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199 · Nov 2015
Blood Horses
Lexie Nov 2015
I let loose
A stampede
Of blood horses
They raced down my arm
To be the first down the drain
To be the first one to run away from me
At the first sight of pain.
199 · Dec 2015
Lexie Dec 2015
Those emerald green eyes
Lying in wait for me
Behind those dark shades

Those hands folded carefully
Reaching out to me
From your heart

I can't move, I am pierced by your gaze
I long for your touch, but try to run away
199 · Dec 2021
Lexie Dec 2021
I can breathe
I can breathe
The air that's pushing out from my diaphragm
Is humid and labored
I can breathe
The blood circulating to my hands
Stops at the leather around my wrist
Animal skin is not the only contact on mine

I can breathe
I used to tie cherry stems with my tongue
Now I bite it as ropes tighten
A second ribcage around my chest
A necklace around my throat
The carcass kiss of summer dripping
Warm wax on my thighs

I can breathe
Breathe into me
Your love, devotion, possession
Fill my senses

I can breathe
199 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
I wanted to breathe with my heart, whispering...

I hope you find your happiness
I hope to God you make your healing
If love was tangible
It would be a blanket to keep you warm on the nights so cold and soulless
It would be the way home on the night of the weakest moon
It would be my hand winding through yours like a vine

A dreamer kisses a canves, because even if there is no beauty to be seen in something, it can be made
A vessel, no less, no greater than the intentions
Just as the hands who work it are folded in prayer

I wanted to breathe with my heart
Wanted to kiss with my hands
I'm learning to love though
As only a fool can
199 · Feb 2014
Well You Thought Right
Lexie Feb 2014
You idiot
You thought I love you
You stupid boy
You thought I cared
Why would I love you
There is nothing there to love

Just leave me alone
Cant you see I am trying to ignore you
Stop getting in my you
You fool
How could I care about a nobody
Why would I care about you

Oh please give me a break
Get out of my face
For goodness sake
Please just move you are in my way

Stupid child
Just use your brain
Silly boy
Just think about it for a moment

Why would I care about you
Do you really think my world could revolve around you
Well to be honest it does my dear
And I will always be here have no fear
198 · Jan 2016
Gone and Unremembered
Lexie Jan 2016
Do you know how many words
Have fluttered from my fingers
Or fallen from my lips
And dance along my throat
That I can't recall
They fall into eternity
And maybe imprint in your mind
But they do not stay in my head
Like an important moment in time
198 · Oct 2014
Shadow Cloak
Lexie Oct 2014
the way the shadow falls
says a lot about its wearer
198 · Jan 2016
You Did Not
Lexie Jan 2016
You did not love me less
You did not start to ignore
You did not look at me with pity
You did not slam the door

You did not swear at me
You did not turn away
You did not close you eyes
You did not make me stay

You held me by the hand
You looked me in the eye
You made me feel the love
And that's what made me cry

I wasn't used to this
Being treated with respect
I did not know what kind was
Now I must reflect
198 · Jan 2018
Lexie Jan 2018
To dream in color
And write upon her heart
To kiss the stars
Still so far apart

To lay with you
Amongst the shadows
Finding rest with you
Beneath the Hallows

So much sky
My eyes are lost in sight
I look only for you
In this dark night

For you my friend
Are the bright soul
With a light heart
That makes me whole
198 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
We write poems about losing
And then some about loss

We spew out all these words
And never counted the cost

We empty our hollow hearts
Into inked pages and on keys

But the soul we have begun forge
No one, in their right mind ever sees

We dance with pencils and lines to thin
But the bigger picture is unseen

So we must look and search to find
All the things that lay in between
198 · Feb 2016
I got you <3
Lexie Feb 2016
you painted on a straight line
like a blood red smile
and as short as it was
it felt like a mile

you filled in the lines
all over your skin
a reflection outside
of how it feels within

you drew all over
never missed a spot
and you never considered
that you could stop

you traced a map
all over you world
and screamed to your flesh
though you never were heard

you can still dance
with sleeves and scars
but it is harder
to reach the stars

you never thought
you could come home
in your picturesque future
you thoughts you'd be alone

you didn't see me
creeping in at the edges
of you vision
hanging on to ledges

every word you gave
every part of a smile
was part of a 'happy'
thought it took a while

and now we draw
with paper and pencil
not skin and blade
with our arms as a stencil

it's okay
you don't have to
it is always an option
but I got you
#SelfHarm #Cutting #Help #Love #Friends
197 · Mar 2023
Lexie Mar 2023
You have a way with words darling
What a way to say
I am the love of a life not worth living
197 · Jun 2018
Lexie Jun 2018
silence is not a game
and these strings
wound around my heart
you pull them in a direction
where cuts have already been made
this is foolishness
and I have no breath
for foul air
when you refuse to accept such as this
the apology of a dying star
so lay now
just as you are
and I will walk a barren road
with none to comfort me
but time and her cohorts
Why are relationships so hard?
197 · May 2018
what you bring
Lexie May 2018
you brought warmth
to the trembling of my unsteady hands
and the shake in my voice

you brought joy
to the cracks in my eyes
and the laugh in my throat

you brought light
to the shadows in my heart
and the abyss of scars in my skin

you brought hope
to the smiles hidden in the lines of my cheeks
and the treading of my feet

you brought love
to the air rushing through my lungs
and the words falling out of my mouth
please don't leave me
197 · Jul 2017
Lexie Jul 2017
It felt good
The way you kissed my neck
It would feel better
To run my car over your face

Psychopathic tendency's
Uncontrollable liars

It was sweet
The way you hugged me
It tasted better
The poison on your tongue

Acid and arrows
Cupid's fate
196 · Nov 2022
Trigger Word
Lexie Nov 2022
I cannot ask for love
But the question sits
Like a loaded gun
Behind my teeth
196 · Nov 2018
Lexie Nov 2018
I will die tonight
As I have done before
Still I must remember
To say my prayers
For tomorrow is a new day
Bathed in new light
I could not bear
To tarnish her
With the memory of my sins
196 · Aug 2016
Lexie Aug 2016
I am caught in a between a rock and a hard place
Between my insecurity and my heart
196 · Aug 2015
Brown Eyes
Lexie Aug 2015
Like Fall's best shades
Your eyes shine
If they were steps
I would climb

Cool and dark
And mixed with ice
To look in them
Is to pay a price

Brown as the leaves
With a shimmer
Deep as the earth
Tears much thinner

Gentle gazes
But yet you see my soul
Looking inside
To see what's whole

Sweet like chocolate
I dare not take a bite
I could never able to handle
The feelings at that height

For I would never wish to harm
That gentle part of your soul
I'd rather just watch
And let you stay whole

But yet I bit into your poison
A choice I chose to choose
And I shall regret nothing
For it was mine to lose

Trap me inside your eyes
I am lost in them already
Don't rock me like a boat
Keep your gaze steady
#BrownEyes #Poem #Life #Lost #Emotions
195 · Dec 2018
My Sunshine
Lexie Dec 2018
I just didn't know how to convince you that you were beautiful
So I just kept telling you
Every day
As the sun shines, so do you
195 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
This empty bottle has told me all her secrets
Still I hope for more
Like a thirst unquenchable

I tear away at myself
At everything that I have become
The lining of my lungs separates
And I pull her out of my throat,
and she slips through my teeth
As a ghost in the night
And a final breath
That had been spent to soon
She was told to wait
For the ticking of the clock to be silenced

These dreams, they cling
To the corners of my skull
Knocking together in the night
For warmth, for stamina
If each be just a drop of water
It is still enough to drown all else out

Like change in my pockets
Clutched between clammy fingers
And rings that turn my thieving fingers green
Are these memories I hold of you
I dare not let them slip through my fingers
Yet here I find myself
All spent out

These thieving fingers
Have stolen days
Stolen hearts
And left nothing in return
But two or three petals from a fading flower

Such is life
But to awaken each day
And to look for sleep at the end
Yet we paint our faces
With our bleeding, broken hearts
Oh some smiles, how red they are
Try as you might
You cannot wipe away the pain
So let it bleed
Until it has bled out
And still scars hold things together tighter than your hands ever could
195 · Feb 2019
Lexie Feb 2019
I forgot how sweet your voice is
When even in my trembling
You speak to me with kindness
Even angels, long to look into these things
And yet in our humanity
It seems these days are just for us
195 · Feb 2014
Lexie Feb 2014
Seek the sun at the end of its journey
Chase the light past the clouds

The dark is scared it will hide
Will you stay and be the one

It is finished

It is done
195 · Jun 2016
Simple Grains
Lexie Jun 2016
two little boys playing in the sand
and this is all you need to understand
how simple life can be
two children playing by the sea
194 · Mar 2016
Like the sun:
Lexie Mar 2016
I rise above
All that there was before
194 · Dec 2018
Lexie Dec 2018
A house poem
194 · Jun 2015
Lexie Jun 2015
Memory etched on a cage of pages
Though storms rise higher
And the ocean rages
And burns like wild fire

Emotions carved into chests of flesh
Open a solid oaken heart
Never let the beat rest
Eons of electricity to make it start

Souls of skies in darkened glass
Fogged beyond recognition
Like trying to drink grass
Is the way my eyes listen

Beyond today's vault
And yesterday's filing cabinet
Lies a raw un-denied fault
By a poet who dreams out of habit
193 · Sep 2015
A poet always remembers.
Lexie Sep 2015
A poet never forgets
The way it felt to feel

They may never remember
The time, date or the place

But they will know the colors
Of the falling leaves

The sound of your breath
In the fall wind

The dreams they lost upon
The desolate shore

They will always know
They could never want more

A poet will always remember
How it felt

To be in the perfect
Complete moment

They will never forget
Who was holding their heart

They will never know
What was going on around

For they saw to clearly
What was happening inside

They will never be able to lose sight
Of how your eyes turned to liquid gold

When they kissed your lips
The words that filled their head

And how every moment is a
Reflection of their love

A poet can never lose
The moments in that light

A poet will never chose a different
Melody than the beating of your heart

It will always be enough for them
To see into your soul

They may never cross an ocean
But they will survive rough waters

They may never learn to fly
But they know the clouds in the sky

They can kindle a fire from words
That have been burning in their hearts

And they will always remember
That they will never forget your heart
193 · Sep 2015
Like In a Song
Lexie Sep 2015
i have a broken heart
dont know where to start

found a place
met your face
stood in line
for a time
dont know how
cant slow down

make it up
make it fall down
love me now
take my heart to town

by my joy ride
my happy place
be the smile
on my face

like in a song
be my muse
make a beat
we will never lose
193 · Jan 2016
Farewell My Friend
Lexie Jan 2016
Today is the day
We said our goodbyes
You hugged me so hard
I almost started to cry

You will get on that plane
And fly away home
And leave me here
Like a fallen stone

I smiled at you
As best as I could
What I felt inside
Was anything but good

Like a leaf from a tree
The last one to fall
You turned your back
Without another call

You didn't want to
Ever have to part
But our time was
borrowed, from the start

It couldn't be worse
You said you never felt better
But that lie on your lips
Was worth a thousand a letter

I'll write to you
When you are away
And you will read my words
On the next day

And the day after that
You will remember
All the joy we had
In the month of December

So come walk these halls
In the corridors of my mind
Looking through the pieces
And see what you find

Memories with 'X's
Spray painted on
Pieces of poems
And parts of a song

I can picture your smile
But can't see your eyes
Without all the tears
That mask you disguise

You hide from me
All of your thoughts
Tried to be strong
At your own costs

You wanted a fight
I wouldn't give in
So you left me in tears
Neither of us to win

"I'm leaving"
Like a slap to the face
But if you could, you,
Would stay in this place

So I'll wait, for you
With a painted on smile
Because all these days
Made it an hour feel like a mile

Farewell my friend
Have a safe fly
And think of me
When you take the sky
192 · Oct 2022
Haunted House
Lexie Oct 2022
I am a house
That has been broken into
A hundred times

My windows smashed
Doors ripped from there hinges

But I am not a house
I am human

Still paying the mortgage
For a property
That others strip of its value
Any chance they can get
192 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
these little breezes tell me
in the whispers of your voice
that you come riding
I must only wait
for when the some comes up
it will not be alone
if I make it through the night
I will have you tomorrow
I lost my dignity
a long time ago
but I know no matter what
you will always lift me up
192 · Jul 2017
Lexie Jul 2017
I washed off today
and put it into a box
I opened all the doors
and broke all the locks

if I died tonight
I would die joyful
everyone of these days
has been so meaningful

have you ever loved
a group of people so much
that your heart could burst
you my friends, are such
192 · Jul 2019
Lexie Jul 2019
I almost became
The cross
On the side of the road
192 · Oct 2018
Strength in the Suffering
Lexie Oct 2018
These tears have built more towers
Than your hands ever could
192 · May 2018
Lexie May 2018
If I could articulate as well as I think
If I could speak as much as I care
I think you would truly understand me
But if you just tired to love me
I wouldn't have to work so hard to heard
191 · Nov 2019
Bad Dreams
Lexie Nov 2019
Bad dreams will come again
These are my oldest friends
Reoccurring nightmares
Ancient truths, older dares
Between floor and pillow
I'm running on wet concrete
Let me sleep
191 · Feb 2019
Lexie Feb 2019
Will you be my valentine?
The one who warms the hands of the broken hearted.
Now accepting.
191 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
You don't know what it is like to feel empty unless you have been overflowing
191 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
191 · Jun 2019
Unto Water
Lexie Jun 2019
I crave your waves
Crash over me
Drowning in your depths
This is surrender
191 · Feb 2014
Lexie Feb 2014
When silence is bearable
And when the pin drops

When pain is approachable
And when the day stops

When clouds are dry
And the fall from the sky

When eyes are blind
Only then will I die
190 · Feb 2016
My <3
Lexie Feb 2016
what if it stopped?
190 · Feb 2016
Lexie Feb 2016
I will run
190 · Feb 2016
The Water Affect
Lexie Feb 2016
I feel it again...
... like I am drowning
Lexie May 2018
The familiarity hurts more than the rest
I remember, but I do not know.
Who was she?
And what has made her whom she is now?
It wasn't what had changed within her, it was how it happened.
Sometimes just a taste is an overdose
Only a fool would ask a bird where it got it's wings
Some things are just so, but this pain
I cannot help but question it
I don't know what to look for, let alone where to find it
I don't have to sleep to dream
Does it have to mean that it is right?

*foolish me
190 · Feb 2016
Lexie Feb 2016
your so cute
I can't even take it
get over here
190 · Feb 2014
My Promise
Lexie Feb 2014
And I Promise

To love you to the ends of the earth
And I promise to save you from all the nightmares
To show you the love in my eyes
To keep you until I die
I will follow your heart
And I will be your blanket
I will protect you from danger
And I will be your savior
I will break all the curses
And I will make your wounds better
I am the key to the lock of the chains that bind you
I will hide you from the demons that seek to find you
To touch your hair
To protect your heart
To walk beside you and match your foot steps
I will be your bridge over troubled water
I will never lie

There is nothing I cant save you from except from myself
I am the only one who could hurt you
And that is why I am leaving
I will go to another world
With my white flag unfurled
Goodbye sweet love I must keep my promise
Goodbye darling you are the only one I will miss
189 · Oct 2018
Spring Day
Lexie Oct 2018
I just love to think of you
Your memory is a spring day
189 · Nov 2018
Lexie Nov 2018
I am not untouchable
For I am human
In my tangibility
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