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Mar 2015 · 452
Yvette Mar 2015
Q: What is your greatest fear
A: To wake up one day alone in my soul....
Mar 2015 · 573
Yvette Mar 2015
You've wrecked me
ruined my love
once happy tears, now water the soil of heartbreak
you shattered me before I even began
forced my love out
and sprouted  limbs for trust to evade its departure
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Range Rover
Yvette Mar 2015
For him I ride,
slow and lazy
finding purchase beneath his touch.
nails score private lines as he stretches beyond beating hearts and breathing lungs.
he drowns me in safety and kisses prayers in the corner of my soul.
I am exposed...
bare, in the eye of release and awareness.
Feb 2015 · 422
Abandonment Issues
Yvette Feb 2015
Crush me
blind me
tuck me
****  me
Roll  me
but just... just never leave me.
Feb 2015 · 355
Yvette Feb 2015
work the seconds life gives...
**** the moments we wish to forget...
Dec 2014 · 513
Yvette Dec 2014
Was my heart a souvenir?
Dec 2014 · 746
Growing Pains
Yvette Dec 2014
How do you reconcile your future with  acquired beliefs of the past?
Dec 2014 · 330
Title (optional)
Yvette Dec 2014
I criticize what is because of the possibility of what could be...
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Yvette Dec 2014
You are a clever thing to say.
A funny thought stand still...
Yvette Dec 2014
Colors that bleed never truly blend- I knew this so I dialed it back  a bit-  only hoping  to catch you in passing.
Dec 2014 · 375
Yvette Dec 2014
Has your bones ever ached for home?
Nov 2014 · 321
I called....
Yvette Nov 2014
Some how I have become the tune to that old song you used to love. I'm a painting admired from a far, you know, the one you speak fondly of, but never really spare the dime to buy.  I am the  muse appreciated best behind closed doors and forgotten success.
You leash me as a dog begging for love settling for scrapes. My heart holds hope, but my mind  catches  fire. Angry and outraged by my inability to call *******. As a queen wears no collar, let alone leash to be walked about.
You know what you are... you're are a meal to salty... and popcorn popped a second to long. You are a mirage, all bluff , mistruth. You gain confidence in the undiluted love of others.
See I figured you out, you bait with live heart, only to reel in with broken promises
Shame on my heart for loving you despite warning. Shame on my hands for holding you with such care. And shame on mind for writing yet  another piece with you laced in it.
Nov 2014 · 318
Yvette Nov 2014
There are some thoughts, moods, and songs I  save only for you.
Like Etta’s  At Last. I picture our first dance... dancing in the moonlight. Making love to the tilt of the sun. And bathing in the flicker of candle and  laughter.  My hopes and dreams are etched in shadows, as if God Himself were asking me to wait. To wait for the man, that shapes and curves the landscape for walking. Builds rhythm and cadence with the beat of his heart.  And lives life half best with me tucked in his hold.
Oct 2014 · 347
9/29/2014: JH
Yvette Oct 2014
What if honesty hung in each breath you took? Would you exhale the truth? How twisted are the branches of your heart, never knowing if your coming or going. Lighters spark to hide the shame of the man who was once beheld in the eyes of love. What a terrible sin, to play with the hearts of others...
Sep 2014 · 242
Yvette Sep 2014
Seasons changing now. but I feels like we stopped somewhere in the summer. just drifting. unhurried.
Sep 2014 · 370
Peace Stolen. Fri: 11:32
Yvette Sep 2014
It can be written again. wrung like water from linen, shook, spread, and lined. ***** secrets can be cleaned. no one would ever know, the piece he took. as the sheets hang in the wind. baked by the sun.
Yvette Sep 2014
We speak in peaks of color. Vibrations that **** near tilt the rainbow spilling colors that only we can name. Hues shade eyes and tuck into the periphery of our souls. You pull the strings of my heart forcing contractions that walk me to you. I meet you in the blue green seas of April. Its sensational. We end at the edges of color where white divides, and only here we find peace.
Sep 2014 · 310
Fri 10:58
Yvette Sep 2014
Im treading in water fully clothed not heavy enough to withstand the weight.counting sheep with my eyes wide open. sometimes I stare into space until tears began to fall to feel something.anything.I'm wondering without a place to call home. searching under the beds to find the missing key. the reason to this whole thing called life.
Sep 2014 · 440
A poem for my brother
Yvette Sep 2014
Still small movements.
Heavy thump.
Its the beat of your heart,
It gives warning to keep moving,
fighting, dreaming, and ******* believing.
Believing in who the hell you were designed, contoured, birthed to be.

What sir is the drum of your heart?
Does it move to the rhythm of our mothers laugh,
Tempo of our grandmother's love,
or rapid cadence of our grandfather's
Does his words to propel you?
Do they elevate you to fight,
Fight for the right to be whoever the ******* want to be?,
To be the voice of declarative reason,
Or the man who laughs and cries without reason for fear?
Are you the man that bundles pain for harvest,
Like a miner to coal in anticipation for the cold season?
Are you the preparer?

I tell you what I believe,
I believe you are a bold product of the past,
yet powerful reactant for the future.
I believe you are a warrior and King.
But what do you believe?
Tell me Anthony, what is the drum of your heart?
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Yvette Sep 2014
we make love to sounds echoed in language
knee deep
and escalating
intimacy guided by tongue
**** are the clingy letters you match to declarative words
you are the best show-and-tale
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Crazy, Sexy, Cool
Yvette Sep 2014
I edit when I'm alone/ picture sciences never scripted/play roles never casted/ I am crazy/ tormented by a reality to real enough/ So I write/ write with haste/ unsure when inspiration will flee leaving me alone/ So I edit sciences never scripted/play roles never casted/ I am crazy/ crazy, ****, cool/ But mostly....CrAzy//
Aug 2014 · 830
Another Love Poem
Yvette Aug 2014
Buy me a book to write my life away,
My weird fuckery, ***** nasty thoughts
laced with you.

Days pass diluted with memories of you.
I remember when the sun danced for you.
It danced off your mahogany skin to mine.
I remember how you kissed every part of my soul,
Caressed each line and bend of me.

My heart wrote music for you once,
Melodies for you ears only.  

Buy me a book and I will fill every page,
line, space, boarder with you.
The man of my past and present
who traces  scares with intent to kiss.
Aug 2014 · 507
Wreck-less Driving
Yvette Aug 2014
Writing and driving never mix.
But I'm afraid thought will tie laces to shoe and flee.
Flee leaving me wordless, breathless, and poor
Poor begging on the corner of inspiration.
So panic rises in my chest ,
heart to ear,
pores  open with sweat.
Im urged in haste to write.
Write with images of words streamlining to the chorus
of phrases and thoughts passing.
I write and write.
Write until images fade to grey leaving me open and warm.
As a newborn to mothers milk,
I am full,
and inspired.
Aug 2014 · 426
8.23.2014 11:59
Yvette Aug 2014
He is 3am passion to the backdrop of August rain
Toe- curling
Back arching
Aug 2014 · 344
8.23.2014 11:26
Yvette Aug 2014
He is sugar and charm
My whenever
delectable treat
My sentimental mood
meets Funny Valentine
My very own 21st Century Miles Davis
Aug 2014 · 236
Yvette Aug 2014
My heart runs to you
But my body stills.....
Tonights one liners
Aug 2014 · 283
Yvette Aug 2014
Simple is the dialect of an untainted tongue....
Tonights one liners
Aug 2014 · 327
Yvette Aug 2014
You are cotton candy light
sweetness to perfection......
Tonights one liners
Aug 2014 · 239
Yvette Aug 2014
In the end you are divided by your past and present.....
Tonights one liners
Aug 2014 · 242
Yvette Aug 2014
you are a puzzle best left unsolved.....
Tonights one liners
Aug 2014 · 248
Yvette Aug 2014
Dark nights foster truth abated in currents of lies.....
Aug 2014 · 278
Yvette Aug 2014
I dreamed of you through the dusk of night
Well into the morning light...
Aug 2014 · 467
my dandelion lover
Yvette Aug 2014
Feels less and less like safe place
dialogues gain momentum with unclear direction
Im alone dancing in disconnection
unmask what lies below the surface
tell me in the stillness of night
I'm kinda scared here
change the dance and I promise to change the step
reach for me and I promise to hold back
my dandelion lover
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Privacy Policy
Yvette Aug 2014
I spit promise
I pinky swear
I cross my heart hope to die, stick a needle in my eye
That I will bookmark my love for you
doggy ear the scenes of our story played true
Count and recount the ways I will love you in this life and next
And When words fail
And actions fall short  
I will custom tailor hugs for you
pause and rewind my way back to you
harmonize to the 'c' flats of your life
dig graves for your scariest fears
And flash flood, uproot, straight up drown any doubts of my love for you
Because I spit promise
I pinky swear
I cross my heart hope to die, stick a needle in my eye
That I will love you through the what ifs and come what mays
From spring, summer, winter, and fall will I love you
and I will love you
And  love you
And love you
And  love you until seconds cease to exist
And infinite is not as infinite as we thought
Because I found the beginning
The very beginning
The  moment where  love approached infinity by degrees
Simply in awe of you...
Aug 2014 · 546
Yvette Aug 2014
Without the heat of day its chilly.
Buildings case shade for the unwanted.
Its funny what protects in the summer
Kills in the winter.
A times is coming.
There will be no guide for the weary.
Aug 2014 · 441
Opposite Phenomenon
Yvette Aug 2014
White America  -Black America

Because...'this a song that doesn't end,
it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing ,
not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue singing it forever just becaaaauuussseee'....
Until one day it stops.
Because 'its a song that gets on everbody's nerves
Yes, everybody's  nerves
And that day will be the day
where opposites no longer attract
and color coded oppression
no longer expresses itself with a brown boy from Ferguson, Missouri or  Sanford, Florida.
I'm wake.....
Aug 2014 · 385
CNN News
Yvette Aug 2014
How come 'yes' is met with no hesitation?
Its no smoother than a 'no'.
If you think about it,
you can actually say 'no' in repetition a thousand times faster than 'yes'.
So what is it?
I blame it on the microwave,
maybe even the **** television,
and most definitely the debit card.
But what I'm really saying,
Or should be saying,
I blame me
and dame sure I blame us.
Aug 2014 · 788
Yvette Aug 2014
I pick it like a scab.
Its ugly and itching,
Unwilling to heal without leaving its mark.

Its funny how the past teaches but leaves one tainted.
But funnier how you never have the things you need,
but have all the **** you want.
Aug 2014 · 393
Yvette Aug 2014
Earth bends at your awakening.
It stretches to withstand the weight of your presence.
In awe of your stature the sun shines.
Hoping to store glimmers of your reflection
It nods in recognition of you.
You are a masterpiece caught in the stillness of time.
How could the handiwork of one's maker ever be questioned?
Grandma pinches of Godvia were gathered to create you.
You are mosaic splitting amber dancing in the sun
While to earth itself bends to withstand your awakening.
Aug 2014 · 392
Yvette Aug 2014
I have forgotten what you look like
Your smell and touch
Mind scatters when pulled to retrieve you
Memories mirage like  lingering smoke from fire
Funny how time no longer hiccups in anticipation of you
You are the forgotten tune hummed
Beautiful and decadent in space
You are sprinkles of notes for greater melodies to come
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Yvette Aug 2014
Velcro its self could not reattach my love for you
You have clipped the strings that held my heart in place
I am detached
I am heartless
#angry #love #fedup
Aug 2014 · 448
Yvette Aug 2014
Excited as a child on Christmas,
with footed pajamas,
and ***** hair,
am I to learn love with you.
Wayside wrapping paper unearths broken defenses and inhibition.
I am a present waiting for your truth to unbox and set free.
Aug 2014 · 298
Yvette Aug 2014
I wrote my favorite piece today.
You traced the silhouette of the curve,
Every letter to the word bent in satisfaction of you.
Well aren't you inspiration for the soul...
Aug 2014 · 297
The Writer
Yvette Aug 2014
Sometimes I write in my head, reminding my self that liberty and truth are self acknowledged That art birthed free form is better than lines and periods and commas I write to myself when I forget to breathe and love I loose track of letters and words  and hold pictures and smell tightly as newborn to ****** at feeding time I save the best for my inside memories I bend the curves of myself and plant seeds of inspiration for the drought season where I think more than I write.
Aug 2014 · 306
Confused lover.....
Yvette Aug 2014
I find myself breathing to your tempo/ searching my heart for secrets hidden/ I love to hate loving you/ you are my biggest mystery/ deepest regret/ unconsciously beautiful//

Dance with me in the eye of the candle/ tell me what you see/ does it match loves drunken sketch in the ceiling above//

I know what we are/ we are tiptoes afraid of landing/unfolded possibility open for the picking//
Aug 2014 · 393
Dec. 29. 2013
Yvette Aug 2014
I want to give you my heartbeats/ finger paint my love in the edges of your soul/ can I love you abyss deep/ hold you as a child birthed from gravity/ could we be pregnant with possibility/ I close my eyes holding my breathe willing time to still/ I want to balance on the fibers of chance and forbearance/ for you I will wait in the stillness of dawn/never counting the raising suns/ but forever embracing the warmth of each day/ Hopeful. Patient. Non-searching//
Aug 2014 · 629
Black Felt Penz
Yvette Aug 2014
Cages fail in their attempt to hold beauty/ as sand from hand it slips/ slips from time taking shape in chance and impact/ funny how a cage traps the body/ yet the mind traps the soul//
Aug 2014 · 459
Summer Lover
Yvette Aug 2014
You are the cold block to fan on a hot summer day/ the deep rooted bass to a funky note/ the swing of my hip/tap to foot/ you are poetry written to midnight rain/ my push to pull/ my unravelling/ you are love ripping the seams to a tightly woven dress//

— The End —