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bleh Sep 2014
I'm getting tired of writing
things on a piece of paper
and having them thrown away
to places i know very little about

Love and lust
you and me
different sides
of the same coins
if she loves you like a poet
and f's you like a h
never let her go
and just so you know
i can be both

oh boy, your ***** could act like gasoline
soak me in it
and let your kiss start a fire
And ignite my skin
wherever you touch

Get some movement down there
won't ya?
in and out
slow and fast
smoother and rougher
just satiate the thirst you yourself
have created
'cause you're the only one who can

So, won't you be my artist?
and paint on my surfaces slowly
Wuld you liker it better
if i took control
and doodled on your body
wuth my tongue as a paintbrush
With your raw material
and my lovely strokes
you could be a mster-piece you already are
I'll always carry you with me
haVE a copy-right
or why not brand you
with my name upon your chest
My touch,
your nakedness
My palm
Your hard drive
My lips
your lips
My smile
your ouch
My hand
Your skinwarm and wet
My legs
your thighs
Me driving
Your vehicle
We can take turns
you could
mold me
squeeze me
caress me
feed on me
devour me
savor me
every inch of me
Electrify me
Tear through
all my layers
kiss my lips
both of them
jeffrey robin Jul 2010
the hour
(standing openly)

the writing of all wrongs
(making things

reminding us again
that "growth"
.............................."natural change")

we need no KINg
..................................(or PRiest)

only KINship
..............wuth those KINd

every KID in KINdergarten

master of

of which he's
to speak

humanity does "FALL"
across all

the whole world!

is the reflection



and that ONE FACE

is both yours and mind

The Joker May 2010
I wonder as you left the bar that  was it a night of  significance?
Has the  ***** made you blind to that which lurks in shadows ?
Have the lies led you to belive in something  that is not real?

I wonder befor that pipe made contact what went through that untalented mind?
Such a silly  fool  the sound still plays in my ears like a beautiful
piece of music as you collapsed in the street.

The thud as I drove my  boots deep into your ribs.
I wonder  what thoughts escaped  that now cracked skull.
Make me laugh now funny man!

The past has a funny way of creeping up on us.
No soil.  
No grave.  
I left you broken like a bottle to be
swept into the gutter  wuth the rest of the
trash were were you belong.

RIP  Gonzo
Let the games begin.
I can only ask the world of this one small favor if ever an hour shall fit and the words could be beacons of light and please just remind me to stay awoke with gentle wind at my back bringing grace into view as it recedes back amonst the ocean and the pillars of prayer that chatter those by the wailing wall and embraces those that tap upon the rattling door that keeps all the children in the haze of a pasture in the heat of the life it enables just as the psalm is his wisdoms delighte as the air blows through martrix bound code cadets out to circumvent a cataclysmic drive to mate and just move to another and then again in the canal of sight and sound and a collective failsafe that will abort a life like an absence that has been inflated around a parade float as the gathered selection of these types that think a giagantic caricature could ever be the answer we sought when the major and minor dont differ the playpen of such men and the zen of another culture without this beautif notion. Zen be my trigger anddplay in the realm of the game caught dead to its life inmy aim so i fire but miss by a mile in its eyes was the wild soulfire of the warwielding and battle crys deep in the sounds of the ones before whom never shot with this gun mans way to dwindle without any extra provocation needed as the sun can burn til its over and the sky will die oh sitting at the peak of a trip ive found in me somewhere just startled and sad to be him always knew this was unrelated but relevant reaching fingers darling to the baby of the fam a few people together bond with the twisting genetic tumble lay down with my chest to the sky of my own self saturated in the conversation last upon my drifty lips just slap at the man at the gate called the end in the ending of all and the affect makinf reflections by the bay of days wuth the haunting of its machine by the ghost of poor working soul
My friends say my parents have said then i forgot by the lake of recall made to the mists in its mouth in the water in the wet wisdom dreaming of man when list in the blanket of night.
Oh ******* words and ******* too if you think ive an answer for you just the sound of me laughing to pieces nothing will last but nothing claims so spread your arms open wide as rays pull you back from the brink and all can be whole if only for tonight swept tight in the skin of the crawl made to wander in search of another to seed as its life pours itself back out into another manic molecular arrangement is made up in script of those if its sun artic laughter so iced mended and cold rendered to cut to the deep of the mind absurd ol me and the powers that be wrapped so tight in the arm of celest the name of earth as of early where its charge made planets to swirl axioms everywhere you look and in every book and inside the dna of all these men... Lost as ever
**** the daylight and ******* howl at the moon and be that golden light that can make a symbolic stand never delivered from surrender that was left as his testament shook to the place you can go where you can hold as it blows the beginning back to its own conception and reduced back to the file used to make space time a funny little thingie in the gears of a train never ending stopping only in the valley of the stars in the chasm uninfered by the redundancies of intention
Doongi96 Feb 2014
Deep wallowing sorrow shower upon me
It engulfs me with dejection as it slid from my body onto the ground
it listens while I scream my pain away.
I wonder if I will continue to live this way?
Walking through live aimlessly day by day.
Looking at life listlessly because I don't want to stay.
I gaze at the beauty of the gray sky
It comforts me with its beatific tears
As it falls within my eyes
And I cry ****** diamonds
Because I can no longer carry theses blocks of emotions that I incessantly stack.
Which is the reason why I often collaspe
And this heartack shatters my soul
As for picking up the piceces I've given up on that a long time ago.
I feel as if I'm wasting my time
Especially since my life isn't worth  a dime
So I past the time by sleeping my life away
I mean what's the point of being awake when your existence doesn't mean anything to anyone anyway.
So I'd rather sleep my life away
No one wants me here
And I don't want to stay.
I often wonder what it must feel like to get run over by a train
The way it moves so swiftly is sure to drown one in excruciating pain.
Each passing day I swear I grow more insane
Why do I carry such terrible thoughts?
They ring so loudly in my ears
That I'm afraid they might leak
And everyone shall hear.
I do not care to love anymore
I've tasted it before
And I shuddered at the bitter aftertaste of misery
How could anyone enjoy this 'love' when pessimism is its company?
I'd rather recline in this reticient chair
And pluck life away tiny hair by tiny hair
I would gaze at the twilight
And recite a song for those whom, like me are unfortunate.
As for 'love' I desire no more
A spoonful of this substance had left my tongue with a scar.
The dark clouds have rained its smiles upon me
They tried to soak me with euphoria
But I evaded them wuth my umbrella of rejection
I think I avoid the feeling of happiness because I abhor the feeling of being forsaken
Because nearly every loved one I've treasured as most important have been taken.
But its more like I've lost them.
Til' my final resting day
I think I shall continue walking down my road with a stronger heart
For if I don't I will continue to live an abysmal life.
Wide eyed May 2017
Hey how's it goin
I miss you so much
My best friend
Every part of my being exploding with sound
In a silent room I keep it all in
Upheavles of my chest
Filling wuth air so I may scream more silently  
Tonight I let myself miss you
My platonic life partner
Her other monther
My best friend.
tonigt I miss you
I will always love you.
while i was in the woods i saw little mouse
coming from a hole it must have been his house
he was very pretty and he looked at me
then he run away and hid behind a tree

i put down some cheese so he could have a snack
the little mouse he saw it. decided to come back
he nibbled at the cheese then had  a little bite
he looked awful hungry the poor little mite

when the mouse had finished wuth his little snack
he just went away again down the forest track

— The End —