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183 · Nov 2019
ymmiJ Nov 2019
white glow moon dangles
above reaching mountain crests
clear walking tonight
182 · Jul 2019
ymmiJ Jul 2019
silly kid dreaming
a beauty like you my queen
watching you sleeping
182 · Apr 2019
Not Nirvana
ymmiJ Apr 2019
dancing, Shakedown Street
reminds me where my heart lied
and left me for dead
182 · Nov 2021
An A Poem
ymmiJ Nov 2021
Al's always alone
asking alms at avenues
accursed and abandoned
182 · Jul 2022
A Dali Haiku
ymmiJ Jul 2022
mysterious rhyme
wraps around every mind
never ending time
181 · Apr 2022
ymmiJ Apr 2022
curtains convene
now he's plainly seen
just not green
181 · Oct 2019
ymmiJ Oct 2019
they love words
distorting their meaning
180 · Sep 2019
Ode To Jerry Haiku #5
ymmiJ Sep 2019
blue eyed ginger snap
sixties kid in modern day
scarlet begonia
180 · Apr 2019
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Her green eyes are blue
Pools of tears, from some strange force
Just one smile would do
179 · Apr 2019
Turnagain Arm Churn
ymmiJ Apr 2019
brown water waving
showing turbulence beneath
my vision, clouded
arctic inlets can be unwelcoming at times
178 · Apr 2019
Get It Back
ymmiJ Apr 2019
haggered, staggered be
me, struggling, juggling
bumbled, jumbled, fumbled, life's
magical, mystical ride
177 · Mar 2019
Busy Bees
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Bear paw reaches out
thru the air chainsaws buzzing
bees wake swarming mad
176 · Jul 16
ymmiJ Jul 16
these little visits
among the sweetest moments
then meows and leaves
My son's cat, Poppie, with her daily visit
176 · May 2019
ymmiJ May 2019
summers longest day
sun barely decides to set
alpenglow wonders
when dawn slowly slides past dusk
in lands of the midnight sun
174 · Jun 2019
'cause I love The Doors
ymmiJ Jun 2019
jim, the lizard king
people are strangers, he said
at hyacinth house
la woman started my fire
love morrison till the end

hello i love you
find some peace frog, moonlight drive
on your crystal ship
with your riders on a storm
she always loves me two times

...sorry you've gone away.......
174 · Aug 2019
Sand Dune Rendezvous
ymmiJ Aug 2019
we laid there naked
sweating in breathless wonder
as the sun dried us
no longer kids just playing
now young lovers exploring
174 · May 2022
ymmiJ May 2022
safe inside
silent liquid world
mothers voice
173 · Nov 2022
Thank You Lord
ymmiJ Nov 2022
For a mind that asks
For eyes that seek
For the ears to hear
And a heart that feels
Your constant love
173 · Aug 2022
ymmiJ Aug 2022
I took a trip
my mind melded in
one universal self
where love seemed to be
the only thing
172 · Jul 2022
ymmiJ Jul 2022
twas watering my plants
when a young tomatoe
asked for seconds
171 · Feb 2023
ymmiJ Feb 2023
foot prints left behind
someone of similar stride
walking in circles
171 · May 2019
Hotel Morning Dream
ymmiJ May 2019
dream our life away
dreams do come true, we are proof
what more could I dream?
your here, laying in my arms
I dream with you all day long
171 · Apr 2019
Life In Twenty Four Hours
ymmiJ Apr 2019
what's a lifetime mean
the mayfly hatching, I'm awed
so easily he flies
169 · Dec 2019
ymmiJ Dec 2019
as you snuggle in

watching winter fall outside

your warmth comforts me
168 · May 2019
Need Constant Reminders
ymmiJ May 2019
your love never leaves
even in the darkest times
your sun soon follows
reminding this simple soul
your never to far away
167 · Aug 2021
ymmiJ Aug 2021
aqua moon swaray
ancient riverbeds aglow
spawning summer love
166 · Oct 2022
ymmiJ Oct 2022
sensing someone's there
behind you climbing up stairs
standing little hairs
166 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
golden portal through a crimson sky
shows promise of a gilded morrow
sailors long tales swear it so
165 · Nov 2019
ymmiJ Nov 2019
bare my soul
this beaten armor
protects still
164 · Dec 2019
Man Overboard!
ymmiJ Dec 2019
her eyes swirling blue
shading mine aqua marine
sweeping me away
ymmiJ Apr 2019
When you force me down
Even ****** knees wont do
crawling filth, barely
Gasping, bleeding begging you
just one more forgiving chance
161 · Apr 2019
Young Bird Heartache
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Imagine,  if you will,
for a small split second,
my own despair
in watching your
own heartache coming
and patiently waiting
on it’s evident but
easily predictable
crashing of your
perfect little world,
helplessly watching
161 · Apr 2019
Oh Crap! It's Me!
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Black kites circle high
Tightening Slowly descending
Dark wings block the light
My twisted way at laughing at supposed death! Maybe a little self-deprecating
161 · Mar 2019
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Love me to the moon and back
That is pretty far
But what of Pluto Saturn or even Mars
What of infinity or forever
Now you see the moon is not far
For Love to travel on a wishing star
160 · Mar 2019
Dog Days of Summer
ymmiJ Mar 2019
My dogs are barking shut them up
That dog don't hunt stupid animal
Can't teach an old dog new tricks
He's a dog and she's a female version
We use dog in a derogatory way
put him on a leash if you walk today
best of friends is what they say
loyal to the core all day every day
who treats friends like dog crap anyway
But every dog has his day
Ever seen a Dogwood bloom, true beauty, I say
Just cause we have two canine members of the family and I love all my dawgs!! Even tho I am a Tiger from South carolina!!
159 · Oct 2022
ymmiJ Oct 2022
among the living
zombie eyes reflect black screens
scribing their demise
158 · Apr 2019
Nerves From The Dark
ymmiJ Apr 2019
in that darkest hour
when even the living lay
sleeping, frost settles
nerves long tensed by the darkness
only now awakening
158 · Apr 2019
Write! Right! Write!
ymmiJ Apr 2019
We are the sowers of seeds
These little buds we choose to share
Need careful thought, love, and care
Not meant to be just strewn about to dry
Someone’s life lessons splayed out to just die
So whoever plants these in hopes of growth
have already done so, go forth and sow
158 · Apr 2019
Sweet and Sour
ymmiJ Apr 2019
sweet, sour smells
under the covers, we breath
life's pungent secret
enticing, tasting the air
sampling our confections
157 · Apr 2019
Ever Wishing
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Regal heart guarding
Majestic royalty seen
Love,  Red Wishing
157 · Mar 2019
Boyhood Recalled
ymmiJ Mar 2019
That blue dream lifted from my hand
light as a feather but hard as rain
Leaving me alone as I jumped in chase
Missing again my baby blue dreams
157 · Mar 2022
ymmiJ Mar 2022
civil unrest
internal combustion
hot chili with beans
156 · Jun 2022
ymmiJ Jun 2022
days end
as if they stayed
too long
156 · Apr 2019
Alaskan Rain Dance
ymmiJ Apr 2019
On an open valley hillside
The candle light flickers
As they bend to cool winds
Thousands of swaying flames
Coaxing precious droplets down
Hoping to wash in the cool rain
the annual fireweed dance ignites
blazing growth to the parched
valley floor below
156 · Aug 2019
Three Line Outshine
ymmiJ Aug 2019
she's the polestar when all others go dark
outshining even the brightest of northerly stars
shooting comet trails past our blue moon to mars
155 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
flood waters recede
showing widespread destruction
as young shoots sprout forth
If you cant already tell we went on a great hike on a glacier today. Anyway, it's flooding my SDKs today
155 · Apr 2019
After Dinner Side Show
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Sultry silky sheen
Nylon legs, so smooth, caressed
From excited fingers
hooking sides, slipping them down
Sweet love smell, firm flesh inside
Cheesy tanka
ymmiJ Apr 2019
water has gone slack
silent air, calm clouds, just hanging
somewhere dolphins feed
it's a nature kind of day, cold rainy Alaska has me dreaming of my Pawley's Island SC youth
154 · Apr 2019
Simple Reminder
ymmiJ Apr 2019
set your eyes on the sun, alone
when I'm dead and gone
You will find me there looking on
154 · Apr 2019
Can’t Wait
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Like a first time high school prom
Like the last mile home
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