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The smell of cigarettes remind me of you

So I smoke one

And another two

So I can taste you

So I can feel your kisses linger along my lips

So I smoke three

And another four

So my head can be rushed with memories of you

So I can feel you one last time

I cannot stop smoking

I cannot stop thinking of you

Will these cigarettes **** me first or you?
Last night I felt alive

As I dreamt of being on top of a building

We were sitting over the edge

Our feet dangling hundreds of feet above

As I got up I slipped and fell

You reached for me

You called my name

But your words were distance

I was falling through the sky

My heart was pounding through out my body

I shut my eyes as the weight of the world fell through me

I braced myself for death's arms

I never left so terrified

Until I awoke
no no I am not here.
no sir, not one bit of me is here.
check the gutter,
or the dirt in the bottom of your pocket.
could be there.
could be anywhere really.
but sure as hell
I ain’t here.
I was never a sinking ship, just the remains
of an ocean liner, settling on the sea’s lips.
At least, that’s what I think.
I am not a tragedy, no,
but so many of my pages are empty and, my god, I need
you to know that if I am a book,
I am half-complete (not half-unfinished––I'm learning, you see?),
but it’s the back half,
and a few scattered paragraphs before that.
Now and then I write in my own history,
just for others to read and believe
there’s something more to me
than a leather bound cover over cheap poetry.
That’s all I am, really.

I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
I keep my secrets close, and my happiness bottled
––for the nights when I need something stronger
than spirits that burn on the way down,
something that can keep these ghosts
from crawling back out my mouth
to tumble from my lips at last.

Listen, I'm really not hard to figure out.

It’s broken glass,
it’s the smash of a car crash,
it’s the smell of smoke and ash,
it’s a statue of a girl learning to laugh,
and to know, and how to venture
into you. I count the number of times I've been sure,
on my knuckles instead of my fingertips,
because it wasn't the touch, it was the fist
that first said: I am better than this
(fires will die but they fight harder than all else).
Besides, my fingers are not for counting out.
I think they're for you,
to weave yours through,
and to feel on your skin
when I spell out I love you,
because my fingers do not flinch
as easily as my mouth does cringe
and strangle truths in anger.

If you feel I am pulling into myself,
remember I'm likely collapsing inwards,
and know this:
broken homes beget broken bones,
but more often they spit
broken boys and girls from their lips.
My body is new,
no longer mould and mildew,
but steel, mortar, and brick,
and stone
and stick.

I am almost always cold.
My wrists look too thin for the weight of my world.

I carry on, but I am not strong.
**** knows how long those days have been gone.

To the person who will somehow fall for me:
I am not a tragedy,
but a mess of a story.
I write dumb rhymes to feel like I'm growing.
I speak as a cynic, but at heart I'm all dreams.
Sometimes I take a minute to listen and, slowly,
I think I'm becoming someone worth being.

I seem bare as a clinic and empty as glossy magazines,
but it's all a set and some props, one day I'll end scene.
I'm not ready yet, but on One Day, I'll be.

I swear, I'm almost there.
My world is readying,
like winter prepared
to yield to spring.
Sing to me, sing to me night,
   for I hark!
The cry of the owl,
   the hail of the lark;
   the kiss of the wind
   from blackness so stark;

Sing to me, sing,
   cheers of the dark.

Speak to me, speak to me
   'fore morn bereaves
   the rustling footsteps
   from dances of leaves
   as twinkling stars peek
   through high forest eaves

Speak to me, speak
   as night the moon cleaves.
I itch for the tea time
I burn to have with her
a steaming cup of tea
and soak with her on the table
the heavenly moments!

I itch for the tea time
my morning’s essence
the time she talks
I talk
as the tea
refuses to go down the throat
for it too loves these moments
with two voices
in one voice
being together
with the morning tea
it would last
I discovered I cried at night
With you laying next to me. My pillow wet and cold.
Staring. At your shoulder.
Beckoning to hold a piece of me.

The heat from your body burned
My light leaves,
And I shiver as you wake.

Speaking through a dream.
Wish I could sleep.
I beg just four letters of you
Of no use to me the twenty two
Give me those four letters of you
They’re all without them I can’t do.

Only four letters in your eyes I search
Can do without the twenty two
Is it looking for too much,
Seeking that precious gift from you?

Four letters I won’t ask for more
I can walk miles to get from you
When you find me standing on your door
Know I’m craving those four from you.

Four letters isn’t a tall order
You can easily spread them my way
Over all the wall all the border
Can give me those four any day.

I want little will do with your four
For them I do beggarly crave
When you see me on your door
Give them and make me your slave.
liquid courage and muddy feat
track across the unknown sands,
walking towards affinity.

hear the heart beat there isn't much
that can stand the scene,
of life and death and beginnings.

i don't care about material things
like my social stats.
winded up on a nails hinge
threaded by divine design.

everything carries it's weight
in colour.
i told myself that you would come back around
towards my little town.
i told myself that you'd be there
when i needed the lightning.
even now the taste is bitter of folly and lore,
and i can't take it any more.
another wave crashed over you in a cold daze
and i know it pulled you further out to sea,
but i still love your melody.
hallucinating on a bleak "oh well"
        of lingering spells.

and i still love you're memory.
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