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 Dec 2015 ZL
Chelsea Chavez
 Dec 2015 ZL
Chelsea Chavez
I am looking for a place to return to.
I have no strength.

I find myself exposed, one skewed shadow
pulling roots beneath the sun.

Overnight I became wary of everything.
I remark at my own existence. That I could walk away from it.
As all colours part from me.

I open my mouth. I am full of willows and moth wings.
I look for words. I find the old ones and dig up
empty rooms.

I have become so simple.
My anger slouches in the corner like a rook.  Shuffling, always shuffling.
But he will not speak to me.

This is a living thing.
The paradox is a minor landscape.

No time believes in me.

I will say it again.
I woke this morning and found myself missing.
 Dec 2015 ZL
Liz And Lilacs
I keep looking for someone
who sees the world how I do.
Swirling metaphors
and striking colors,
Sunsets and beauty
and tragedy....

But perhaps I need
a facts and figures
Logical kind of person,
To pull my head out of the clouds.
 Dec 2015 ZL
Brandy Nicole
There was a time I fell
for a girl,
So beautiful she was in
her brokenness.
So far from innocence,
as she clinged to the idea
of love in the arms of another.
Oh she was angel, my
angel of sin, but to kiss her
a sin I wished.
And to her I was her
peace in the sheets,
when the darkness
creeped in.
 Dec 2015 ZL
My skin is black.
Probably blacker than
The hole in my soul.
My hair is natural,
And resistant.
Like young black men
Being arrested by white cops.
My favorite color is black,
Probably because no one hardly
ever likes it.
My skin is black,
And I can't change that.
Not intended to offend or rub anyone  the wrong way. Remember poetry is an art form of expression of deep dark feelings . Please still free to comment. .
 Nov 2015 ZL
Victoria Jennings
She wiped the tears from her reddened cheeks
And vowed to never love again.

 Nov 2015 ZL
Victoria Jennings
Will you ever be ready
To stop breaking
My heart.
 Nov 2015 ZL
Victoria Jennings
I am a fool

I have always been a fool

For I love those

Who will never love me.
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