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wordvango Sep 2017
one the stories gently tell her all of him
how some soft summer
he was alone in the woods
and the sun spoke
to him

the trees laid him on the ground
how he once fell
broke an elbow
and the fairies came
out of the ashes

in a fire, he had built to
calm the winter's
cold humanities
and told him

hang on darling
be quiet
stop all those tears
I will send you

a princess
a beautiful vision
a mighty mighty
long breath
of heaven

for you to take fully
to see
one glimpse
on earth

of heaven
wordvango Sep 2017
cheap street used raw
I see how you see me naked
through my clothes

bare as a raw carrot
on the market shelf
and I guess

you get excited
something below
gives free commerce
a thought

what might be the cost
and what are the rewards
can I get a jolly rancher
for a nickel  

a ride on the rolling
thunder a minute

like you see me
you turned around
wordvango Sep 2017
ah built of the rarest things
she stands elegant
a flare a star a moonbeam
all the rarest things

here I accept her bright her smile
her heat her heart glare
her touch a soft warming

all woman
all stars
all earthy knowing
all rarer than any

I take it
I bask I glow I become more
than what I was
before she dawned crested
smiled that beginning at me

I bow I pray I thank
every god I know
praise her
she is rare
she is precious

she is now
wordvango Sep 2017
I'll just play that song again
pine away in
hope the one part of me
not dying yet

and suppose
or check the door
with every creak
every settling of this

old house
wipe the cobwebs
away from
the window

and peep at the
empty street
hope keeps me

these days
  Sep 2017 wordvango
David Lewis Paget
Have ever you noticed that liars
Cross their fingers when they lie?
They seem to think it absolves them from
A judgement, up on high,
For fingers crossed means they didn’t mean
The thing they’re telling you,
But if you’re silly, and fall for it
They make you think it’s true.

I knew a terrible liar once
His name was John Coltrane,
He always cried on my shoulder then
As if he was in pain,
He said that life was short-changing him,
That there was nothing fair,
It only took just a minor thing
To drive him to despair.

We both worked then at an auto plant
And used a giant press,
Knocking out doors and bonnets there,
And working under stress,
For time and motion had set a rate
That we could not fulfil,
And truth to tell it had seemed like hell
And was making Coltrane ill.

No matter how fast we put them through
The steel kept banking up,
Thanks to the other press’s crew
Who’d stop, and have a cup,
While we were struggling then to clear
The backlog, piled up high,
And John was constantly in my ear,
‘I think I want to die.’

I said that he didn’t mean it,
It was just a lousy job,
But he just kept on repeating it
And even began to sob,
To tell the truth, it got on my nerves,
It really began to grate,
I lost my cool, and I said the fool
Was really tempting fate.

He seemed to go a bit crazy then,
Lay backwards on the dye,
I tried to pull him away, but he
Lay staring at the sky,
The press came down with a mighty thump
And it flattened out his head,
Two hundred and fifty tons per inch
Said John Coltrane was dead.

We all of us stood around in shock
When the press released him there,
All that was left was a headless corpse
With blood and brains to spare,
His corpse let out a terrible sigh
At the judgement he had lost,
For though he said he would want to die,
He lay with his fingers crossed.

David Lewis Paget
  Aug 2017 wordvango
The new ruse: presidential psychosis
an impartial and swift diagnosis
as you trump-up the charge
but the sign is writ large:
twenty-twenty TRUMP/PENCE the prognosis.

Corrupt psychiatric inspection
serves to further a facile detection:
presidential unfitness.
(But God is our witness;
you're mad 'cause you lost the election.)

As you slander the president's sanity
you exhibit your own inhumanity.
I would urge all you losers
and lying accusers
to listen to Savage and Hannity.

In your desperate drive to impeach
you would grasp what is out of your reach.
The infernal machine
steered by crazy Maxine
makes a nasty mechanical screech.

The Democrat narrative flounders
while our nation's own hateful confounders
promote red revolution
mob-rule as solution
insulting the faith of the Founders.

Though the state-sponsored media lie,
our beleaguered republic must try
to transcend inhumanity;
quell the insanity.
(Both wings are needed to fly.)
Light-hearted limericks for happy campers in the United **** States of Amerikkka ☺
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