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Shivering paint cowered and dry

Peeling the witnesses back and taking the dry fruit from inside

So what was is now a blistered and simpler time

Humming a tune to understand and believe a strange omen exists out there

In the blue darkness and in the reddish orange shadows a stranger washes his lovers' hands

What could be, I wonder and what will be

So a blue tricycle sits alone
An infant's coffin collecting grass

The soul bubbles and graves are pushed outward

A blossom most appropriate for the New Year

And tonight they stayed, spoke of their dreams and crushes

One speaks of a vacuum

One far away dissolving stars and thinning water filled moons

The future is a pile of sand
Sad and uncollected

The water becomes oil and eyes close and leave the head to sleep

Hurricane Mathew

I ask a third or fourth time,

When is it supposed to hit?

I ask

one second time later

But it's the

New day

Not a one

And not a


blue day

A simple tiny little


My mind from memories

Thinking then

Then the thought

making steps
a bit more pleasant

Healing the try and burning the gauze

For a brighter

(And th3n)

purified future

The outcome father,

Has me quoting melodies
Closing my eyes

So that now I am seeing

My childhood's house burn

I chew the candy now


... moving lobes


the boys scratching your newly
(Insert ****** possibly insectuous) painted siding

And that wasn't remembering

That was
   (Or is it now)

Over and over
And it's over

Oh so oh oh

I mix my mediums

You've made a mistake

I mixed my mediums

Betrayed by blood magic

A sequence of sounds

The pen

A barn

And my
((And mine alone))



I wondered once
And surfed

I lied once
And shivered

I woke up
And spoke once

A pool of blood
((Nurses telling you))

It's a lot of blood

And the drummers shake

My death

My . .

I wish to say
My pen leaks

Wish and pray because of Saturday

So today I stay

   A madman




Breathe wind breathe .



Win but breathe.

The shorter term breeze

And you'd say (I hope)

There he goes again.

Argh she blows.


And I continue this

A death without

A death  tasting oh but so foul

Picture me as I stay asleep

A microphone's pop


And the sweetest feeling of kissing me

Not knowing

I cramp too soon

And I hide
bug poison
In my thinning hair

But what is that?

Virulity is

And power....

And all of this....

It is abracadabra

It is alakazam.

Life is a few minced words..
and i crawl with these degrees
and i dress real casual

and i break your pretty jaw

and in a cell i nurse my heavy wounds

on my chiseled shoulder

and i sit

wonder how

you got away with


wonder how im alive

because love

kills all
alyssa baby....l....
an we watch light become our thiughts
our thighs

our times

her thighs
and movement

a movement and

i dont know

but i know tonight

i hsve

been laid

with urgency

without me

mos importantly

you were not the he

the stitch in her


but i shall

but i couyld

tell you who thinks of me at night
but no

not tonight

i feel mydelf coliiding in the  orning

with the things i gave myself to

laswt night

a bill

a fold

a fold in my innocence
sweet destiny
with nubile stitchings now made stronger
with substance
new ink is distance we've missed

your needle's eye
and your pins so much sharper

o'er pavement and briars
all surfaces, now taxed lighter

my hours with silence
my eyes pursue
and praise
the calmer echoes in darkness

yes, keep me
of age
at dewy midnight
i sing
that you may not wander

the shot best taken here,
light fills

where I stand this clearing
but there
& there
my eyes witness three hens

come here, come here,
hurry now
you his

there is time not for us to waste

I obey and bring myself
in a cautious, efficient
most effective pace

looking back to a moment,
we sit for hours watching while
our prey circles around us

there are pots nesting there like flies

but inside dampness raises our thoughts

the ones I hide

the ones you love

puling off my tongue


with a new border and the words

traced over

original art

sold below markets
and places you misplaced that misplace your value
a tiny whisper here
and a smaller sort of incantation there

but here

here is to
warm nights and the cold days
that pursue

and with a monster there
the storm brewed and you've not prepared your stomach

so call and call
raise hell as I
drown myself
wrinkles of the plastic
over the mattress, the mountains
their faces blue
and their
something arousing.

is your head between your heart?
now along the letters
burrow emotions.

i am hearing feedback from the thresher,

the alleys,
for all creed
or age

the one becoming the other.

they together do not wonder
if the lips

if the lips what?
Decided to be exceptionally obtuse on this one. And for those who may care enough to read my poems, I do my best to be obtuse. So have fun, from me to to you.
Oh and,
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