforgiving hands.
and that may be an understatement.
anyways, if you don't love another
or care about them,
don't pretend you do,
because even though those words,
sweet like honey off of your pink lips, make her smile big.
the tears that follow lies
are the nastiest of all
and no sweet words
can fix a broken heart
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Zoë Jul 2015
I don't remember how many cars passed,
Or if I saw Orion's belt.
I don't remember the night's smell,
Or what shoes I wore on my feet.
All I remember,
Is how much it hurt.
Tears rolled down my cheeks,
Soaking through my jeans when I neglected to wipe them away.
My sudden disbelief,
Hung in the soggy night air,
Like cigarette smoke.
Reality's hands tightened around my neck,
Choking me with the truth.
At some point
In that dark hazy hour,
My trust slipped through my fingers,
As quickly as a Sunday evening.
Nothing was "to be or not to be"
Between you and me.
For there is no such thing.
I simply tripped on strings of promises,
And sweet words that unraveled my sneaker laces,
only to bleed my trust all over you.
Sore and delusional,
I wrapped my heart up with a bow,
And gave you my love over and over again.
Although I didn't even consider for a moment,
That you would use it
to destroy me.
Jul 2015 · 282
fake, fake
Zoë Jul 2015
pretending day after day
that your nonexistent words didn't  hurt me
hurt a hell of a lot more
than creating messages
to finally guide you
to an ending
Jul 2015 · 297
Zoë Jul 2015
yes i've lost your love
and i've lost your feelings
but that's not why tears roll slowly
soaking my pillow
it's so simply and unsimply because i have lost my very best friend
Jul 2015 · 306
get out
Zoë Jul 2015
he stared in my eyes
and sweared to god he loved me
well bud, looks like somebody is headed to hell
those lies are harsh.
they hurt a whole lot
but ****, look what i've gained
and nothing is more powerful.
i have secrets that you don't want out
so erasing you from my life was easy
my thoughts... not so much
because my dreams run wild
and punches are thrown
sending you crashing to your knees
dignity and all
too bad they are only silly dreams
where i am stronger and more powerful
in this life, i steer clear from your body
in fear of your power
you don't play mind games though,
i do,
you're just too stupid to realize it
so i take your brain
make you feel awful
so then i can feel better
knowing you feel half as bad as i did
hurting you all the way would be cruel,
i can't ruin you
i'm not that evil,
even though i know you are, were and always will be
Jul 2015 · 442
Zoë Jul 2015
away from home
i can choose my own,
or not.
i work hard for nobody,
but merely myself
with only one thing missing
i'm stuck between
starbucks runs and college dinners
crosby still and nash and independence
motherly love and loneliness
yes freedom is fantastic
independence is incredible
and love is sometimes a lie
but love from a mother
is a constant need
that can't be filled by text messages and short visits
Jul 2015 · 220
Zoë Jul 2015
bullets to the chest
warmth in cheeks
tears stinging eyes
long tight hugs
constant waiting
but crazy in love
Jul 2015 · 225
Zoë Jul 2015
he loves me,
he loves me not,
he loves me,
he loves me not,
all of a sudden out of petals
i realize i wouldn't be performing this act of desperation if i knew he did
Jul 2015 · 229
choosing the first
Zoë Jul 2015
constant reminders of your existence
makes me want you more
and when i can't be with you
over and over
i depend on my dreams
for first kisses, sunsets and love
they fill the void
Jul 2015 · 287
Zoë Jul 2015
all humans, i believe
are like rocks alongside the ocean
beautiful and strong
from a distance
but once you get up close
you see the barnacles that cover the surface,
the ants that crawl in the crevices,
and feel the smoothness,
caused by the ocean constantly crashing against it, over and over
until one day, the mighty boulder
that sits upon this large earth
is nothing but sand
at the bottom of the deep blue sea
Jul 2015 · 274
Rage from within
Zoë Jul 2015
I scream
A loud and awful noise
I feel the anger
Starting at my toes
Making it's way up to my fists
That I pound you with
Hitting you with everything I have
Tears falling from my eyes
She screams too
Grabbing my shirt
Almost ripping it from my back
A brilliant red
Falls from your face
And the anger drains from me
Until I feel you have finally payed
You are the only one who knows why I do this
Most I assume shocked by this action
Little do they know the story behind my rage
With my fists stained red
And sweat running down my forehead
I retreat, and look into your eyes
Until I see the amount of pain I have caused you
And hit you once more
Harder than before
Between your swollen eyes
Because that's how much it hurt
How much you hurt
Jul 2015 · 350
Definite Delusion
Zoë Jul 2015
Maybe and possibly
I was completely delusional
Believing in you
Believing you could help me forget the past
Believing you could help me build a future
Just believing you would treat me right
Definitely delusional
Now, stuck in a sticky web
Of my own heartbreaking thoughts
I wait for you to realize you don't love me
No one can unweave this tangled web that's slowly suffocating me
Killing me
Especially you
You pull it tighter around my neck
Each and every night
Jul 2015 · 261
"love" sucks
Zoë Jul 2015
where the most happiness is supposed to be found
i'm left feeling the deepest sadness
when you want someone so badly
and even though they know that,
you're invisible in their eyes
the feeling where you pour out your heart
and dream of their kiss
only to be forgotten
where you'd do anything to spend a moment laying eyes on them
and they spend every moment finding a way to let you down "easy"
so you won't be hurt
but little do they know
you already are
Jul 2015 · 429
hopeless dreams
Zoë Jul 2015
i dream of this love
because i miss you
reading our old messages
and remembering your grin
and the way you winked
and stared
makes me dream of you more
they fill the space
that you're supposed to fill
the space for sweet words,
hugs and kisses,
holding hands and late nights
i wish you'd fill it yourself
so i'm not stuck dreaming
Jul 2015 · 238
Zoë Jul 2015
suddenly angry
i crack
i split
and lose it
i'm not sad
or tired
or broken
just simply mad
Jul 2015 · 615
First Love Memories
Zoë Jul 2015
I suddenly know why I loved you
The way you smell when you wake up
And your crooked smile
How you're painfully honest
And a bit awkward at times
Realizing these little things
Scares me that I'm falling again
But I then realize I just miss you
Who we were before "love"
And the time when a crush was a crush
I just wish you didn't still look so broken
I wish I didn't hurt you
You would've saved me from hell I endured in the future
You were right
I didn't see it
With love and pain
In your eyes
We pretend to forget
And remain as friends
But I know we both remember
The difference is I don't want to go back to "loving"
And sadly you may
Jul 2015 · 228
Zoë Jul 2015
through unstoppable anger
and hopeless love
i still love you like crazy
i just wish you could see it
and maybe you'd let me go
instead of watching me play this game
that's ruining me
Jul 2015 · 242
Zoë Jul 2015
His love like a drug
The more i try to resist
The more and more
I think about it
Long for it
And go out of my way to get it
Jul 2015 · 359
feelings change
Zoë Jul 2015
feelings change so rapidly
that one moment
everything he does kills me
and i choke on my tears
and the next
i am shouting my insane love for him to the world
and sending hearts 'til my fingers bleed
Jun 2015 · 299
just filling in
Zoë Jun 2015
i only matter in my dreams
the way you smile at me
hug me tight
and the way your eyes light up
are only figments of my imagination
the way you tell me stories
hold my hand
and the way you make time to see me
is all a joke
the way you write about me
kiss me
and say you love me and mean it
are all things that my cruel mind makes up to fill the space in my heart, that i have opened for you
Jun 2015 · 217
Zoë Jun 2015
i forget about all prior worry
as your eyes scan over me
i look to make them meet with mine
only to witness you turning away
but what scares me
is that in that particular moment
the fact that you ignored my existence didn't even matter
just your presence and being was enough to fulfill my want for your attention
although not given,
two short hugs and a quiet whisper that you love me stays in my mind for hours after you leave
filling a space in my heart
but only partly
which is why i write this
it fills my other parts,
as dreams also do
i fantasize in my head
giving you credit for words you don't say
and kisses you don't give
i feel as if you are miserable
but too **** afraid to say so
Zoë Jun 2015
the truth
lies among
vacant lands of broken glass
if i enter this barren land
i know i will bleed
but i will also unlock the hidden mystery and be lead across the land  in order to make further decisions in my journey that some call life
Jun 2015 · 240
breaking down
Zoë Jun 2015
silence hurts more
than the words would
your absence of speaking
eats at me
and tears me apart
if you told me how you truly feel
i could start healing
and stop slowly deteriorating
Jun 2015 · 353
you're so vain
Zoë Jun 2015
clearly the "not thinking about you" wish
is highly ineffective
due to the fact that the number of poems about you is comparable to the human population on earth
kind of like carly simon
my words contradict themselves
making me sound utterly desperate for your attention and love
which may or may not be true
Jun 2015 · 184
Zoë Jun 2015
as i fall further in further
"in love"
you pull further and further away
making my landing less than pleasant
Jun 2015 · 275
strangers in my dreams
Zoë Jun 2015
all of a sudden you are a stranger
my dreams
get lost
in my constant attempt to resist my impulses
although you disappear from my thoughts briefly as i run and laugh
you remain in my dreams
the ones that cause me to wake up with hope
hope that one day
you'll love me as much as i love you
Jun 2015 · 324
head over heart
Zoë Jun 2015
my heart and my mind
are not effective
when attempting to work together
my mind keeps telling me not to
but my heart of course is inconveniently head over heels in love with you
Jun 2015 · 265
raising hell in my dreams
Zoë Jun 2015
stuck in the past,
i worry and worry
as my future comes nearer,
and then becomes my past.
it all haunts me,
eats away at my heart,
overcomes my already nasty thoughts.
all around me believe that they know
but what they aren't aware of
is that i'll never tell it all,
in fear of letting it out,
using the words,
and letting tears fall from my eyes.
while keeping it in,
continues to break me,
letting it out would expose me,
**** him,
and shock them all.
i have built up enough walls
to keep him out
at the moment i don't need to stab him
with blades of his wrongs
and remind him of how he broke my trust, and  my soul corrupted my formally sweet dreams.
now as i lay attempting to sleep,
i have to wrap my arms around me tightly, touching my own skin, only to remind myself that i can't be hurt like that again.
so if you wonder why,
think back on late nights and one sided conversations and surely you will remember all the hell you caused.
Jun 2015 · 358
missing you
Zoë Jun 2015
i miss all of you.
the way you speak sweetly in my ear,
the way you hug me tight,
the way you blush,
the way you grin when i catch you staring,
i just hope that she doesn't miss all of you too
Jun 2015 · 241
lies, lies, lies
Zoë Jun 2015
i hope it's only me,
i hope that all of it's true,
and the creature tells lies of your presence.
the sad thing is though,
that even if this creature tells the truth,
it cannot change how i feel.
it tells stories of secret meetings,
where it manipulates your mind,
and makes you turn against me,
but baby, i hope this creature tells lies
because you hold my heart in your palm
Jun 2015 · 262
Zoë Jun 2015
embarrassment sets in
as my foolish attempts at showing love
replay over and over
in my hopeless overthinking mind
Jun 2015 · 290
oh, colors
Zoë Jun 2015
i suppose that sometimes,
it isn't the situation itself
that reflects the distinct colors,
into my usually cloudy mind,
constantly fantasizing over strings of words
and searching to find meaning
in utterly meaningless things,
but it is more,
the way that the situation makes me feel.

yellow for when i feel open
and like i can breathe.
nobody is mad, and i have no reason to drop my head.
when my family doesn't fight,
and struggles are forgotten.
there is always lots of food,
and something of interest in the kitchen.
when the carpets are clean,
and so are the counter tops.
when i actually feel genuinely happy.

light blue for the days
when i think i might be sick,
if i hear another irrelevant comment,
or a joke that wasn't even funny six months ago.
when the days are dark,
and i feel the cold on my skin and heart.
when my music is quiet,
along with my words
and i don't sing along.
when i feel like i am falling

red for when all is white,
and i can picture blood,
death in close future,
and wet tears.
when i feel sick,
and the air is too hot.
when i am distant,
and even the smell of cookies in the distance,
can't cure my aching soul.
when all around me are happy,
and i am simply not.

orange for when everything is the same,
when dad picks the wrong bread,
or there is nothing in the snack basket.
when everything smells like teenager,
and the chipped paint makes me want to scream.
when my room is the same for too long,
and i can't find clothes to wear.
when i simply can't find something to look forward to.

blue for when things match up
and there isn't too much of one color.
when i laugh out loud,
and blare music until i can't hear.
when small grins come from there hiding space,
on his lips.
when i get unexpected hugs,
and old friends smile my way.
when i don't feel trapped in myself.

purple for when i can't quite understand it,
when the chipped paint doesn't bother me,
but the way he tilts his head does.
when i pray he doesn't call on me,
for i would make a fool out of myself.
when i get so mad that i start to cry,
or when the smell of rain angers me.
when i am too confused to think clearly.

and white for when i am just done.
when all my colors and emotions mix
into a large white cloud, that floats in my head
until the bright yellow sun comes,
or a raindrops reflect light blue
or the day finishes red highlighting the sky
or the orange sun becomes too hot
or a clear blue day emerges,
or when my brother's blue crayon gets lost under the car seat,
so purple will have to suffice.
Zoë Jun 2015
describing the person inside me:
quite pessimistic
unthinkably thought filled
insanely aware
somewhat crazy
with the mind of a poet.

as laughable and cliché as these may all sound on a poetry website.
they're all true but i have things in my simple life,
that me less of these things.

there is this boy,
who makes me a bit more optimistic,
who makes my orange days,
a bright blue
and whose grin can make me blush like crazy.
who can make me laugh,
in the midst of tears,
and help me to trust another,
when all feelings of trust are lost.
a boy who makes me feel like i could sing
who can make me grin like an idiot,
and believe that i have done something right finally
when i look into his eyes.

this boy also is the cause for some of my crazy thoughts,
but when i voice them he will laugh,
or inform me that "i am not crazy"
he sympathizes at rough times,
and lets me speak freely,
ignoring the fact that i may blow his ear drums,
and stumble over every other word when i get too excited.
he allows me to be mad when i am mad,
and waits for me to be happy
(maybe a break from rants is nice)
but this boy,
truly helps control my thoughts,
that bubble inside me as long days pass.

he also gives me a feeling of safety,
where even just knowing that he is within distance,
distance where i could run to him,
or yell his name,
relieves my stress filled thoughts immensely.
and when he speaks soft words of
it'll be fine or the soft chuckle of reassurance
it makes my cold frightened blood,
warm where it can flow again,
and pump to my heart,
so i can remind him at these moments
that i do indeed love him.

he allows me to be my somewhat ******,
nutso self.
and with a comment or not
there is always a small grin.
but when i am a little crazy,
whether it's explaining my funky dreams
or laughing so hard that i spit out my water,
he still looks at me with that grin,
that makes me feel
a little less...
well, crazy

and sometimes when i feel all of these things at once,
the kind of feeling where your heart is racing,
and your cheeks are rosy,
and your laughing insanely,
and smiling like an idiot,
and falling hard for this certain special boy,
i can't even write,
but sometimes that's quite alright
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