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385 · Mar 2022
ymmiJ Mar 2022
infinite tears fall
swollen eyes stream broken dreams
lions lap their pools
383 · Jul 2022
ymmiJ Jul 2022
psychedelic bloom
flora from another world
color passion blue
380 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
seagulls gruesome flock
young tortoises race to light
life's poetic mess
Turtle hatching season
376 · Apr 2019
Dignity In Death
ymmiJ Apr 2019
from permafrost thawed
white arches rising upward
ancient beauty, now
resides on a modern shelf
next to plastic elves for sale
375 · Jun 2019
ymmiJ Jun 2019
last time we embraced
you gave out those big bear hugs
could sure use one now
security I recall
kept for lonely times like this
373 · Feb 2021
ymmiJ Feb 2021
frozen white
winter bite tallied
in spring thaw
372 · Feb 2022
ymmiJ Feb 2022
empty words
pass as winter wind
sapping strength
372 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
just looking at her
she is as she's always been
eternal beauty
369 · Oct 2019
Not That Kind Of Light
ymmiJ Oct 2019
this light I breath in
exhaled into the cold night
conquers darkness
367 · Dec 2022
ymmiJ Dec 2022
vanity weighs
drowning in loving water
till finally shed
366 · Apr 2019
Cheer Up,The Sun Shines
ymmiJ Apr 2019
blue maria-bella
ever under your black silk
umbrella, hiding those dark
rings of Saturn eyes, in vain,
from the ever present light
363 · Mar 2019
Songs of Summer
ymmiJ Mar 2019
I hear the whisper of
summer songs  birds sing
blowing in my ear
362 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
life's long journey ends
in explosive final acts
smiling salmon die
359 · May 2019
Season's First Camp
ymmiJ May 2019
wife wonderful life
nights ringed fire growing higher
campsite reflections
every flicker different
lighting my eternal flame
359 · Dec 2022
ymmiJ Dec 2022
I walk into the youth of the future
aged steps behind me
it's promise of something new
ever so enticing
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Taking Chance on a spring breakup walk
Knows the ground ever alert
For moose nibbling a too early spruce stalk
breakup is when the Alaskan earth breaks free of it's winter bonds. my first attempt at a Haiku, be nice. Chance is our dog we were his last.That's it, i can't mess with this 1st attempt at a Haiku anymore. maybe I am not a haiku guy.But they are cool to read
355 · Aug 2019
Seen and Re-Scene
ymmiJ Aug 2019
my mind's eye recalls
that time so easy to see
where I first saw you
looking back to where I gazed
your eyes glancing back at me
354 · Jul 2022
ymmiJ Jul 2022
among summer songs
whispers of slow turning tides
our next season fall
ymmiJ Jun 2022
slowly daylight turns
gains made now fade towards dark
arctic summer blues
349 · Apr 2019
Patent Pending: Soul Wipers
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Clarity wont stay
like crossing country wind shields
always collecting
mud from unpaved dirt roads,
woe! no wipers for my soul
347 · Apr 2021
ymmiJ Apr 2021
once you're off the wheel
you'll never want back on
ymmiJ Apr 2019
spring mess, thawing trash
burgers fries, some piggys dumped
still inside their bags
******, funny thing observed,
magpies adore those piggys
now, where's a goat?
345 · Oct 2019
ymmiJ Oct 2019
naked birch stripping
from sharpened brown bear clawing
alaska falling
343 · Dec 2019
Quiet Night
ymmiJ Dec 2019
this dark night's slight moon
casting empty dead shadows
even wolves go hide
343 · Oct 2021
ymmiJ Oct 2021
along vast beaches
grains of sand lay discarded
others become pearls
342 · Mar 2019
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Oh, it's not a prison
not in that sense of the word

It traps you just the same
but with a worse kind of hurt

Yes, the bars are there
harder and colder than any steel

They keep you closed in
robbing you of any appeal, hope or zeal

From earth to sky no light can come in
I told you a different kind of prison

The guards you ask?
Why of course they are on duty

Ensuring you stay strapped
watching like your some kind of *****

Always staring down
with their dark hollow faces

Make **** well and sure
you stay in their filthy places

I wonder on their masters
those curious heathenish *******

Swollen gluttonous wrong
they ensure the poison venomous and strong

Always sipping champagne  
from the people's stolen glasses

It's every man for himself
for these  soulless *****

They lock the doors and try to
seal out that blasted light!

Then feed you their poison
for their sick twisted delight

They almost won
but in a fool's haste

They forget the backdoor
The one leading to saving grace
** Hum, another one about the prsion of the mind and who loves to manipulate the weak ones the most.
341 · Oct 2023
ymmiJ Oct 2023
the permanent kind
leaves undug holes
and no earth to fill them in
339 · Aug 2022
Truth In Time
ymmiJ Aug 2022
I lost time and didn't even miss it.
I found truth and adore it.
In time you too will find truth
and it will set you free
338 · Mar 2019
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Have you heard about the lady
Who carried a beautiful vase
It had a whole at the bottom
Spilling water at her pace
The men thought it funny
And fell about the place

Now why would this lady
Carry such vase,
For surely she is crazy
And that we cannot face
She poured out what she had
Then turned to face their gaze
Head held high
She marched on by
To repeat the same tired chase
For all the shopping cart folk who just need some hope!
338 · Apr 2019
Star Gazer
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Stuck staring again
star watching, angel gazing
your eyes hypnotize
337 · Nov 2019
ymmiJ Nov 2019
bursting from darkness
loving among morning light
sunrise surprises
334 · Jan 2021
ymmiJ Jan 2021
drawing waters edge
hypnotic luminous beam
333 · Mar 2019
Easy Liver
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Man, I work so hard to get ahead
I don't even have time to make my bed
Paying bills and feeding kids
Dude, I run myself ragged keeping these digs

But that dude across the street
What's he got? Seems he got it all beat
House ain't grand and cars look iffy
But he don't seem to sweat the real nitty gritty
This is a cat I need to meet!

What's up man? Why you gotta act the boss"?
He said "Brother, the secrets in the sauce"
He said " everybody got a sauce around here"
He said " but they ain't sharing what we all hold dear"
I asked " you got me intrigued, so give me the score?"
He said something so wack, I had him say it once more!
He yelled it again "LOVE!  Jack, now shut that door'!
Feeling like I can write anyway I please. So why not? Take it or leave it, there just words
332 · Oct 2023
ymmiJ Oct 2023
clouds never frozen
white sharks of blue sky ocean
always in motion
331 · Apr 2019
Worrying About Yesterday
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Lamenting times gone
as your wasted days roll on
todays already done
331 · Mar 2019
Spirit of My Youth
ymmiJ Mar 2019
Ripped and stained white chucky tees
The pain of waves crushing under heavy seas
the  backseat of my rebuilt chevy 73
The sweaty palms of that first slow dance
The heart crushing felt broken summer romance
Cheers when coming in first place
Waving to your girl touching home base
Cool sweet tea swinging on the dock
Home cookin from great grannies crock
Tomato pie and my head in the sky
To dreamy days and lost loves past
those are the spirits of my youth that last
330 · Jun 2021
ymmiJ Jun 2021
beneath street lamp light
between sycamore and spruce
slumping silhouettes
330 · Nov 2019
ymmiJ Nov 2019
these quiet moments
lost in private reflection
our hearts race as one
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Sins aren’t inherited
Sins die with the sinners
My father was, as is I
I pray my kids
See how sad it is
That mortal men
Tie my ancestors yokes
To my neck to bare
I have no chance now
I’m just a heathan
Ask the high and mighty
The ones on the hill
The ones in their high walled
Cathedral. Branding me all
Kinds of unspeakables
But I am here to say
That’s not my yoke
I have my own but
Thanks anyway
323 · Jul 2022
ymmiJ Jul 2022
night now day
heavenly stars fade
arctic summer
320 · Jan 2021
ymmiJ Jan 2021
sweetly love gestured
natural blooming passions
symbolizing us
317 · Apr 2019
Changes Cause Pause
ymmiJ Apr 2019
no matter how small
changes cause me to take pause,
reflecting upon,
minuscule memories come
flooding right back, like magic
317 · Aug 2019
ymmiJ Aug 2019
your eyes say it all
catching glances you toss me
please don't look away
316 · Oct 2021
ymmiJ Oct 2021
laying in bed sick
watching steady raindrops fall
makes me feel better
misery loves company
316 · Apr 2019
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Battle tested suit
Old lion licks his torn face
both old warriors, are we
312 · Jan 2022
It’s Just A Cheeseburger
ymmiJ Jan 2022
lacy swiss
melted sultry sweet
on my meat
307 · Sep 2019
Sunday Funday, So Smile
ymmiJ Sep 2019
getting fit eating
breakfast, lunch, even dinner
jumping apple jacks
306 · Jan 2021
ymmiJ Jan 2021
inside eye
sees what others cant
gut instinct
304 · Aug 2022
ymmiJ Aug 2022
black blue
night day
304 · May 2022
ymmiJ May 2022
ease winter tensions
soothing spring songs serenade
warbler therapy
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