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304 · Aug 2022
ymmiJ Aug 2022
black blue
night day
299 · Sep 2022
Money Grubs
ymmiJ Sep 2022
central banker games
culling humans monies gained
pleasure dealing pain
298 · Sep 2022
Good Ol' Days
ymmiJ Sep 2022
that was a long time ago
back in the good old days
before we had slipped so
before the rot and decay
life before the undertow
swept humanity away

now adrift alone
seeking answers long untold
we slowly sink below
ymmiJ Apr 2019
I LOVE YOU, you'd say
in the sand, by hand, with care
that spot, every day
296 · Apr 2019
Back Roads Love Story Tanka
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Walking back roads home
Hearing mallard men chirping
near pretty hens row
where all the lone green heads go
to find love on back roads home
trucks at bars on old muddy roads, back roads swamp style
292 · Jan 2021
Treasured Island
ymmiJ Jan 2021
as time slowly drifts away
setting a course to never return
left feeling stranded in a shrinking world
I turn to recall your gleaming green eyes
and realize the treasures left behind
291 · Nov 2019
ymmiJ Nov 2019
similar shading
in our multi colored land
God made us the same
289 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
I'll whisper your name
my last act of devotion
my final exhale
289 · Jul 26
ymmiJ Jul 26
tyranny follows
like termites in ship boards
infecting new hope
287 · Jul 7
ymmiJ Jul 7
mythic ether
consciousness creator
dreams theatre
ymmiJ Apr 2019
These battleship chains
like giant redwood roots, anchors
this boat in your port
Corny? Oh well
285 · Jul 2019
Love Light Turn
ymmiJ Jul 2019
dark, depressing, grey
nothing bright shining, rain soaked days
hoping, praying you turn your loving light back my way
284 · Apr 2019
Raging Inferno
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Can you feel my flame
No flicker, roaring raging
Passion, my heart burns
Engulfing old dead blazes
Building torches held for you
Apologies. The haiku needed more, so it's a tanka. It grew!!
284 · Oct 2019
ymmiJ Oct 2019
rare quiet inside
peace brought by flickering flames
writing by their heat
283 · Jan 3
ymmiJ Jan 3
glide through life simply
savor sweet nectar sipping
time slowly ticking
283 · Apr 2019
Silly Time
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Love is getting strapped
on Wile Coyote's back
atop an acme
hand made rocket perfect for
maximum chaos in seconds
If you don't know Wiley or Acme, I feel sorry for you, google them
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Purely magical
late last night, purple, yellow
mostly greenish light
Above me dancing, dreaming
Igniting flames of the heart
281 · Apr 2019
Gin Tonic Time Out
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Gin blossoms headache
Burst capillaries inside
Rooting deep,  to guarantee
Good time gin tonic parties
Having to wait another night
280 · May 2021
A Lonely Swing
ymmiJ May 2021
that lonely swing
me pushing you in the park
into setting suns
fading heat our shadows grew
burned memories for ever
276 · May 2019
Hammock Hypnotizes
ymmiJ May 2019
Palm tree fans swaying
hammock rocking in good time
waves reaching my shoes
274 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
poor gnome all alone
his garden partner stolen
who steals garden gnomes
273 · Sep 2022
ymmiJ Sep 2022
under faded light
distant skies hypnotize
waiting on the flash
273 · Jun 2019
Leaky Roof
ymmiJ Jun 2019
rain drops on tin roofs
soothing this painful heartache
empty pails filling
272 · Apr 2019
Turn The Dial?
ymmiJ Apr 2019
catching a note of it always
takes me back, magically,
to young summers, younger loves,
when Tom Petty ruled
you were my American Girl
dribbling off John Cougars
Bobby Brooks in my small town
worlds away from here and now
might've been on Pink Floyd's
The Dark Side Of The Moon,
with Ziggy Stardust and
The Spider From Mars
so far a single note takes me
when turning round the dial
apologies for the edit, lost the signal the first go round
271 · Apr 2019
Desert Plume
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Roaming desert scapes
waterless countryplaces, searching
Your eternal springs
bursting forth in full bloom
Painted in Apache plume
270 · May 2022
ymmiJ May 2022
silent reflection
rocking upon a moon crescent
sway in pools below
quiet by the slacking tide
right before the rooster crows
269 · Apr 2019
Photo Album Stacked Tanka
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Flashes, magic light
instant frozen memories
forgotten places,
faces, friends, family forever
captured in precious photos
ymmiJ Jul 2019
never giving up
persistence personified
Wile E Coyote
268 · Sep 2019
ymmiJ Sep 2019
lingering last kiss
thoughtless in wonderful bliss
laying next to you
267 · Aug 2019
A Homage
ymmiJ Aug 2019
mountain high glaciers
as blue as the sky above
feeds her swollen creeks

whispy green rivers
in our countries northern sky
bring romance to night

grizzled beasts feeding
as salmon swim to their fate
wolves ever present

mushing sled dogs run
racing anchorage to nome
heritage recalled

our final frontier
In McKinley's great shadow
wild free Alaska
266 · Jan 2023
Fear Control
ymmiJ Jan 2023
die inside
fry without sun
cold night sweats

waiting on trains

no where's safe
light never enters
shuttered eyes

embrace chains
shackled from within
live in fear

they have you
entrapped in yourself
while they smile
263 · Aug 2021
ymmiJ Aug 2021
broken ocean glass
jagged edges sanded smooth
found glistening blue
260 · Dec 2021
ymmiJ Dec 2021
faded memories
among ever weakened eyes
slowly we decay
257 · Apr 2019
Old Man Winter Bastard
ymmiJ Apr 2019
******* laughed today
Would'a bet the farm he was gone
Sure as shoot, he's back
Swiped my springtime glee, covered
summer frolicking in snow
3 inches fresh powder this morning! Gone skiing in the spring!
256 · Mar 2019
Helping Wing
ymmiJ Mar 2019
All that little chick needed
When she tumbled from the nest
Was a helping wing to guide
Her to whats best

But birds while unrestricted in flight
Cannot do this and thus the plight
To pick up the bird and lift her to her
Righteous held place soaring freely into
The cool
Alaskan night!
255 · Feb 2021
ymmiJ Feb 2021
gold's envy
gleaming rings unite
true love bonds
254 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
takes me
back to where
it all started in that
magical blip in time when two
souls cross paths forever changing their earthly orbits
continuing onward as each intertwined with the other in perpetual bliss
253 · Mar 2019
Paradise Valley
ymmiJ Mar 2019
From the heights of ever rising tower peaks
To plummeting depths of fertile valleys below
The spring of life is always gushing forth  
From south to north deep pools to shallow
Forever in rhythm and tied by this land hallowed
revered and worshiped in her Paradise Valley home
252 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
destiny determined
onward to eternity
pacific kings spawn
252 · Oct 2021
ymmiJ Oct 2021
never stopping time
slipping through grasping fingers
wrinkled through ages
249 · Aug 2021
ymmiJ Aug 2021
something magical
witnessing another sun
setting so slowly
249 · Jul 2019
ymmiJ Jul 2019
it's these most real times
when my boogie man arrives
peace in you, I find
midnight coffee, moonlit eyes
assuring me all is fine
249 · Jun 2022
ymmiJ Jun 2022
yellow summer heat
shimmers beneath golden light
aloe vera sooths burns
248 · Jan 2022
The Slumbering Arise
ymmiJ Jan 2022
among such chaos
slithering snakes flick forked tongues
while people slumber
having covered eyes opened
into a living nightmare
248 · Sep 2019
Recalled Cayman
ymmiJ Sep 2019
with warmth i recall
our heated beach rendezvous
carefree dune romance

the sand surf and sun
walks hand in hand to earth's end
wishing it wouldn't

until the next time
safely in my winters warmth
cayman nights rewind
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Your my little free wheeling child
I knew the moment I saw
Your crystal clear blue eyes, wide
Most vibrant golden orange hair
porcelain dove toned skin, live!
your mother gave you that famous glow
thank me for the side they call wild
Twenty first century Aquarius girl, mystic
Summer of Love child born too late
for the rush, me too, but you caught the wave
peace, love, hope, man, your a little Janice
There’s a warning there too if you so choose
share the light with all you see, that’s who you are, just save some for yourself, for reserve
Prayers and hugs, love Dad
247 · Mar 2019
Jazzy Dancing
ymmiJ Mar 2019
I hear the sad procession slowly wailing
Mourning jazz lightens the steamed heavy air
How queer for them to dance that way
Thunder roars on their own parade
Acting somber tears fueled by  bourbon
on a worn out and too well known street
It's beauty sadness and life ending this somber
Way, but alas the 'Brella is show, no rain today
247 · Dec 2019
ymmiJ Dec 2019
showered in her love
a natural waterfall
who's mist I collect
parches thirsty cliff side roots
reaching  her constant currents
247 · Apr 2019
Lost At Sea
ymmiJ Apr 2019
I see your eyes in the coral clear seas
Shades of aqua green memories
As I drift away on your shifting tides
245 · Mar 2019
Marsh Morning
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Salt water rising up
Sweet oysters on silver ships
And I with no coffee
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