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Suzy Pankhurst Sep 2012
Pleasantries exchanged subtly at the breakfast table,
while outside
men in wifebeaters and yellow construction hats
empty the contents of the apartment above out a window.
The delicious sound of our laughter
is drowned out by the bang-smash
of hammer upon wall.
She's a supermodel without the penthouse
It's a million dollar mistake if you're not careful
The overall outlook seems baleful
It can still be amended
This is a tiring game of pretended
I'm just hoping I've contended
We're in a time where people say whole lots of words but never meant them
Poetry plays a hand in it's crazies, cheaters and wifebeaters
Why are you trying to be her?
She has nothing on you and that's a fact
I care for how we interact
If you're not seeing someone let's have a discussion
You've dealt with and dished out the repercussions
I'm hoping to be the one the curve the stock arrow
Your life, your wishes, your fears, your passion
Each and every inch of your bone marrow
Don't worry about your one room apartment
The neighbors will have to understand
I care about you and your potential
Giving you something you always deserved
If not me, somebody better
They're out there somewhere.
Form a petition
To stop calling sleeveless shirts wifebeaters.

— The End —