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રોજી રજક ફિરોઝી ફત્તેહ બક્ષી, કોમ ની હર મુશ્કિલ કરજો આસાન

ફરી એક વખત, વધે કોમ ની ખોવાતી  કીર્તિ ને શાન.

કરજો આં મારી દિલ ઓ જાન થી માંગેલી મુરાદ સ્વીકાર

રેહશેે કોમ ઉપર, અને મારા ઉપર, તમારો મોટો ઉપકાર.

માનું છુ તમારો ઘણો ઘણો આભાર.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Invoke you I do, O Yazad divine, to this community bless

Fertility grant unto our ladies n men, reduce their worries n stress

Prosperity n peace unto  this community, once again grant, of You, I beg

Our fertility, prosperity, status, is on the decline; please upto the brim fill our keg.

O Yaad, our wisdom , honesty and integrity please increase

With your waters holy increase flora, fauna, waters sweet n trees.

Your divine blessings we sincerely seek, through our Manthr vaani divine

Help us to once again wisely shine out n prosper O revered Yazad of mine.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O Avan Ardvisur Banu, bless this World with your choicest blessings.

May the world, always in your praise, monajats sing.

Your kindness n blessings the world, desperately needs.

On your holy, clean n clear waters, all of us feed.

With your bountiful blessings, bless the Parsis with fertility.

And to love their religion, grant them the serenity n mentality.

May increase n prosper this clan once again.

May the Parsis strengthen their foothold, once again.

Aedoon baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Darwin n Armin enjoying are their birthday;
Though one is getting old n other handsome, day by day.
Plant kingdom rules Ameshaspand Amardad.
He also helps the Earth to become shaad n aabaad.
Teshtar Tir Yazad, brings us rain.
Mankind, prosperity through crops,fruits does gain.
Both Ameshaspand n Yazad bless us, please do.
Dadar Ahura n Zarathushtra, You too, please do.

Armin Masi

I sincerely pray to Thee, O Ardvishur Banu, divine,

Accept please, these heartfelt prayers of mine.

Need we many babies;  with them,  bless our creed;

Healthy,  emotionally,  mentally  n physically indeed .

Save please do,  this race, before perish we.

Also, to the welfare of this entire planet,  please see.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Pray I,  close my INNINGS gracefully,  when it's time.

When the end actually arrives,  let peace be prime.

Let my loved ones be near by when your Angels come  to pick me

Let the holy " kalam of  ASHEM" ring in my ears, wherever I may be.  

Always keep me close by, within Your holy sight

Hold my hand n me lead to a direction that is morally right.

The  body turn will  cold; first feet, hands n face, then my nose.

May my eyes weak, see you before they forever close.

In peace, in bliss, may the ravaan rise; as from the  body to separate it tries.

Liberated will the " Ravaan" be, as under the wings of  Sarosh Yazad it flies.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Yazad Tafti Feb 2020
the dichotomous tree which branches
out; line by line a descending waterfall of ancestry
C'est une histoire excavated from the roots of its emergence
trickle by trickle
sibling by sibling
heritage by inheritance
i look upon to see the branches which all led to
this great fortune
Yazad Tafti
here i stand
waiting for my spring to further blossom
the branches which beg for my approval
a new valence awaiting further bonding
baileys truffles did it
chemistry lingo
Masa dear,

Your ever smiling, loving face I will always cherish.

Assisting you during family ills, to them nourish

In  your cute ways your patients, you did admonish.

And I enjoyed playing your secretary.

Calling Soli Dad " mari chalti halti sugar factory";

And Khutu Mama, the Doc of your car.

I shall always remember Masi n you as bright stars.

Sarosh Yazad panahbaad

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O Ahura, wish I to do things so many;
All good n useful, nothing evil or uncanny.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Greenery I wish to urgently increase,
Plant I wish to, many many trees.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Sweet water rare is, precious very too;
To save water, to harness it, is all I want to do.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Our religion threatened is from inside, outside, people are losing reverence;
Wish I, request I, Your divine intervention n interference.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

People, commercial very have become today;
With love, care n understanding, I wish they stay.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

My feelings n thoughts, love I to put on paper;
Lord kind, if You hold my hand, it'll be a lot safer.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Love, friendship, relationship bonds, are strong;
Value them dearly I do; with mine, may nothing ever go wrong.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Music is really divine; sweetly, I wish to sing.
O Din Yazad, music in my life, please bring.
Help me please, in my endeavour.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Chaos these days, music they call.
Oh our standard, how so low could it fall !
Music, said is soothing to one's soul;
But today, to lower it's standard, has become our goal.
The same soothing  flow, which brings a glow;
Has unfortunately almost always, now become a woe.
O Maa Sharda Saraswati, help bring a change for the better.
Answer please my prayers, O Deen Yazad, through this letter.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O flowing waters of Avan Ardvisur Bano, upon Spenta Armaity, from this scorching heat, respite some we seek

Burning is Spenta Arnaity, a sprinkle, a shower for us, is a request meek.

Maa, pity have on farmers, labourers who with feet bare work, n for the animals n birds with dry beaks

Help us, cool our burning Earth, our Spenta Armaity, as Khorshed Yazad is at His peak

Armin Dutia Motashaw
O Meher Yazad divine, may Your light spread far and wide
May it enlighten us, to see Nature's positive side.
So that, by Ahura's rules and  regulations, we abide.

Show us the path of Ashoi and help us follow it; grant us the vision.
Forgotten we have the principles and practice of religion;
Light our way and grant us the much required passion.

Open our eyes please ; n Ring into our ears the warning -bell
Help us to revive the principles ; and our tenets practice well.
Help us please, to increase and in numbers, swell.

Aedoon baad

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Labour of my love, a precious pearl is every poem that I write,

Ahura, Din Yazad, Ma Sharda Saraswati, Baba guides n shows me this light.

Some poems happy may be, some sad, some pensive, some actually light

Eternal love, eternally famous lovers, or on a romantic moonlight

On environment, Nature, on topics social or  on women's plight

Also on soldiers, Armed forces, martyers n leaders of might

Parents, grandparents, relatives, friends who make my life happy n bright

Imagination wild that takes me on a lengthy , uninterrupted flight

Help me O Ahura to keep writing; may every reader enjoy n think right

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O Teshter Tir Yazad, pl help this drying Earth

With your rain, please bring in  waters of mirth.

Sweet water vanishing is slowly from here

Vegetables,  pulses  n grains have become dear

May our Earth bountiful n rich become again

May man,  with your blessings,  wisdom gain.

May  She turn fertile  and emerald green,

May we humans keep Her  clean and serene.

Aedoon Baad

Armin Dutia Motashaw

To my ever dearest darling  Gran,

As the first ray of Khorshed Yazad strikes down upon our Earth;

May it bless and fill your entire life with lots n lots of mirth.

You have  been my darling, ever since  Shez gave you birth.

May  you  become another  MSD, just like  your super star

In fact,  I wish you become better than him, not just at par.

Alongside may you become a legend like your  great grandfather, Keki, an attorney at bar.

Remember darling,  you have responsibilities towards the  community

Please try to bring back its glory, (sadly which is fading) n our unity.

Like your great grandma, Jer, a pucca Bawa become  n Parsipanu practise.

My blessings and love are always with you. May Ahura bless you with His choicest blessings.
Aedoon Baad

Dae, Ma, Mummy , Daddy n Zoishbanu.
To my ever dearest darling  Gran,

As the first ray of Khorshed Yazad strikes down upon our Earth;

May it bless and fill your entire life with lots n lots of mirth.

You have  been my darling, ever since  Shez gave you birth.

May  you  become another  MSD, just like  your super star

In fact,  I wish you become better than him, not just at par.

Alongside may you become a legend like your  great grandfather, Keki, an attorney at bar.

Remember darling,  you have responsibilities towards the  community

Please try to bring back its glory, (sadly which is fading) n our unity.

Like your great grandma, Jer, a pucca Bawa become  n Parsipanu practise.

My blessings and love are always with you. May Ahura bless you with His choicest blessings.
Aedoon Baad

Dae, Ma, Mummy , Daddy n Zoishbanu.

— The End —