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In the rush of new, old ones go dead
Ink dried up, their colors fade,
Poet, pause a while from the race of rhymes
To dig out the ones buried in olden times.
They’re precious pearls, each some moments’ capsule
Fires of bygone era that soon cindered cool
Your tears, joys, broken pieces of your mind
Made with alphabets, with your spirit refined!
Though pined for life your poem’s each word
Once delivered, you consigned to graveyard
A day’s applause that staled into night
No sooner than born, shoved out of sight.
Poet, the old ones, beneath dust they moan,
Dig them out, they are your own,
Take a break, from the gushing ones’ race,
Dip your heart, in the old wine’s grace.
coming up another high rise
on the gate they’re planting trees
the maker surely is wealthy and wise
to have stolen the lowly one’s breeze.

one more tower to eat up the sky
on the gate they’re planting trees
soon the goliath will raise its head high
to make rooms for the busy bees.

coming up a high rise gobbling open space
on the gate they’re planting trees
will blow a deadly kiss on the sky’s face
our breaths will be hell of a ****.

how many trees can plant these men
to compensate for the air they decimate
robbing the blue for a handful’s gain
killing the open space with no regret.
 Aug 2013 Zaskia Natalie Villa
Her face is a continent
Her eyes are algae-brimming lakes swirled with sunlight
In their centre dark pools, you could dive for eternity
Tanned skin spans vast distances
And freckles mark capital cities
Her smile causes earthquakes but there is no one there to mind
Fine laughter lines form ridges that will later form mountain ranges
Degeneration will take over
Sharp cheekbones and smooth jawlines
Lose definition and second glances
A sea of fine hair, once a deep gold
Fades to grey and grows brittle with age
Time takes it's toll
It happens to all of us
But her eyes remain fathomless
Words can do so many things that we'll never understand
A heartbeat won't make you come alive the way one word can
The pictures that they paint can take your breath away
Goodbyes that they whisper will make you want to stay
When they are laced in hatred and fight to make you cry
You find that rhyme within you and realize it was lies
That words would never hurt you, only sticks and stones
Well now you're a few years older and left with broken bones.
When sweet words are spoken from someone that you love
You feel cupid catch you and carry you above
When words are hard to come by because your tongue is tied
It always seems as though your missing an important part of life
When words are placed in music, your soul is pierced within
Whether it be happy, sad or tragic, your heart is singing till the end.
Words can do so many things, and I've only said a few
But put thought before your speech because the power starts with you.
I wanted to know you
I wanted to know your favorite place
I wanted to know your favorite song
I wanted to know anything
I just wanted to know you

Too shy to say a word
I’d just smile from a distance
Hoping you would smile back
And you always did
You were nice like that

I wanted to walk with you,
Talk with you, be near you
See the world through your eyes
I know it was something special
I knew you were something

But now here you are
Laying silently in the ground
And I’m right here, we both are
And I still
A word
I drew cracks along this heart
Its surface once flawless
Ready for gentle hands
To hold it dearly

I dropped this heart
Its cracks filled with dirt
The grains splitting them further
The lines swell and redden

I ignored this heart
The cracks spill yellow
Infection pumps throughout
Blackness creeps further in

This heart belongs to me
Your promise turned to lies
Spreading through my mind
My actions are your own

I would say this is your fault
I would yell and place the blame
But I cannot do this now
Because this is all on me

Because I entrusted it to you
Chests of toys come to life
When lonely homes do not breathe voice
The bears and soldiers, rag dolls and all
Fill the void ‘til the clock strikes two.

They come about, a dance to be held
The rag dolls and stuffed animals gussy,
The bears and soldiers puff out their chests
All but one will join the rest.

Her chestnut tresses lay gentle on her crown,
Perfect lips slightly pouted, painted like her cheeks,
Ivory skin glistens in rays poured from windowpanes,
Gray porcelain eyes peer down from atop her shelf.

The soldiers and bears gaze up at her,
Beauty obvious to the simple eye,
Though all simple eyes’ minds think they know.
They know the nature of porcelain cold.

She understands, as she would think the same.
She sits away, alone upon her shelf,
Alone also in kind, she is shy.
She wants to tell them otherwise,

To see beyond her porcelain eyes.
Slurps on
What its
Belly can
Put stay
Whole day
In the sun
On the run
Just wish
Big fish
One stuff
Big enough
It can pick
With its beak
That can hold
Bigger than
Its belly can
Wonderful Pelican
I'm tired of your
Rolling eyes,
Sarcastic words,
And piercing glares.

Why can't you simply
Practice what you preach.
I don't know if you're
An angel
Or a devil.

Why can't you just
Listen a little more and
Talk a little less.
I know I'm not perfect
But neither are you.

Why can't you even
Think before you speak,
For you're way too quick.
I just wish to tell you:

Your words,
They hurt.
Well, enough is enough.
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