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jeffrey robin Jul 2010
i walkin down da street
a man jump out da alleyway
stab dat der man inna chest wit a ice pick!

dat man den run away!
dat der man....fall down!

da crowd come der
"why dat man lyin down so?" dey ask

(no-one unnerstans!)

den dat man come back!
says...."it's cause a da ice pick in his chest
he lie dere!"

an he reached down an yank
dat ice pick outa da man's chest!

"hurray, hurray!"
da crowd cheer

but dat der man he no get up!!!

"ungrateful *******!!!!!!!!"

so da crowd start kickin
dat der man!

whille dat other man walk away
to the cheers a da crowd!

now what i think is dis

dat it weren't JES da ice pick why he lie  dere!!!!

i think da ice pick DONE somethin to dat dere man!!!

kaylan joseph Sep 2013
Trapped in your thoughts
And your brain jumbles when she near
After some time its just you and her
the sunset clashing with the stars
with the spark in the skies you both will lock eyes
and the dangerous game has begun
after a few months the bonds broke
you over think every situation
the trust is gone and your mind will cave in
now she’s gone with your mind re-wired
you try to drink away the pain but it adds to the fire
in-between your hands you feel the spaces
and you can’t get her back you will be replaced then
sitting in the bath tub with a bottle of ***
the stage of loneliness hits whille you stare and the celling
numb from the pain and losing all feelings
so just stare the sky and let your mind clear
Jose Amezcua Nov 2014
Have the shatering cries awoken you
Have the conscientious thoughts split you in two
Or will you shrug and let it pass
Mumbling silent "I'm glad it aint my ***"

Contradicting morales give us hope
Dangling in view like a transparent rope
Instead of taking action we hessitate, stall
All the whille letting the person below fall

I however, will not run from the fight
Face down the darkness even in the shadow o f the night
I will be there to say "Hey miss,
Why are you crying
Is it cuz of all the people dying
Don't worry it won't be long
One day they will hear our sad song
They will realize what went wrong
For humanity will see us through
This I promise you"
what can i say, except happy.

mine started after the solstice really,

it seemed to make more sense, yet

i will go along with the rest today, say happy.

we should say happy everyday.

i think it is a thread that runs level,

while the bad and joyous stuff, is

another, you know like those

graphs we did at school.

anyway, enough of the philosophy,

whille wind blows clear


happy new year.

She said"am I dying?"
As lots of blood departed
So much blood Moses would
Mistakenly try to part it

And since her screams started
In fear and confusion
I've been panicked its satanic
The imagery it's producing

And all she kept asking me
Why this is happening to her
And the pain made her cranky
And I just wasn't sure

What to say or what to do
"I'm only looking after u
Whille ur parents are gone
I'm just as ****** scared as u"

Then she asked for me to look
At it and see just how bad
It is and even though I said no
She persisted and then her dad

And mom came home to
See me and their daughter
****** and frantic, and that's
When her father

Asked me to stop examing
His daughter so well
As her pants were off and in
The panic I could hardly tell

Even though she's clearly
Bottomless but was distracted by fear
Since that day I can no longer
Watch horror films and it's been years

And when I run into her she acts
Like it was no big deal
But her screams and squeals
Still makes my stomach feel

So Uneasy that I get queezy
When my steaks medium rare
Knowing the meats been marinating
In its own blood and I swear

I literally have flashbacks
Start to sweat, I even gag
I hope I'm never around again the
a 12yr old comes on her first rag

— The End —