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153 · Jun 2019
ymmiJ Jun 2019
old shower shaver
could not stand to see that face
mirror shaving now
153 · Aug 2021
ymmiJ Aug 2021
chaos elected
buffoons, jack booted baboons
trample liberty
152 · Aug 4
ymmiJ Aug 4
along the boardwalk
seagulls patiently hover
for falling french fries
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Rest finally came when
journeys struggles, your words eased
my walk finally slowed
151 · Apr 2019
Salmon Series 1.0
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Red swarm is warming
for that fateful final run
frantic till their own finish
151 · Apr 2019
Crying At The Moonlight
ymmiJ Apr 2019
wolves shed tears, howling
moonlight cries, echoing
fireplace writing, reflecting
old flames in my heart, rekindling
memories, drifting
old feelings deep, thawing
when I too howled tears, crying
at the moonlight, sobbing
150 · Apr 2019
Simple Haiku For You
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Nothing to discuss
my words are never enough
I, you, us means love
150 · Oct 2021
ymmiJ Oct 2021
lost sunsets
waiting on darkness
losing light
149 · Sep 2019
ymmiJ Sep 2019
snows early frosting
mountain tops now frozen white
termination dust
Thats what the snow appearing on the mountains here in Alaska!
148 · Oct 2019
ymmiJ Oct 2019
i find repose there
nestled warmly in your arms
your beating heart soothes
148 · Apr 2019
A Moment Stopped
ymmiJ Apr 2019
When I think of you
Time flashes, light stops, I cease
Recalling nothing
148 · Nov 2021
ymmiJ Nov 2021
falling skies
chicken little screams
sheep stampede
147 · Apr 2019
Spring Valley Hike 2.0
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Water slaps at rocks
Keeping a dreamy back beat
As I drifted into a nap
147 · Jun 2021
ymmiJ Jun 2021
breathing in her green
life renewed and exceeding
unknown views now seen
147 · Mar 2022
ymmiJ Mar 2022
your wild side
that which tried to hide
those eyes lied
146 · Nov 2021
ymmiJ Nov 2021
A haiku is not
a seventeen syllable
sentence broken up
146 · May 2019
Alaskans Heading Down Home
ymmiJ May 2019
your pearl colored heart
matches your porcelain glow
now sun kissed, shaded pink
golden hued nose, matching cheeks
carolina summer fun
146 · Apr 2019
Feeling To Stop Caring
ymmiJ Apr 2019
I just stopped caring
As the hummingbird stops it’s own heart
Then I started beating again
Google it! They do! Then start it when the danger is gone
146 · Jul 6
Liquid Lie
ymmiJ Jul 6
liquid life
they poison our wells
as we blame ourselves
146 · Sep 2019
Shady Oak Lane
ymmiJ Sep 2019
that angel oak looks easier to climb now
hanging over that old street of my youth
now walking a proper shady oak lane
145 · Mar 2019
Jagged Mountain Tooth
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Jutting up from earth's lower jaw a
Jagged mountain tooth slices higher and higher
leaving me in utter shock and awe at the
slashing upward  mighty rock spire
145 · Oct 2019
ymmiJ Oct 2019
pristine reflections
not a ripple to distort
my imperfections
145 · Apr 2019
The Forgotten
ymmiJ Apr 2019
smoothly worn benches
people recalling their loves
now resting above
flowers adorned, closer by
those forgotten, turn away
144 · Apr 2019
Solid Setting
ymmiJ Apr 2019
carats of young life
old memories, new facets
same golden setting
144 · Sep 11
ymmiJ Sep 11
ever looming dark
cold loneliness blankets night
warmth among shadows
144 · Apr 2019
Dream Sails
ymmiJ Apr 2019
caught on endless seas
rudderless drifting  oceans
swaying, I'm slipping
beneath rocking swaying swells
sailing me gently asleep
ymmiJ Jun 2019
sunlight highlights our scars healing
finally seeing what God has been planning
144 · Mar 2019
Momentarily, Bliss
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Your eyes close as you go slack
I lean in as you arch glistening back
We're getting close one or two more should do
Then in exhaustion I finally collapse into you
144 · Mar 2019
Old Oak Beard
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Oaks angelic mystic
Man's old beard hanging from his
Tired skinny limbs
144 · Mar 2019
Piece of Peace
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Dark lonely finally rest
Abandoned whispers in the trees
Blue beetles scurry merrily darkly
Among lifeless brown leaves
143 · Apr 2019
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Being slowly dragged
under the pier, out to sea
You waving me by
143 · 3d
ymmiJ 3d
wonder if Rome knew
bickering over last nights stew
the bill had come due
easy to laugh at history
if unaware it repeats
143 · Aug 5
ymmiJ Aug 5
ever rudderless
adrift upon emotion
an endless ocean
142 · Apr 2019
Lolly Haiku Miss You
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Heard old time jazz on
Flapper era, thought of you
how you danced to it
142 · Apr 2019
Hurricane Ignorance
ymmiJ Apr 2019
She came on a storm
Leaving heart break in her wake
to destroy my world
142 · Nov 2021
An "A" Poem
ymmiJ Nov 2021
Al's always alone
asking alms along avenues
accursed and abandoned
a contest poem with all A's
142 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
shadows disappear
like dreams end as bells strike twelve
when lights allowed in
141 · Mar 2019
ymmiJ Mar 2019
The clubs are my brushes the courses are my empty spaces
Coloring with wide draws and drooping fades
I sweep in a birdie as my friend counts his paces
I yearn for the roars and the smiles on their faces

When I was young and a day was thirty six not twenty four
Now I am done in nine I wish I could play more
But tomorrow I will paint on a new canvas with a new score
Some say it a nice walk spoiled, I couldn't ask for anything more
For my earliest love
141 · Apr 2019
Predawn Rise
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Dull moon light, parts the bed
writhing limbs, tangled in sweet scented sweat
as the stars jealously peer in
141 · Mar 2022
ymmiJ Mar 2022
under the veil
hidden in darkness
bright lights blind
140 · Mar 2019
Another Day
ymmiJ Mar 2019
When the rooster crows It's
judgement day...again

Another I pray to pass as
this judgement day begins
140 · May 2019
ymmiJ May 2019
baby gummies play
running hiding from mother
sweet cubs find trouble
139 · Apr 2019
Mystic Child
ymmiJ Apr 2019
She’s a mystical child
Her spirit rises with moonlight
Dancing on wishes made
138 · Apr 2021
ymmiJ Apr 2021
I sprung
legs uncoiled
into cool spring water
138 · Feb 2021
ymmiJ Feb 2021
ravens echo
winged shadows appear
reapers riding
Creepy raven encounter
138 · Apr 2019
Heart Felt 2.0
ymmiJ Apr 2019
This new heart has felt
a protective layer, if not ready
When this young heart starts to feel
Antler felt, isn't mother nature grand?
138 · Jul 2019
ymmiJ Jul 2019
cool glacial breezes
carry hints winters comIng
Camp Portage Glacier
mother natures great AC
escaping oppressive heat
138 · May 2019
Paradise Lost
ymmiJ May 2019
time blasted pine sides
sand filled yards, abundant burrs
ghost crab paradise
found among sun kissed noses
lost among high rise dollars
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Late night wind dancer
On glass, slow shuffle juke jive
Wind gust changing time
137 · May 2021
ymmiJ May 2021
stare into yourself
beyond those familiar lines
into the hidden
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