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 Nov 2014 ZL
on the wall
whose the prettiest of them all?

Sad girls
with puppy dog eyes
sad girls
whose smile cries

their beauty is deep
I've never known why
but they shall reign
until the day I die
 Nov 2014 ZL
Aaron Mullin
I Live
 Nov 2014 ZL
Aaron Mullin
I live in my mind

I live in my body

I live in my spirit

I live in a universe

I live in the multi-verse

I live in this verse

I live
 Nov 2014 ZL
 Nov 2014 ZL
Heavy eyes,
dizzy head.
Kinda like you.
It seems like we've been
here before.
But I wonder for how long.
After the last time things
went wrong,
I was sure that was it.
And now I feel desperate
to keep you.
Like these last two buds
I have in my bag.
I will smoke it nice
and slow.
 Nov 2014 ZL
Sasha Ranganath
Dear God,
If you exist,
Show me light.
If you exist,
Tell me what's right.
If you're real,
Guide me out
Of this vortex
Of false dreams and hopes.

Dear God,
If you are in me,
Cleanse my demons.
If you live within,
Eradicate the monsters.
If you dwell inside,
Overwhelm me with happiness.

Dear God,
If you are substantial,
Help me reach the stars.
If you are existential,
Let me break out
Of my sealed shell.

Dear God,
If you are worth believing in,
Show me why.
If I must be loyal,
Tell me why.
If I must pray to you,
Give me reason.

But, dear God,
If you cease to exist,
And fail to show me
The mysteries
And wonders
Of the world beyond
My fears and obstacles,
I will not
And cannot
Believe in anything more
Than the demons
Inside me,
The monsters
Eating me.
I will be left
With no option,
But to be faithful
To the devils
And cry my troubles
On to their deaf ears,
Only to see
That my worries-
They just double.

Dear God,
I want to believe
That you exist.
I want to be able
To see the truth.
I want to believe
That you are the truth.
I want to be able
To notice your deeds
And be a loyal being
To your blessing.

But, dear God,
I just need you
To show me you are here
And to guide me
Away from my fears.

I know not
Why I'm choked back
By tears in my throat
And my eyes
Travelling into a haze.

But God,
If you hear me,
Tell me what
I want to hear.
Tell me you're there
Tell me you love me
Tell me you'll bless me
Tell me you care.

Dear God,
Don't let me
Slip into the demon's lair.
 Nov 2014 ZL
 Nov 2014 ZL
Hears every unspoken words,
Sees every unseen wounds,
Mends every unbearable pain,

Why can't we love HIM?
 Nov 2014 ZL
Amitav Radiance
 Nov 2014 ZL
Amitav Radiance
Love resides in the beautiful heart
And your eyes showed me the path
to the destination of infinite love
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