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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Allen Wilbert
Finally Happy

People Change,
back stabbing friends.
Dysfunctional family,
black sheep paradise.
Smoke my stuff,
drink my beer.
Watch my movies,
listen to my music.
Lost my mind,
three or four times.
On the right medication,
now back on the track.
Money, wish I had more,
I'm happy where I'm at.
Born in Jersey,
moved to Maryland.
then back to Jersey,
now in sunny Florida.
Met the love of my life,
it only took forty long years.
Have two kids, that I adore,
Amber and Tyler, forever more.
Happy with my current life,
gave the fame and fortune pursuit.
I'm happy to love, and happy to be loved,
**** everything else.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Allen Wilbert
Just Words

those words cheat us
those words bless us
those words worry us
those words confuse us
those words are us
those words excite us
those words envy us
all these words can describe
everyday feelings we all share.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
jay darling
your teeth are a bit crooked,
your laugh is a bit too loud,
sometimes you trip over thin air
and fall to the ground,
but darling I can assure you
that if it weren't for these quirks
I wouldn't have taken a second glance
and *fallen in love.
'Pon this grand Stage we call "Life,"
t'is up to you, and only you,
to be a Character,
or to otherwise sink
into a stagnant state,
being just another Extra.

Which will you choose?
I know I've chosen:
seize what days I have.

You can be banal,
it's easy and unrewarding;
set up for yourself
a mundane Life;
letting each day
pass evermore begrudgingly
as redundant iterations and projections
of your own uninteresting Mind,
you can defy that lull of Life,
you can deviate from the herd
you can be an exquisite piece of Art-
created by the very act of existing,
moderately uncompromisingly,
howsoever that happens to be
that you, alone, desire.

(Anyone seeking so much as to try
to stop, limit or discourage you
is unhealthy for your potential)

Will you find yourself
on the long list
of names so long forgotten,
or will you be
remembered, forevermore,
by thy peers?

Tell me, Self,
I'm curious:
which shall be thy choice:
a Path of a Character,
or that of a mere Extra?

Better still,
because talk is so cheap,
so superfluous:
show me.

Show me.

Show me who you truly are.
I want to be unable to disbelieve.

I refuse to be an Extra
in the story of my own Life.
I refuse to be an Extra
if I have any say in the matter.

Would you?
Do you?
Are you?

Well, show me:
we shall see.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
David Crum
Life is laundry,
life is dishes,
life is mowing the lawn
on a really hot day when you dont want to mow the lawn.
it's an itch where the scratch dont satisfy.
a broken reward circuit.
an endless procession of days punctuated by their ends.
mop the floor.
walk the dog.
go to work.
awash in disappointment.
i'm always misspelling that word
familiar with it yet i fumble.
just like my ******* chores.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Sub Rosa
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Sub Rosa
Your voice touched me more
than your lips ever could.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
i'm sick of being miserable
i just wanna exist for awhile.
they keep asking me about college and i'm laughing because they honest to god believe i want to be trapped in a classroom for another four years.
It’s not in a voice,
It’s not in a face,
But in the words.

The words he says,
The words he writes,
Change everything.

Changing how you view yourself,
Changing how you see the world.
The words that make you feel loved.

His words carry the oxygen to your heart,
His words keep you bound to the earth.
Words that strengthen your weaknesses.

Strengthening the love that built your heart,
Strengthening the bones that built your body.
For the day his words lack inspiration.

For the day when his voice doesn’t echo,
For the day when his face doesn’t glow.
Because he’s no longer your home.
They all tell me
To be angry
To be ******
To be mad
At you.
My friends, family and
Even my the therapist
Have tossed out the word hate
In reference to you.  
And I'm trying hard to take their advice.
But I can't seem to summon any hate for you.
And I'm trying hard,
But I'm only end up hating myself.
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