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Battery crucibilums. Épreuve. Light staples the individual.
Remotion kernels reunion.
Alkali services and Malsenior
Kansas leases itself against nervous favor.
I see no end in a silent thicket no one sees me.
The thorns quiet.

Elevate my head and rotate my neck.
A blue twig blue with age and flame.
Blue for the message I did not receive.
A sound is etched.
Carnivals full of life, a maiden's fair breast.
Ancient tablature.
Fitting the lens.
Moving filth with tilt and focus.
An oar for each digit.
And each digit pulled from ore.
Children of a prometheal defecation.


Perceiving all I can touch.
Cut the red carpet in factories.
A continent.

Divide and substract from zero.
If incorrect, rewrite and remember.

The heads and their jowls sag together under fluffy tempered weather.

Strung together by pearls as pearls.
In pearls.

A snake coiled between reef and coral.

I imagined and then begged for more pain.

The tape repeats that I imagined and begged for more pain.

But in the end did I imagine or did I beg more pain?

Petals fall.
The machine comfortable with its operator.

A hiss in the belly.
As in olden days the yellow humor is drained.
Is this self harm, is so be ye machine or man.

A woman knows no pain. Reject from census. Illustrate.
A butterfly found in a volcano.

Neigh for dark clouds all colts and mares whisper.

Just a cloud. As any other thing.

An argument stitched into this plane.

The past becomes a wound, weeping and gurgling.

Features of the brain. Festered.

The ears not quite level.

A fever.
A flick of the wrist.

The pinky nail holding a *****'s protection.

Catastrophe spelling itself as ***.

A petal falls there at night.
In the place where delegates made children weep.

Petals where tears learned to fall quiet and then silent.
I suffocate my brain with gin.
I'm seashores and tin.
I bend.

Proximity alert.
The priest becomes megaphone. Spilling my guts when the circuit breaks.

Privacy. Harmony.

Quickly decode the differences.

Hollow bones.

Betsow a vision.
I ask to receive.
I feel the answers.
Too light to break this Earth's atmosphere.
Too late.
Behold,my vision.

The infant sleep of Mother Earth.
A great extinction.
A man is born with grey in his heart.
His thoughts unformed.

A ridge of her leaking core.
A beach with sterilizing water.
Meeting and leaving.
A pool of molten glass.
A lake of cold translucent glass.

A rock to fracture the truth.
A crack forms.
A club is pulled from there.

Echo. Echo. Echo.
Tragedy (rewrite this robert)
A subwoofer and an altar.
Decorations and a substance to make it so holy.
Thou preacheth and thou washeth away.

The ball drops and I become a man, I survive cancer.

I begin to wear dresses.
Examining myself in the magic mirror.
Wondering what it is that makes the mythos.
The mythos involving difficulty and strife when speaking of womanhood.

Staring at the ceiling brings a thought. Wipe the mote from my eye. A pale horse approaches. A scab remains unhealed. A bruise is formed. A question.


I'm asked how it went.

And I wonder what it was I chose to share.

What was it I chose to separate my memory from?

I refrain.

A drink in my left hand and a drink in my right hand.

The door buckles. Machiavelli. Police. Jilted exes.

I am afraid for one half second.
I forget for one half second that I am calm and tranquil water.
I forget for a second that a beast rests at the base of my skull.

I remember to be grateful.

I look down at my pens and smile.

I look up and sever the necks which once felt so proud and so soft.

Tearing limbs from sockets I find peace.
I find love.
I find undstanding.

And I can't stress enough this cadence.

One half of a whole.

Roll over and take pictures of me.

Roll over and feel a fork in my neck.

Oh so this is morning.

I'll eat you raw.

I love you too.

Basking within the sticks and stones.


After the saline.
Now how does that sound?

I want you to follow.

Watch the moth's escape.
A twist of a doorknob.

But we watch.

I grit my teeth. Explain to you these are burns and wound marks.

One or the other and I discover.

Explain to you it needn't be thy way

Ate quickly and explained quicker.

Setting things on the ground is a tricky dive.

One sees the water. And the water sees it again.

So break it. And destroy your poise.

Waiting waiting and laying under the stars with two eyes.

My one and my other.

See now?

See I've grown.

Sleeping in safes. Becoming responsible to avoid the count of clicks and the flicks of wrists.

Speaking of...

Speaking out loud.

Speaking alone I guess.

I'll watch my cigarette disappear and hope a clone is born.

Now. Now now now.

Everyone's dead.

He said he watched the stars watch over you.

Stammering but now pointing.

Stars fall. And even that became an example of me doing wrong.

Is this silence?

Don't hold your breath baby. Use it because there is that chemical I'm lacking from you.

Is this silence?

No it is me just being alone.

We don't do this or that and when we do, it becomes that it wasn't this or that.
Tragedy Written on my birthday this year. Oct 20th for those who don't know.
There is the smile I carried alone for so long.

But yours is the smile I coerced from the steps.

Leather green *** slave

And on soother days I perform future's work.

God's deeds.

Breathing heavy
hoping yet
we are
breathing light
in dreams

A lullaby of sorts

That might make things a bit clear and if it doesn't

Well then that this is okay

Face staying warm and risk growing from my ribs

I wonder how colors taste to the heroes I've burned


Heroes and idols.

Stand in my little monster
Is this the sequence of regret and tragedy

Or is it now as someone said once

Sobering I call it these days

What is it?

The feeling of not composing the self
only involving your belch in the chorus

On the bus line I grew.


And I cry
Long ago required my mind to separate tears from my eyes

A dry hobble and a glance over my shoulder
My hair perfect
My lines hidden a verse 1 space over

That's perfect I say

Reciting the image line of bloated pug carcasses and skin I've made in case of nights like tonight

End quote
I want out I want out with a bang

My blood grew
Flooded the hallway and now my thoughts of suicide dissolve

Father is it me now?
Am I that sound the crunch of glass meeting wood on elegant wood flooring?

Or father...

Am I the cherry asked for but left undigested

Alone in a trashcan
And then again alone in a dumpster
And simply waiting for a kitten to find me
And fill it's own belly
And finding in the morning
I've Teman not touched
Cowering under sunshine
Discovering a cowl and cane

I discovered locomotion
My reach far exceeding its grasp

Living with this world but very unsure if I belong to this blur

Do I belong to this blur?
Am I alone in this void?
Will I die *****?

Watch a piece of myself die.
Blue is now the future. I wait.

It is the one who held a key and
fell to Earth.

A fool. A coward and now a

What horror must I fund for your
world to collect me?

I'm unsure when security made
its way into my pants.

Lesions and twenty two packets
of salt.

A man and his automatic

A subscription to Penthouse.

But the most wonderful time is
my own.

Proof that hard work and tireless
effort yields errors.

Quoting your favorite movies and
collecting different tastes in

A fetus and a geisha collecting
dust in a temple.

What pulls the thread from the
wheel must remain untouched.

It is like a season of poor

But what must go stays unsaid.


A group of people, forgiven now.
A couple, elderly but with child.
A man behind the street unseen but from one degree. Another man alone and staying inside. And what could that be inside a person's garage.
Moving on
In quietly asked hush3s a
nd the performance begin s

The couple hiding and asking others about things with state men's attache ed
Pull me in a huneed pulls and I then discover amateur
Ambidextrous men some women
You saw the water when realizing

to chase gone

The bluest rounds of something moving again. And then something else moved alone
And then I believe it to be something

A stranger thing to be sure and then later on a newer a tore opens.

Maybe on this do range thing a few digerremy things Wil happen

D then a new
Maybe the is a friend in there
Maybe there is a f fiend out yhwrr.
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