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Daisy Jul 2015
your hair 

after you cut it

your crooked teeth




of scratching


reluctance to bite,

that you're a coward


closed; that 



my cigarettes,

your inability to text 


introduce me to yourfriends,

that you always wore the sameclothes 

and looked odd
in suits

didn't believe inGodorlove
 that I was smart,

you broke

my ******* 
This is an exercise to try not to miss you. I wrote this in red and drew pictures to go with it. I bet that says something.

P.s. I actually kind of liked your crooked teeth.
Ester Guinto Mar 2014
who is the person?
that tells you what you want to hear?
the one with no reason
to even get near?
that one that you "hate"
with all your might
but yet you would date
and you think "yea this feels right'
that is the person from your dreams
the one you fell in love with
that person is like your drug
that you have to live with
but yet,
there are those days
that you cant stand that person
as much as you might like them
tou hate them
you dont try to hate them
but you do ..
they provoke you
and they push you
until you do the impossible
every other day,
you swear them off
and you tell everyone else
"oh i really dont care,
who he/she dates,
im happy by myself..
better to be by myself
instead of being
with the wrong person"
but yet, secretly,
you still love them
you dont try
it just happens..
you dont see them
and you tell yourfriends
"Oh im really over he/she,
i dont know
what i was thinkin ..
its just that i tripped
and feel on a puddle of feelings
but im up now,
and iam oso dry.."
then you walk past them
and they see you
they smile at you
they look are you
they stare at you
and you are drowning
in yo own feelings again ...
stranded in hell with material wealth
try 1 more time brefore i shoot myself
i will never open my mouth again
take back your life and all of yourfriends

— The End —