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 Mar 2013 Z
Stepping back into my life;
You know as well as I do,
That it's a dangerous move.

Don't play with my head,
Its true, I've began to lower my walls again,
But I can also get hurt once more, greater than I've been.

Everyone deserves a second chance,
But I give it to you in caution;
I can't turn back, on all the progress I've gotten.

So my mind will do it's best,
To make sure my heart stays in line,
And doesn't cross these boundaries, laid so fine.

I question myself,
And question your intent,
Hoping that my next decision doesn't end in regret.

So good luck,
I truly wish you well,
Because this time, I won't be the one who fell.
The 'field of mines' is an analogy for this friendship-ish thing I have with someone.
I know I shouldn't trust her but people can change right? I'm not sure about that one in this case. That's where the 'awareness' comes in. I know not to trust her yet, so I know, theoretically, where to stand in the field of mines until I know it's safe to move forward.
It's ironic that I put it in this analogy because she told me the other day, weeks after I wrote this, the same exact analogy is what she used to explain us.
 Feb 2013 Z
I want ocean air
and salty hair.

I want raspberry iced tea
and you and me.

I want hot sand
and to hold your hand.

I want endless nights
and glowing bonfire light.

I want a freckled face
and shirts made of lace.

I want heart shaped sunglasses
and kisses sweet as molasses.

I want flip flops on my feet
and your heart to keep.

I want summertime
and no goodbyes.
 Feb 2013 Z
It's A Shame
 Feb 2013 Z
I feel ***** when you call out my name
it's a shame
'cause you make me ***
but you can't make my heart race
and you kiss me hard
but you don't leave me breathless
you can stroke my cheek
but it won't make my hair raise

'cause at the end of the day
when you cry out my name
all I'll say is it's a shame
that I can't love you the same
 Jan 2013 Z
kara lynn bird
I've died from cancer
at least three times
Convincing myself that I was so sick
without a single diagnoses
based on half conscious google readings
symptom checkers,
and of course
the way I was really feeling.

I've actually mourned my own life,
planned it out,
dreamt about it in the midst of a nightmare
imagined what everyone would do without me-

I thought about how beautiful
a slow goodbye would be,
I've convinced myself I felt bad
on days that I had a chance to feel good
And now I live the in between
In hopes to rid myself of this torture.
this is my sickness-
believing that I can die more than once
and ruining my life over the fact that
we do
 Jan 2013 Z
L Smida
So what does this mean
Does it mean anything at all
Are there any feelings left
Or are you twisting the real meaning around my head
Snapping my neck
And destroying my motivation
How should I approach this
Should I take a quiet step back
And let it all fester and settle down
Wisely study and analyze each surprising word conversed
Or should I leap off the cliff and leave only a cloud of dust behind
My feet look for a place to land
But as of right now
I just fall at a constant velocity
Free falling with no parachute
No net
No harness
No guide
But the question is
Will I leap and suspend myself in winds that only the birds master
My answer to that will be no
Absolutely not
Not until I grow wings to carry me
My heart needs to look through its scope and aim it's knowledge carefully at it's target
I will not pull any trigger unless I am absolutely sure of what I'm shooting
A scanner examines me from head to toe
Results show an awfully big shock
Detecting that there is something still there in my chest
It has always been there
But it's not me I'm uncertain of
It's her
It has always been her
She proved to me once that she had a heart the size of the moon
But will she shine through the darkness that has congregated over the months
And why or how
Why would she turn completely around when she was so sure of having her back towards me
The direction she was going was a bold move that said everything
I shut everything down
I convinced myself that I couldn't climb that mountain that was behind me
So I had no choice but to turn around and start forward
And the paces I took dragged a long ways along nothingness
A walk through a desert with an occasional rain here and there
And all of a sudden a lightning bolt to light up a new path
I took the bait she was fishing with
Dangling it all around me
Tempting my hunger
And I caved
I replied to that question
My curiosity is hard to put a rein on
And right now I feel content
I shouldn't feel the way I feel
But I do
Why do we feel a certain way
What are the combination of factors that determine our feeling's outcome
All these emotions were put in and the hypothesis states that I should feel angry, offended and abandoned
But I don't
And back to the original questions
What does this mean
Honestly I have no idea
Does it mean anything at all
It has to
Are there any feelings left
On my part there certainly is
 Jan 2013 Z
L Smida
Her sneaky way of stretching your ear
And silently one stepping herself inside your head
Completely unaware of the puzzle she's building like castle walls around your brain
No matter the combination to your safe of hidden secrets
There she is
Surrounding you like a thousand knights to one thief in the dark eerie woods
Prying even more secretively behind the red scene
Twisting the rope of war right out from under your feet
Because your hands are already tied
No matter how determined you are
About keeping your hot hair balloon afloat
She'll squeeze you like a lemon to get your acidic confession
Her blood hound senses will sniff 'em out no matter what
And then lick up the floor to judge your statements
No chance of over looking the oder of guilt gushing outta your pores
Or the bashful heat boiling through your veins
And the shameful twitch starting in your left eye
But of course
Your attempt to stuff those emotions inside the false confidence of your jeans
Is only a clean wiped window for her to look through
She'll ease herself on you at this point
Knowing the mouse in the trap has nowhere to scurry
Her approach will stare deep into your soul
Very painfully silent
After a crucially long moment
The silence shatters with her first question of interrogation
And the weight of your balloon comes crashing down to the crumbly ground
Feeling broken and hopeless in the rubble
Laying limp in the muck like a wet noodle that has escaped the spaghetti plate
Drained of emotions
And exhausted by shock
The final announcement says the war is over
And the opponent has won
My attempt at a visual poem. My goal is for you to get plenty of crazy images in your head as you go
 Jan 2013 Z
Sometime I Forget
 Jan 2013 Z
Sometimes I go out at night
And sometimes I drink a little too many ***** tonics
And the next morning I forget that I did things like,
Kiss you in the alleyway behind my apartment
And that I said things like,
I love you.
And that you pulled away and looked at me, or through me
At the glow of the neighbor's television
And that I cried, and breathed deeply, gasping
As you shook your head,
I'm sorry...
And then I remember, and then I wish I could forget
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